program fmain !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! PURPOSE: ! o given a SCRIP map matrix data file, create datm/dlnd/docn/dice domain data files ! ! NOTES: ! o all output data is base on the "_a" grid, the "_b" grid is ignored ! o to compile on an NCAR's SGI, tempest (Dec 2004): ! unix> f90 -64 -mips4 -r8 -i4 -lfpe -I/usr/local/include Make_domain.F90 \ ! -L/usr/local/lib64/r4i4 -lnetcdf !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none include '' integer,parameter :: R8 = selected_real_kind(12) ! 8 byte real integer,parameter :: R4 = selected_real_kind( 6) ! 4 byte real integer,parameter :: RN = kind(1.0) ! native real integer,parameter :: I8 = selected_int_kind (13) ! 8 byte integer integer,parameter :: I4 = selected_int_kind ( 6) ! 4 byte integer integer,parameter :: IN = kind(1) ! native integer integer,parameter :: CS = 80 ! short char integer,parameter :: CL = 256 ! long char integer,parameter :: CX = 512 ! extra-long char integer :: n ! index integer :: set_fv_pole_yc ! fix pole ycs on this grid [0,1,2] integer :: nargs ! number of arguments integer, external :: iargc ! number of arguments function character(LEN=512) :: arg ! input argument character(LEN=512) :: cmdline ! input command line character(LEN=512) :: fmap ! file name ( input nc file) character(LEN=512) :: fn1_out ! temporary character(LEN=512) :: fn2_out ! temporary character(LEN=512) :: fn1_out_ocn ! file name (output nc file) for grid _a character(LEN=512) :: fn2_out_lnd ! file name (output nc file) for grid _b (lnd fraction) character(LEN=512) :: fn2_out_ocn ! file name (output nc file) for grid _b (ocn fraction) character(LEN=512) :: usercomment ! user comment character(LEN= 8) :: cdate ! wall clock date character(LEN=10) :: ctime ! wall clock time !---------------------------------------------------- set_fv_pole_yc = 0 fmap = 'null' fn1_out = 'null' fn2_out = 'null' usercomment = 'null' nargs = iargc() if (nargs == 0) then write(6,*)'invoke gen_domain -h for usage' stop end if cmdline = 'gen_domain ' n = 1 do while (n <= nargs) arg = ' ' call getarg (n, arg) n = n + 1 select case (arg) case ('-m') ! input mapping file call getarg (n, arg) n = n + 1 fmap = trim(arg) cmdline = trim(cmdline) // ' -m ' // trim(arg) case ('-o') ! output ocean grid name call getarg (n, arg) n = n + 1 fn1_out = trim(arg) cmdline = trim(cmdline) // ' -o ' // trim(arg) case ('-l') ! output land grid name call getarg (n, arg) n = n + 1 fn2_out = trim(arg) cmdline = trim(cmdline) // ' -l ' // trim(arg) case ('-p') ! set pole on this grid [0,1,2] call getarg (n, arg) n = n + 1 set_fv_pole_yc = ichar(trim(arg)) write(6,*)'set_fv_pole_yc is ',set_fv_pole_yc case ('-c') ! user comment call getarg (n, arg) n = n + 1 usercomment = trim(arg) case ('-h') call usage_exit (' ') case default write (6,*) 'Argument ', arg,' is not known' call usage_exit (' ') end select end do if (fmap == 'null' .or. fn1_out == 'null' .or. fn2_out== 'null') then call usage_exit ('Must specify all the following arguments') end if call date_and_time(cdate,ctime) fn1_out_ocn = 'domain.ocn.' // trim(fn1_out) // '.' // cdate(3:8) // '.nc' fn2_out_lnd = 'domain.lnd.' // trim(fn2_out) // '_' // trim(fn1_out) // '.' // cdate(3:8) // '.nc' fn2_out_ocn = 'domain.ocn.' // trim(fn2_out) // '_' // trim(fn1_out) // '.' // cdate(3:8) // '.nc' call gen_domain (fmap, fn1_out_ocn, fn2_out_lnd, fn2_out_ocn, set_fv_pole_yc, usercomment) contains subroutine gen_domain(fmap, fn1_out_ocn, fn2_out_lnd, fn2_out_ocn, set_fv_pole_yc, usercomment) implicit none !