#!/usr/bin/env perl #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # configure # # # This utility allows the CAM user to specify compile-time configuration # options via a commandline interface. The output from configure is a # Makefile and a cache file that contains all configuration parameters # required to produce the Makefile. A subsequent invocation of configure # can use the cache file as input (via the -defaults argument) to reproduce # the CAM configuration contained in it. Note that when a cache file is # used to set default values only the model parameters are used. The # parameters that are platform dependent (e.g., compiler options, library # locations, etc) are ignored. # # As the build time configurable options of CAM are changed, this script # must also be changed. Thus configure is maintained under revision # control in the CAM source tree and it is assumed that only the version of # configure in the source tree will be used to build CAM. Thus we assume # that the root of the source tree can be derived from the location of this # script. # # configure has an optional test mode to check that the Fortran90 compiler # works and that external references to the netCDF and MPI libraries can be # resolved at link time. # # # Date Contributor Modification # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 2012-09-10 Fischer Use MCT configure script, and build as seperate library. # 2011-08-18 Eaton Produce a config.h file needed by the latest PIO and MCT source. # # 2011-08-05 Fischer Set number of instances when running cam stand alone. Otherwise use # values set by CESM1 scripts. # # 2010-01-22 Kay, Eaton Added COSP simulator option. # # 2008-09-22 Edwards Removed obsolete macros DYN_STATE_INTERFACE and LSMLON, LSMLAT # # 2008-08-26 Edwards Added support for external pnetcdf library (-pnc_inc and -pnc_lib) as # well as PIO support for HOMME dycore # # 2008-07-30 Eaton Revise the default calculation of nadv. Add new option to specify # the number of test tracers. Add new option to specify a non-default # microphysics option. # # 2007-04-13 Eaton Restore the commandline option -phys so that it can be used with the # adiabatic and ideal physics options. # # 2007-03-04 Eaton The script has been refactored to move the generic configuration file # functionality into a separate module (Build::Config). # # 2006-09-14 Eaton Add support for linking to external ESMF library. # Deprecate interactive mode. # # 2006-02-14 Eaton Remove -cam_cfg option and CAM_CFGDIR environment variable: require all # configuration files to be in the same directory as the configure script. # Remove -cam_root option and CAM_ROOT environment variable: require # configure to be located in the CAM src tree. # Modifications for CCSM build: delete setting of locations for all # external include/mod/lib directories. These are only needed for the # CAM Makefile which is not produced when doing a CCSM build. # Remove -esmf_* options. This was used with the ESMF prototype # library which is no longer supported. Will re-implement ESMF options # when we start linking the new ESMF library. # # 2005-05-05 Eaton Add -lapack_libdir option to specify directory that contains # lapack and blas libraries. Can also set LAPACK_LIBDIR environment # variable. Currently only used by waccm_mozart on IBM. # # 2004-12-01 Eaton Add phys option waccm. Because this must be consistent # with the -chem option, remove commandline option -phys. # phys="waccm" is needed so that WACCM specific initial files # can be present in DefaultCAMEXPNamelist.xml. # # 2004-11-15 Eaton Add -chem options waccm_ghg or waccm_mozart. Remove old code # for ccm366 and lsm options. # # 2002-05-03 Brian Eaton Original version #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- use strict; #use warnings; #use diagnostics; use Cwd; use English; use Getopt::Long; use IO::File; use IO::Handle; use FindBin qw($Bin); use lib "$Bin/perl5lib"; use Build::ChemPreprocess qw(chem_preprocess); use File::Copy; #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub usage { die <). Any value that contains white-space must be quoted. Long option names may be supplied with either single or double leading dashes. A consequence of this is that single letter options may NOT be bundled. Options used to determine the CAM model