--- includes --- include '' ! netCDF defs character(LEN=*), intent(in) :: fmap ! file name ( input nc file) character(LEN=*), intent(in) :: fn1_out_ocn ! file name (output nc file) for grid _a character(LEN=*), intent(in) :: fn2_out_lnd ! file name (output nc file) for grid _b (lnd frac) character(LEN=*), intent(in) :: fn2_out_ocn ! file name (output nc file) for grid _b (ocn frac) integer , intent(in) :: set_fv_pole_yc character(LEN=*), intent(in) :: usercomment ! user comment from namelist !--- domain data --- integer :: n ! size of 1d domain integer :: ni ! size of i-axis of 2d domain integer :: nj ! size of j-axis of 2d domain integer :: nv = 4 ! assume retalinear grid real(r8) ,pointer :: xc( :) ! x-coords of center real(r8) ,pointer :: yc( :) ! y-coords of center real(r8) ,pointer :: xv(:,:) ! x-coords of verticies real(r8) ,pointer :: yv(:,:) ! y-coords of verticies real(r8) ,pointer :: area(:) ! cell area integer ,pointer :: lmask(:) ! domain mask real(r8) ,pointer :: lfrac(:) ! cell fraction integer ,pointer :: omask(:) ! domain mask real(r8) ,pointer :: ofrac(:) ! cell fraction integer ,pointer :: src_grid_dims(:) integer ,pointer :: dst_grid_dims(:) !--- for mapping --- logical :: complf ! flag for computing landfrac integer :: ns ! size of wgts list integer ,pointer :: col ( :) ! column index integer ,pointer :: row ( :) ! row index real(r8),pointer :: S ( :) ! wgts integer :: na ! size of source array integer ,pointer :: mask_a(:) ! mask of source array, integer real(r8),pointer :: frac_a(:) ! mask of source array, real real(r8) :: eps ! allowable frac error real(r8) :: lfrac_min ! min frac value before being set to fminval real(r8) :: lfrac_max ! max frac value before being set to fmaxval real(r8) :: fminval ! set frac to zero if frac < fminval real(r8) :: fmaxval ! set frac to one if frac > fmaxval !--- local --- character(LEN=CL) :: str_da ! global attribute str - domain_a character(LEN=CL) :: str_db ! global attribute str - domain_b character(LEN=CL) :: str_grido ! global attribute str - grid_file_ocn character(LEN=CL) :: str_grida ! global attribute str - grid_file_atm integer :: fid ! nc file ID integer :: i,j,k ! generic indicies integer :: attnum ! attribute number character(LEN=CL) :: fn_out ! current output file name character(LEN=CL) :: fn_out_lnd ! current output file name character(LEN=CL) :: fn_out_ocn ! current output file name integer :: nf ! number of files counter character(LEN=CL) :: units_xc, units_yc ! netCDF attribute name string character(LEN=2) :: suffix ! suffix _a or _b sets input grid logical :: pole_fix ! fix pole ycs integer :: vid ! nc variable ID integer :: did ! nc dimension ID integer :: rcode ! routine return error code integer :: dst_grid_rank, src_grid_rank real(r8),parameter :: pi = 3.14159265358979323846 real(r8),parameter :: c0 = 0.00000000000000000000 real(r8),parameter :: c1 = 1.00000000000000000000 real(r8),parameter :: c90 = 90.0000000000000000000 !--- formats --- ! character(LEN=*),parameter :: F00 = "(120a )" ! character(LEN=*),parameter :: F02 = "(a,5i6,i12)" ! character(LEN=*),parameter :: F10=& ! & "('Data created: 'i4,'-',i2,2('-',i2),' ',i2,2('-',i2),' ')" !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- eps = 1.0e-12 fminval = 0.001 fmaxval = c1 write(6,*) 'fmap = ',trim(fmap) write(6,*) 'fn1_out_ocn= ',trim(fn1_out_ocn) write(6,*) 'fn2_out_lnd= ',trim(fn2_out_lnd) write(6,*) 'fn2_out_ocn= ',trim(fn2_out_ocn) write(6,*) 'usercomment= ',trim(usercomment) write(6,*) 'eps = ',eps write(6,*) 'fminval= ',fminval write(6,*) 'fmaxval= ',fmaxval write(6,*) 'set_fv_pole_yc = ',set_fv_pole_yc !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- write(6,*) ' ' write(6,*) 'input SCRIP data...' !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- do nf = 1,2 if (nf == 1) then suffix = '_a' fn_out = fn1_out_ocn complf = .false. elseif (nf == 2) then suffix = '_b' fn_out_lnd = fn2_out_lnd fn_out_ocn = fn2_out_ocn complf = .true. pole_fix = .false. else write(6,*) ' ERROR: nf loop error ' stop endif pole_fix = .false. if (nf == set_fv_pole_yc) pole_fix = .true. write(6,*)'pole_fix = ',pole_fix write(6,*) ' ' write(6,*) 'input file = ',fmap(1:len_trim(fmap)) call check_ret(nf_open(fmap(1:len_trim(fmap)),NF_NOWRITE,fid)) write(6,*) 'open ',trim(fmap) str_da = 'unknown' str_db = 'unknown' str_grido = 'unknown' str_grida = 'unknown' call check_ret(nf_get_att_text(fid, NF_GLOBAL, 'domain_a', str_da)) call check_ret(nf_get_att_text(fid, NF_GLOBAL, 'domain_b', str_db)) rcode = nf_get_att_text(fid, NF_GLOBAL, 'grid_file_ocn', str_grido) if ( rcode == nf_enotatt ) then rcode = nf_get_att_text(fid, NF_GLOBAL, 'grid_file_src', str_grido) end if rcode = nf_get_att_text(fid, NF_GLOBAL, 'grid_file_atm', str_grida) if ( rcode == nf_enotatt ) then rcode = nf_get_att_text(fid, NF_GLOBAL, 'grid_file_dst', str_grida) end if write(6,*) 'domain_a = ',trim(str_da) write(6,*) 'domain_b = ',trim(str_db) write(6,*) 'grid_file_ocn= ',trim(str_grido) write(6,*) 'grid_file_atm= ',trim(str_grida) !---------------------------------------------- ! get domain info !---------------------------------------------- if (trim(suffix) == '_b') then call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(fid,'dst_grid_dims', vid)) call check_ret(nf_get_var_int(fid,vid,dst_grid_dims )) end if call check_ret(nf_inq_dimid (fid, 'n'//trim(suffix) , did)) call check_ret(nf_inq_dimlen(fid, did , n)) call check_ret(nf_inq_dimid (fid, 'nv'//trim(suffix), did)) call check_ret(nf_inq_dimlen(fid, did , nv)) rcode = nf_inq_dimid (fid, 'ni'//trim(suffix), did) if (rcode == 0) then call check_ret(nf_inq_dimlen(fid, did, ni)) else ni = n end if rcode = nf_inq_dimid (fid, 'nj'//trim(suffix), did) if (rcode == 0) then call check_ret(nf_inq_dimlen(fid, did, nj)) else nj = 1 end if if (ni == 1 .and. nj == 0) then ni = n nj = 1 end if call check_ret(nf_inq_dimid (fid, 'n_s', did)) call check_ret(nf_inq_dimlen(fid, did , ns)) call check_ret(nf_inq_dimid (fid, 'n_a', did)) call check_ret(nf_inq_dimlen(fid, did , na)) call check_ret(nf_inq_dimid (fid, 'dst_grid_rank', did)) call check_ret(nf_inq_dimlen(fid, did, dst_grid_rank)) call check_ret(nf_inq_dimid (fid, 'src_grid_rank', did)) call check_ret(nf_inq_dimlen(fid, did, src_grid_rank)) allocate(src_grid_dims(src_grid_rank), dst_grid_dims(dst_grid_rank)) call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(fid,'src_grid_dims', vid)) call check_ret(nf_get_var_int(fid,vid,src_grid_dims)) call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(fid,'dst_grid_dims', vid)) call check_ret(nf_get_var_int(fid,vid,dst_grid_dims)) rcode = nf_get_att_text(fid, NF_GLOBAL, 'grid_file_atm', str_grida) if ( rcode == nf_enotatt ) then call check_ret(nf_get_att_text(fid, NF_GLOBAL, 'grid_file_dst', str_grida)) end if write(6,*)'n,nv,ni,nj,na,ns= ',n,nv,ni,nj,na,ns allocate(xc(n)) ! x-coordinates of center for either _a or _b grid allocate(yc(n)) ! y-coordinates of center for either _a or _b grid allocate(xv(nv,n)) ! x-coordinates of verticies for either _a or _b grid allocate(yv(nv,n)) ! y-coordinates of verticies