configuration. These options will have an effect whether running CAM as part of CCSM or running in a CAM standalone mode: -[no]age_of_air_trcs Switch on [off] age of air tracers. Default: on for waccm_phys, otherwise off -carma Build CAM with specified CARMA microphysics model [ none | bc_strat | cirrus | dust | meteor_smoke | pmc | sea_salt | sulfate | test_detrain | test_growth | test_passive | test_radiative | test_swelling | test_tracers]. Default: none. -chem Build CAM with specified prognostic chemistry package [ waccm_mozart | waccm_mozart_v1 | waccm_mozart_sulfur | waccm_ghg | trop_mozart | trop_mozart_mam3 | trop_mozart_soa | trop_ghg | trop_bam | trop_mam3 | trop_mam7 | super_fast_llnl | super_fast_llnl_mam3 | trop_strat_bam_v1 | trop_strat_mam3 | trop_strat_mam7 | none ]. Default: trop_mam3. -clubb_sgs Turns on CLUBB_SGS -co2_cycle This option is meant to be used with the -ccsm_seq option. It modifies the CAM configuration by increasing the number of advected constituents by 4. -comp_intf Specify the component interfaces [mct | esmf] (default: mct). -cppdefs A string of user specified CPP defines. Appended to Makefile defaults. E.g. -cppdefs '-DVAR1 -DVAR2' -dyn Build CAM with specified dynamical core [eul | sld | fv | homme]. -edit_chem_mech Invokes CAMCHEM_EDITOR to allow the user to edit the chemistry mechanism file -hgrid Specify horizontal grid. Use nlatxnlon for spectral grids; dlatxdlon for fv grids (dlat and dlon are the grid cell size in degrees for latitude and longitude respectively); nexnp for homme grids. -microphys Specify the microphysics option [mg | rk]. -nadv Set total number of advected species to . -nadv_tt Set number of advected test tracers . -nlev Set number of levels to . -offline_dyn Switch enables the use of offline driver for FV dycore. -pbl Specify the PBL option [uw | hb | hbr]. -pcols Set maximum number of columns in a chunk to . -pergro Switch enables building CAM for perturbation growth tests. -phys Physics option [cam3 | cam4 | cam5 | ideal | adiabatic]. Default: cam5. -prog_species Comma-separate list of prognostic mozart species packages. Currently available: DST,SSLT,SO4,GHG,OC,BC,CARBON16 -rad Specify the radiation package [rrtmg | camrt] -res Specify horizontal grid. ***DEPRECATED*** Use the -hgrid option. -usr_mech_infile Path and file name of the user supplied chemistry mechanism file. -waccm_phys Switch enables the use of WACCM physics in any chemistry configuration. The user does not need to set this if one of the waccm chemistry options is chosen. -waccmx Build CAM/WACCM with WACCM upper Thermosphere/Ionosphere extended package Options relevent to SCAM mode: -camiop Configure CAM to generate an IOP file that can be used to drive SCAM. This switch only works with the Eulerian dycore. -scam Compiles model in single column mode. Only works with Eulerian dycore. CAM parallelization: -[no]smp Switch on [off] SMP parallelism. -[no]spmd Switch on [off] SPMD parallelism. CAM parallelization when running standalone with CICE: -cice_bsizex Size of cice block in first horizontal dimension. -cice_bsizey Size of cice block in second horizontal dimension. -cice_maxblocks Max number of cice blocks per processor. -cice_decomptype Either "cartesian", "spacecurve"," rake", or "roundrobin". *** Note *** Either set all of -cice_bsizex, -cice_bsizey, -cice_maxblocks and cice_decomptype or set -ntasks and/or -nthreads which are used to determine defaults for the cice decomposition. ************ -ntasks Number of MPI tasks. Setting ntasks > 0 implies -spmd. Use -nospmd to turn off linking with an MPI library. To configure for pure MPI specify "-ntasks N -nosmp". ntasks is used to determine default grid decompositions. Currently only used by CICE. -nthreads Number of OMP threads per process. Setting nthreads > 0 implies -smp. Use -nosmp to turn off compilation of OMP directives. For pure OMP set "-nthreads N -nospmd" nthreads is used to determine default grid decompositions. Currently only used by CICE. Configure options: -cache Name of output cache file (default: config_cache.xml). -cachedir Name of directory where output cache file is written (default: CAM build directory). -ccsm_seq Switch to specify that CAM is being built from within sequential CCSM scripts. -help [or -h] Print usage to STDOUT. -silent [or -s] Turns on