for either _a or _b grid allocate(area(n)) ! grid cell area call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(fid,'xc'//trim(suffix), vid)) call check_ret(nf_get_att_text(fid, vid, 'units', units_xc)) call check_ret(nf_get_var_double(fid,vid, xc )) call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(fid,'yc'//trim(suffix), vid)) call check_ret(nf_get_att_text(fid, vid, 'units', units_yc)) call check_ret(nf_get_var_double(fid,vid, yc )) call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(fid,'xv'//trim(suffix), vid)) call check_ret(nf_get_var_double(fid,vid, xv )) call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(fid,'yv'//trim(suffix), vid)) call check_ret(nf_get_var_double(fid,vid, yv )) call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(fid,'area'//trim(suffix), vid )) call check_ret(nf_get_var_double(fid,vid,area )) !--- set default ocean frac --- allocate(omask(n)) ! domain mask ocean allocate(ofrac(n)) ! area frac of mask "_a" on grid "_b" or float(mask) if (.not. complf) then ! Determine ocn mask on ocn grid call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(fid,'mask'//trim(suffix), vid )) call check_ret(nf_get_var_int (fid,vid,omask )) ofrac(:) = c0 where (omask /= 0) ofrac = c1 else !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- write(6,*) 'compute frac' !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- allocate(col(ns)) allocate(row(ns)) allocate(S(ns)) allocate(mask_a(na)) allocate(frac_a(na)) allocate(lmask(n)) ! domain mask land allocate(lfrac(n)) ! area frac of mask "_a" on grid "_b" or float(mask) call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(fid,'col', vid )) call check_ret(nf_get_var_int(fid,vid, col )) call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(fid,'row', vid )) call check_ret(nf_get_var_int(fid,vid, row )) call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(fid,'S', vid )) call check_ret(nf_get_var_double(fid,vid,S)) call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(fid,'mask_a', vid )) call check_ret(nf_get_var_int(fid,vid,mask_a )) frac_a = c0 where (mask_a /= 0) frac_a = c1 !--- compute ocean fraction on atm grid --- ofrac = c0 do k = 1,ns ofrac(row(k)) = ofrac(row(k)) + frac_a(col(k))*S(k) enddo !--- convert to land fraction, 1.0-frac and --- !--- trap errors and modify computed frac --- lmask(:) = 0 omask(:) = 1 lfrac_min = fmaxval lfrac_max = fminval do k = 1,n lfrac(k) = c1 - ofrac(k) lfrac_min = min(lfrac_min,lfrac(k)) lfrac_max = max(lfrac_max,lfrac(k)) if (lfrac(k) > fmaxval) lfrac(k) = c1 if (lfrac(k) < fminval) lfrac(k) = c0 ! extra requirement for landfrac ofrac(k) = c1 - lfrac(k) if (lfrac(k) /= c0) then lmask(k) = 1 end if if (ofrac(k) == c0) then omask(k) = 0 end if enddo write(6,*) '----------------------------------------------------------------------' write(6,*) 'IMPORTANT: note original min/max frac and decide if that''s acceptable' write(6,*) 'original lfrac clipped above by : ',fmaxval write(6,*) 'original reset to zero when less than : ',fminval write(6,*) 'original min, max lfrac : ',lfrac_min,lfrac_max write(6,*) 'final min, max llfrac : ',minval(lfrac),maxval(lfrac) write(6,*) '----------------------------------------------------------------------' endif call check_ret(nf_close(fid)) !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! adjust j = 1 and j = nj lats to -+ 90 degrees !----------------------------------------------------------------- if (pole_fix) then write(6,*)'ni,nj= ',ni,nj if (ni > 1 .and. nj == 1) then if (dst_grid_rank /= 2) then write(6,*)'pole_fix not appropriate for unstructured grid' stop end if end if do i = 1,dst_grid_dims(1) yc(i) = -c90 yc(n-dst_grid_dims(1)+i) = c90 enddo endif !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! create a new nc files !----------------------------------------------------------------- write(6,*) ' ' write(6,*) 'output domain data...' if (n /= ni*nj) then STOP 'n' end if write(6,*) 'nf = ', nf if (nf == 1) then if (src_grid_rank == 2) then ni = src_grid_dims(1) nj = src_grid_dims(2) end if write(6,*) 'create ',trim(fn_out) call check_ret(nf_create(fn_out(1:len_trim(fn_out)),NF_CLOBBER,fid)) write(6,*) 'write ',trim(fn_out) call write_file(fid, fmap, units_xc, units_yc, n, ni, nj, & xc, yc, xv, yv, area, omask, ofrac, suffix, eps, pole_fix, & fmaxval, fminval, str_da, str_db, str_grido, str_grida) call check_ret(nf_close(fid)) write(6,*) 'successfully created domain file ', trim(fn_out) else if (nf == 2) then if (dst_grid_rank == 2) then ni = dst_grid_dims(1) nj = dst_grid_dims(2) end if call check_ret(nf_create(fn_out_lnd(1:len_trim(fn_out_lnd)),NF_CLOBBER,fid)) write(6,*) 'write ',trim(fn_out_lnd) call write_file(fid, fmap, units_xc, units_yc, n, ni, nj, & xc, yc, xv, yv, area, lmask, lfrac, suffix, eps, pole_fix, & fmaxval, fminval, str_da, str_db, str_grido, str_grida) call check_ret(nf_close(fid)) write(6,*) 'successfully created domain file ', trim(fn_out_lnd) call check_ret(nf_create(fn_out_ocn(1:len_trim(fn_out_ocn)),NF_CLOBBER,fid)) write(6,*) 'write ',trim(fn_out_ocn) call write_file(fid, fmap, units_xc, units_yc, n, ni, nj, & xc, yc, xv, yv, area, omask, ofrac, suffix, eps, pole_fix, & fmaxval, fminval, str_da, str_db, str_grido, str_grida) call check_ret(nf_close(fid)) write(6,*) 'successfully created domain file ', trim(fn_out_ocn) end if enddo end subroutine gen_domain !=========================================================================== subroutine check_ret(ret) ! Check return status from netcdf call implicit none integer, intent(in) :: ret if (ret /= NF_NOERR) then write(6,*)'netcdf error with rcode = ', ret,' error = ', nf_strerror(ret) call abort() end if end subroutine check_ret subroutine usage_exit (arg) implicit none character(len=*) :: arg if (arg /= ' ') then write (6,*) arg end if write(6,*) ' Purpose:' write(6,*) ' Given a SCRIP map matrix data file from the ocean grid ' write(6,*) ' (where the mask is defined) to the land grid, gen_domain ' write(6,*) ' creates land and ocean domain files' write(6,*) ' These files are currently used by ' write(6,*) ' datm, dlnd, dice, docn, clm, cice(prescribed mode)' write(6,*) ' ' write(6,*) ' Usage: ' write(6,*) ' gen_domain -m ' write(6,*) ' -o ' write(6,*) ' -l ' write(6,*) ' [-p set_fv_pole_yc]' write(6,*) ' [-c ]' write(6,*) ' ' write(6,*) ' Where: ' write(6,*) ' filemap = input conservative mapping file name (from ocn->atm)' write(6,*) ' gridocn = output ocean grid name' write(6,*) ' gridlnd = output land grid name' write(6,*) ' set_fv_pole_yc = [0,1,2] ~ optional, default = 0' write(6,*) ' usercomment = optional, netcdf global attribute (character string)' write(6,*) ' ' write(6,*) ' The following output domain files are created:' write(6,*) '' write(6,*) ' land domain file on the land grid with a ' write(6,*) ' land fraction corresponding to ' write(6,*) ' (1-gridocn) mask mapped to the land grid' write(6,*) '' write(6,*) ' ocean domain on the land grid with an ' write(6,*) ' ocean fraction corresponding to the ' write(6,*) ' gridocn mask mapped to the land grid' write(6,*) ' this is used when both atm,lnd,ice,ocn are all on the' write(6,*) ' same grid (F compset)' write(6,*) '' write(6,*) ' ocean domain on the ocean grid ' write(6,*) ' ' stop end subroutine usage_exit !