silent mode - only fatal messages issued. -test Switch on testing of Fortran compiler and external libraries. -verbose [or -v] Turn on verbose echoing of settings made by configure. -version Echo the CVS tag name used to check out this CAM distribution. Options for surface components used in standalone CAM mode: -ice Build CAM with sea ice model [cice | sice | none ]. Default: cice. -ocn Build CAM with ocean model [docn | dom | socn | aquaplanet | pop2]. Default: docn. -lnd Build CAM with land model [clm | slnd | none]. Default: clm. -rof Build CAM with runoff model [rtm | srof | none]. Default: rtm. Options for building CAM via standalone scripts: -cam_bld Directory where CAM will be built. This is where configure will write the output files it generates (Makefile, Filepath, etc...) -cam_exe Name of the CAM executable (default: cam). -cam_exedir Directory where CAM executable will be created (default: CAM build directory). -cc User specified C compiler (linux only). Overrides Makefile default. -cflags A string of user specified C compiler options. Appended to Makefile defaults. -cosp Enable the COSP simulator. -debug Switch to turn on building CAM with debugging compiler options. -defaults Specify a configuration file which will be used to supply defaults instead of one of the config_files/defaults_*.xml files. This file is used to specify model configuration parameters only. Parameters relating to the build which are system dependent will be ignored. -esmf_libdir Directory containing ESMF library and esmf.mk file. -fc User specified Fortran compiler. Overrides Makefile default. -fc_type Type of Fortran compiler [pgi | lahey | intel | pathscale]. This argument is used in conjunction with the -fc argument when the name of the fortran compiler refers to a wrapper script (e.g., mpif90 or ftn). In this case the user needs to specify the type of Fortran compiler that is being invoked by the wrapper script. Default: pgi -fflags A string of user specified Fortran compiler flags. Appended to Makefile defaults. See -fopt to override optimization flags. -fopt A string of user specified Fortran compiler optimization flags. Overrides Makefile defaults. -gmake Name of the GNU make program on your system. Supply the absolute pathname if the program is not in your path (or fix your path). -lapack_libdir Directory containing LAPACK library. -ldflags A string of user specified load options. Appended to Makefile defaults. -linker User specified linker. Overrides Makefile default of \$(FC). -mpi_inc Directory containing MPI include files. -mpi_lib Directory containing MPI library. -nc_inc Directory containing netCDF include files. -nc_lib Directory containing netCDF library. -nc_mod Directory containing netCDF module files. -pnc_inc Directory containing PnetCDF include files. -pnc_lib Directory containing PnetCDF library. -target_os Override the os setting for cross platform compilation [aix | darwin | dec_osf | irix | linux | solaris | super-ux | unicosmp | bgl | bgp ]. Default: OS on which configure is executing as defined by the perl \$OSNAME variable. -usr_src [,[,[...]]] Directories containing user source code. -rad_driver Radiaton driver EOF } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Setting autoflush (an IO::Handle method) on STDOUT helps in debugging. It forces the test # descriptions to be printed to STDOUT before the error messages start. *STDOUT->autoflush(); #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set the directory that contains the CAM configuration scripts. If the configure command was # issued using a relative or absolute path, that path is in $ProgDir. Otherwise assume the # command was issued from the current working directory. (my $ProgName = $0) =~ s!(.