=========================================================================== subroutine write_file(fid, fmap, units_xc, units_yc, n, ni, nj, & xc, yc, xv, yv, area, mask, frac, suffix, eps, pole_fix, & fmaxval, fminval, str_da, str_db, str_grido, str_grida) implicit none !--- includes --- include '' ! netCDF defs integer , intent(in) :: fid ! nc file ID character(LEN=*), intent(in) :: fmap ! file name ( input nc file) character(LEN=*), intent(in) :: units_xc, units_yc ! netCDF attribute name string integer , intent(in) :: n ! size of 1d domain integer , intent(in) :: ni ! size of i-axis of 2d domain integer , intent(in) :: nj ! size of j-axis of 2d domain real(r8) , pointer :: xc(:) ! x-coords of center real(r8) , pointer :: yc(:) ! y-coords of center real(r8) , pointer :: xv(:,:) ! x-coords of verticies real(r8) , pointer :: yv(:,:) ! y-coords of verticies real(r8) , pointer :: area(:) ! cell area integer , pointer :: mask(:) ! domain mask real(r8) , pointer :: frac(:) ! cell fraction character(LEN=*), intent(in) :: suffix ! suffix _a or _b sets input grid real(r8) , intent(in) :: eps ! allowable frac error logical , intent(in) :: pole_fix ! fix pole ycs real(r8) , intent(in) :: fminval ! set frac to zero if frac < fminval real(r8) , intent(in) :: fmaxval ! set frac to one if frac > fmaxval character(LEN=*), intent(in) :: str_da ! global attribute str - domain_a character(LEN=*), intent(in) :: str_db ! global attribute str - domain_b character(LEN=*), intent(in) :: str_grido ! global attribute str - grid_file_ocn character(LEN=*), intent(in) :: str_grida ! global attribute str - grid_file_atm !--- local --- character(LEN=CL) :: host ! hostname of machine running on character(LEN=CL) :: str ! fixed length char string character(LEN=CL) :: str_title ! global attribute str - title character(LEN=CL) :: str_source ! global attribute str - source character(LEN=CL) :: user ! user name integer :: strlen ! (trimmed) length of string integer :: vid ! nc variable ID integer :: did ! nc dimension ID integer :: vdid(3) ! vector of nc dimension ID integer :: rcode ! routine return error code real(r8),parameter :: pi = 3.14159265358979323846 character(*),parameter:: version = 'SVN $Id: gen_domain.F90 41914 2012-11-13 21:58:37Z $' ! global attributes str = 'CESM domain data: ' call check_ret(nf_put_att_text(fid,NF_GLOBAL,'title' ,len_trim(str),str)) str = 'CF-1.0' call check_ret(nf_put_att_text(fid,NF_GLOBAL,'Conventions',len_trim(str),str)) str = trim(version) call check_ret(nf_put_att_text(fid,NF_GLOBAL,'source_code',len_trim(str),str)) str = ' $URL: $' call check_ret(nf_put_att_text(fid,NF_GLOBAL,'SVN_url',len_trim(str),str)) #ifdef OPT str = 'TRUE' #else str = 'FALSE' #endif call check_ret(nf_put_att_text(fid,NF_GLOBAL,'Compiler_Optimized',len_trim(str),str)) call sys_getenv('HOST',host,rcode) if (rcode == 0) then call check_ret(nf_put_att_text(fid,NF_GLOBAL,'hostname' ,len_trim(host),host)) else call sys_getenv('HOSTNAME',host,rcode) if (rcode == 0) then call check_ret(nf_put_att_text(fid,NF_GLOBAL,'hostname' ,len_trim(host),host)) else write(6,*) 'WARNING: could not determine hostname, so that information will not be stored in netCDF attribute. To avoid this warning in the future, set environment variable HOST or HOSTNAME.' end if end if call sys_getenv('LOGNAME',user,rcode) if (rcode /= 0) then write(6,*) ' ERROR: getting LOGNAME' stop end if str = 'created by '//trim(user)//', '//cdate(1:4)//'-'//cdate(5:6)//'-'//cdate(7:8) & & //' '//ctime(1:2)//':'//ctime(3:4)//':'//ctime(5:6) call check_ret(nf_put_att_text(fid,NF_GLOBAL,'history' ,len_trim(str),str)) str = trim(fmap) call check_ret(nf_put_att_text(fid,NF_GLOBAL,'source' ,len_trim(str),str)) str = trim(str_da) call check_ret(nf_put_att_text(fid,NF_GLOBAL,'map_domain_a',len_trim(str),str)) str = trim(str_db) call check_ret(nf_put_att_text(fid,NF_GLOBAL,'map_domain_b',len_trim(str),str)) str = trim(str_grido) call check_ret(nf_put_att_text(fid,NF_GLOBAL,'map_grid_file_ocn',len_trim(str),str)) str = trim(str_grida) call check_ret(nf_put_att_text(fid,NF_GLOBAL,'map_grid_file_atm',len_trim(str),str)) str = trim(usercomment) if ( str(1:4) /= 'null' ) then call check_ret(nf_put_att_text(fid,NF_GLOBAL,'user_comment',len_trim(str),str)) end if !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! dimension data !----------------------------------------------------------------- call check_ret(nf_def_dim(fid, 'n' , n , did)) ! # of points total call check_ret(nf_def_dim(fid, 'ni', ni, did)) ! # of points wrt i call check_ret(nf_def_dim(fid, 'nj', nj, did)) ! # of points wrt j call check_ret(nf_def_dim(fid, 'nv', 4, did)) ! # of verticies per cell !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! define data -- coordinates, input grid !----------------------------------------------------------------- call check_ret(nf_inq_dimid(fid,'n' , did )) call check_ret(nf_inq_dimid(fid,'ni',vdid(1))) call check_ret(nf_inq_dimid(fid,'nj',vdid(2))) call check_ret(nf_def_var (fid,'xc',NF_DOUBLE,2,vdid,vid)) str = 'longitude of grid cell center' call check_ret(nf_put_att_text(fid,vid,"long_name",len_trim(str),str)) str = 'degrees_east' call check_ret(nf_put_att_text(fid,vid,"units" ,len_trim(str),str)) str = 'xv' call check_ret(nf_put_att_text(fid,vid,"bounds" ,len_trim(str),str)) call check_ret(nf_def_var (fid,'yc',NF_DOUBLE,2,vdid,vid)) str = 'latitude of grid cell center' call check_ret(nf_put_att_text(fid,vid,"long_name",len_trim(str),str)) str = 'degrees_north' call check_ret(nf_put_att_text(fid,vid,"units" ,len_trim(str),str)) str = 'yv' call check_ret(nf_put_att_text(fid,vid,"bounds" ,len_trim(str),str)) if (pole_fix) then write(str,*) 'set_fv_pole_yc ON, yc = -+90 at j=1,j=nj' call check_ret(nf_put_att_text(fid,vid,'filter1' ,len_trim(str),str)) endif call check_ret(nf_inq_dimid(fid,'nv',vdid(1))) call check_ret(nf_inq_dimid(fid,'ni',vdid(2))) call check_ret(nf_inq_dimid(fid,'nj',vdid(3))) call check_ret(nf_def_var (fid,'xv',NF_DOUBLE,3,vdid,vid)) str = 'longitude of grid cell verticies' call check_ret(nf_put_att_text(fid,vid,"long_name",len_trim(str),str)) str = 'degrees_east' call check_ret(nf_put_att_text(fid,vid,"units" ,len_trim(str),str)) call check_ret(nf_def_var (fid,'yv',NF_DOUBLE,3,vdid,vid)) str = 'latitude of grid cell verticies' call check_ret(nf_put_att_text(fid,vid,"long_name",len_trim(str),str)) str = 'degrees_north' call check_ret(nf_put_att_text(fid,vid,"units" ,len_trim(str),str)) call check_ret(nf_inq_dimid(fid,'ni',vdid(1))) call check_ret(nf_inq_dimid(fid,'nj',vdid(2))) call check_ret(nf_def_var (fid,'mask',NF_INT ,2,vdid,vid)) str = 'domain mask' call check_ret(nf_put_att_text(fid,vid,"long_name",len_trim(str),str)) str = 'unitless' call check_ret(nf_put_att_text(fid,vid,"note" ,len_trim(str),str)) str = 'xc yc' call check_ret(nf_put_att_text(fid,vid,"coordinates",len_trim(str),str)) str = '0 