*)/!!; # name of this script my $ProgDir = $1; # name of directory containing this script -- may be a # relative or absolute path, or null if the script is in # the user's PATH my $cwd = getcwd(); # current working directory my $cfgdir; # absolute pathname of directory that contains this script if ($ProgDir) { $cfgdir = absolute_path($ProgDir); } else { $cfgdir = $cwd; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Save commandline my $commandline = "$cfgdir/configure @ARGV"; #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Parse command-line options. my %opts = ( cache => "config_cache.xml", ); GetOptions( "age_of_air_trcs!" => \$opts{'age_of_air_trcs'}, "cache=s" => \$opts{'cache'}, "cachedir=s" => \$opts{'cachedir'}, "carma=s" => \$opts{'carma'}, "cam_bld=s" => \$opts{'cam_bld'}, "cam_exe=s" => \$opts{'cam_exe'}, "cam_exedir=s" => \$opts{'cam_exedir'}, "camiop" => \$opts{'camiop'}, "cc=s" => \$opts{'cc'}, "ccsm_seq" => \$opts{'ccsm_seq'}, "cflags=s" => \$opts{'cflags'}, "chem=s" => \$opts{'chem'}, "cice_bsizex=s" => \$opts{'cice_bsizex'}, "cice_bsizey=s" => \$opts{'cice_bsizey'}, "cice_maxblocks=s" => \$opts{'cice_maxblocks'}, "cice_decomptype=s" => \$opts{'cice_decomptype'}, "clubb_sgs" => \$opts{'clubb_sgs'}, "co2_cycle" => \$opts{'co2_cycle'}, "comp_intf=s" => \$opts{'comp_intf'}, "cosp" => \$opts{'cosp'}, "cppdefs=s" => \$opts{'cppdefs'}, "debug" => \$opts{'debug'}, "defaults=s" => \$opts{'defaults'}, "dyn=s" => \$opts{'dyn'}, "edit_chem_mech" => \$opts{'edit_chem_mech'}, "waccm_phys" => \$opts{'waccm_phys'}, "offline_dyn" => \$opts{'offline_dyn'}, "waccmx" => \$opts{'waccmx'}, "esmf_libdir=s" => \$opts{'esmf_libdir'}, "mct_libdir=s" => \$opts{'mct_libdir'}, "fc=s" => \$opts{'fc'}, "fc_type=s" => \$opts{'fc_type'}, "fflags=s" => \$opts{'fflags'}, "fopt=s" => \$opts{'fopt'}, "gmake=s" => \$opts{'gmake'}, "h|help" => \$opts{'help'}, "hgrid=s" => \$opts{'hgrid'}, "ice=s" => \$opts{'ice'}, "lapack_libdir=s" => \$opts{'lapack_libdir'}, "ldflags=s" => \$opts{'ldflags'}, "linker=s" => \$opts{'linker'}, "lnd=s" => \$opts{'lnd'}, "microphys=s" => \$opts{'microphys'}, "mpi_inc=s" => \$opts{'mpi_inc'}, "mpi_lib=s" => \$opts{'mpi_lib'}, "nadv=s" => \$opts{'nadv'}, "nadv_tt=s" => \$opts{'nadv_tt'}, "nc_inc=s" => \$opts{'nc_inc'}, "nc_lib=s" => \$opts{'nc_lib'}, "nc_mod=s" => \$opts{'nc_mod'}, "nlev=s" => \$opts{'nlev'}, "ntasks=s" => \$opts{'ntasks'}, "nthreads=s" => \$opts{'nthreads'}, "ocn=s" => \$opts{'ocn'}, "pbl=s" => \$opts{'pbl'}, "pcols=s" => \$opts{'pcols'}, "p|pergro" => \$opts{'pergro'}, "phys=s" => \$opts{'phys'}, "pnc_inc=s" => \$opts{'pnc_inc'}, "pnc_lib=s" => \$opts{'pnc_lib'}, "prog_species=s" => \$opts{'prog_species'}, "rad=s" => \$opts{'rad'}, "rad_driver" => \$opts{'rad_driver'}, "res=s" => \$opts{'res'}, "rof=s" => \$opts{'rof'}, "scam" => \$opts{'scam'}, "s|silent" => \$opts{'silent'}, "smp!" => \$opts{'smp'}, "spmd!" => \$opts{'spmd'}, "target_os=s" => \$opts{'target_os'}, "test" => \$opts{'test'}, "usr_mech_infile=s" => \$opts{'usr_mech_infile'}, "usr_src=s" => \$opts{'usr_src'}, "v|verbose" => \$opts{'verbose'}, "version" => \$opts{'version'}, ) or usage(); # Give usage message. usage() if $opts{'help'}; # Echo version info. version($cfgdir) if $opts{'version'}; # Check for unparsed argumentss if (@ARGV) { print "ERROR: unrecognized arguments: @ARGV\n"; usage(); } # Define 3 print levels: # 0 - only issue fatal error messages # 1 - only informs what files are created (default) # 2 - verbose my $print = 1; if ($opts{'silent'}) { $print = 0; } if ($opts{'verbose'}) { $print = 2; } my $eol = "\n"; my %cfg = (); # build configuration #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Make sure we can find required perl modules and configuration files. # Look for them in the directory that contains the configure script. # Check for the configuration definition file. my $config_def_file = "config_files/definition.xml"; (-f "$cfgdir/$config_def_file") or die <<"EOF"; ** Cannot find configuration definition file \"$config_def_file\" in directory \"$cfgdir\" ** EOF # Since the chemistry package plays a role in determining the configuration # defaults, it must be decided which chemistry package is used before # initializing the configuration object. But the default chemistry depends # on the physics package. So we need to start by setting the physics # package. # The default physics package is cam5. This works for all chemistry packages whose name # matches /_mam/. If the chem_pkg name doesn't match /_mam/ then set the default physics # package to cam4. my $phys_pkg = 'cam5'; if (defined $opts{'chem'} and $opts{'chem'} !