value indicates cell is not active' call check_ret(nf_put_att_text(fid,vid,"comment",len_trim(str),str)) call check_ret(nf_def_var (fid,'area',NF_DOUBLE,2,vdid,vid)) str = 'area of grid cell in radians squared' call check_ret(nf_put_att_text(fid,vid,"long_name",len_trim(str),str)) str = 'xc yc' call check_ret(nf_put_att_text(fid,vid,"coordinates",len_trim(str),str)) str = 'radian2' call check_ret(nf_put_att_text(fid,vid,"units" ,len_trim(str),str)) call check_ret(nf_def_var (fid,'frac',NF_DOUBLE ,2,vdid,vid)) str = 'fraction of grid cell that is active' call check_ret(nf_put_att_text(fid,vid,"long_name",len_trim(str),str)) str = 'xc yc' call check_ret(nf_put_att_text(fid,vid,"coordinates",len_trim(str),str)) str = 'unitless' call check_ret(nf_put_att_text(fid,vid,"note" ,len_trim(str),str)) write(str,'(a,g14.7)') 'error if frac> 1.0+eps or frac < 0.0-eps; eps =',eps call check_ret(nf_put_att_text(fid,vid,'filter1' ,len_trim(str),str)) write(str,'(a,g14.7,a,g14.7)') 'limit frac to [fminval,fmaxval]; fminval=',fminval,' fmaxval=',fmaxval call check_ret(nf_put_att_text(fid,vid,'filter2' ,len_trim(str),str)) call check_ret(nf_enddef(fid)) if (units_xc(1:7) == 'radians') then xc = xc * 180._r8 / pi xv = xv * 180._r8 / pi end if if (units_yc(1:7) == 'radians') then yc = yc * 180._r8 / pi yv = yv * 180._r8 / pi end if call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(fid, 'xc', vid)) call check_ret(nf_put_var_double(fid, vid , xc)) call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(fid, 'yc',vid)) call check_ret(nf_put_var_double(fid, vid , yc)) call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(fid, 'xv',vid)) call check_ret(nf_put_var_double(fid, vid , xv)) call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(fid, 'yv',vid)) call check_ret(nf_put_var_double(fid, vid , yv)) call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(fid,'mask',vid)) call check_ret(nf_put_var_int (fid, vid ,mask)) call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(fid,'area',vid)) call check_ret(nf_put_var_double(fid, vid ,area)) call check_ret(nf_inq_varid(fid,'frac',vid)) call check_ret(nf_put_var_double(fid, vid ,frac)) end subroutine write_file SUBROUTINE sys_getenv(name, val, rcode) IMPLICIT none !----- arguments ----- character(*) ,intent(in) :: name ! env var name character(*) ,intent(out) :: val ! env var value integer,intent(out) :: rcode ! return code !----- local ----- integer :: lenname ! length of env var name integer :: lenval ! length of env var value character(len=80) :: tmpval ! temporary env var value !----- formats ----- character(*),parameter :: subName = '(shr_sys_getenv) ' character(*),parameter :: F00 = "('(shr_sys_getenv) ',4a)" !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! PURPOSE: an architecture independant system call !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lenname=len_trim(name) #if (defined IRIX64 || defined CRAY || defined UNICOSMP) call pxfgetenv(name, lenname, val, lenval, rcode) #elif (defined AIX || defined OSF1 || defined SUNOS || defined LINUX || defined NEC_SX) #ifdef F2003 call GET_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE(trim(name),value=val, length=lenval, status=rcode) #else call getenv(trim(name),tmpval) val=trim(tmpval) rcode = 0 if (len_trim(val) == 0 ) rcode = 1 if (len_trim(val) > CL) rcode = 2 #endif #else write(*,F00) 'ERROR: no implementation of getenv for this architecture' stop subname//'no implementation of getenv for this machine' #endif END SUBROUTINE sys_getenv end program fmain