~ /_mam/) {$phys_pkg = 'cam4';} if (defined $opts{'phys'}) { $phys_pkg = lc($opts{'phys'}); # For backwards compatibility accept cam3_5_1 as an alias for cam4. if ($phys_pkg eq 'cam3_5_1') {$phys_pkg = 'cam4';} } if ($print>=2) { print "Physics package: $phys_pkg$eol"; } # Next set the default chemistry package. my $chem_pkg = 'trop_mam3'; if (defined $opts{'prog_species'}) { $chem_pkg = 'none'; } # Change the default if user has specified a non-default physics package. if ($phys_pkg =~ m/^ideal$|^adiabatic$|^cam[34]$/) { $chem_pkg = 'none'; } # Allow the user to override the default chemistry via the commandline. if (defined $opts{'chem'}) { $chem_pkg = lc($opts{'chem'}); # But do some consistency checks... # If the user has specified adiabatic or ideal physics... if ($phys_pkg eq 'ideal' or $phys_pkg eq 'adiabatic') { # the only valid chemistry option is 'none' if ($chem_pkg ne 'none') { die "configure ERROR: -phys is set to $opts{'phys'}.\n". " -chem can only be set to 'none'.\n"; } } elsif ($phys_pkg eq 'cam3' or $phys_pkg eq 'cam4') { # The modal aerosols are not valid with cam3 or cam4 physics if ($chem_pkg =~ /_mam/) { die "configure ERROR: -phys is set for cam3 or cam4 physics.\n". " -chem cannot be set to a modal aerosol option.\n"; } } } if (defined $opts{'rad_driver'}) { $chem_pkg = 'none'; } if ($print>=2) { print "Chemistry package: $chem_pkg$eol"; } # The configuration defaults file overrides the generic defaults in the configuration # definition file. The -defaults argument has precedence for setting the configuration # defaults file. If -defaults is not used, the file is determined by the chemistry package, # or if no chemistry, by the dynamics package. my $config_defaults_file; if ($opts{'defaults'}) {$config_defaults_file = $opts{'defaults'}} elsif ($opts{'waccmx'}) {$config_defaults_file = 'config_files/defaults_waccmx.xml'} elsif ($chem_pkg =~ /waccm_/) { if ($phys_pkg eq 'cam5') {$config_defaults_file = 'config_files/defaults_waccm5.xml'} else {$config_defaults_file = 'config_files/defaults_waccm.xml'} } elsif ($opts{'dyn'} eq 'eul') {$config_defaults_file = 'config_files/defaults_eul.xml'} elsif ($opts{'dyn'} eq 'sld') {$config_defaults_file = 'config_files/defaults_sld.xml'} elsif ($opts{'dyn'} eq 'homme') {$config_defaults_file = 'config_files/defaults_homme.xml'} else {$config_defaults_file = 'config_files/defaults_fv.xml'} (-f "$cfgdir/$config_defaults_file") or die <<"EOF"; ** Cannot find configuration defaults file \"$config_defaults_file\" in directory \"$cfgdir\" ** EOF # Horizontal grid and spectral resolution parameters. my $horiz_grid_file = 'config_files/horiz_grid.xml'; (-f "$cfgdir/$horiz_grid_file") or die <<"EOF"; ** Cannot find horizonal grid parameters file \"$horiz_grid_file\" in directory \"$cfgdir\" ** EOF # System defaults (currently for spmd and smp settings) my $sys_defaults_file = 'config_files/sys_defaults.xml'; (-f "$cfgdir/$sys_defaults_file") or die <<"EOF"; ** Cannot find system defaults file \"$sys_defaults_file\" in directory \"$cfgdir\" ** EOF # The XML::Lite module is required to parse the XML configuration files. (-f "$cfgdir/perl5lib/XML/Lite.pm") or die <<"EOF"; ** Cannot find perl module \"XML/Lite.pm\" in directory \"$cfgdir/perl5lib\" ** EOF # The Build::Config module provides utilities to store and manipulate the configuration. (-f "$cfgdir/perl5lib/Build/Config.pm") or die <<"EOF"; ** Cannot find perl module \"Build/Config.pm\" in directory \"$cfgdir/perl5lib\" ** EOF if ($print>=2) { print "CAM configuration script directory: $cfgdir$eol"; } if ($print>=2) { print "Configuration defaults file: $config_defaults_file$eol"; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add $cfgdir/perl5lib to the list of paths that Perl searches for modules unshift @INC, "$cfgdir/perl5lib"; unshift @INC, "$cfgdir"; require XML::Lite; require Build::Config; # Initialize the configuration. The $config_def_file provides the definition of a CAM # configuration, and the $config_defaults_file provides default values for a specific CAM # configuration. $cfg_ref is a reference to the new configuration object. my $cfg_ref = Build::Config->new("$cfgdir/$config_def_file", "$cfgdir/$config_defaults_file"); #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Building from within ccsm scripts? my $ccsm_seq = (defined $opts{'ccsm_seq'}) ? 1 : 0; $cfg_ref->set('ccsm_seq', $ccsm_seq); # Note that when building within the CCSM scripts the CAM Makefile is not written # since the CCSM build does not use it. Many of the checks to ensure that a working # CAM Makefile is produced are disabled when the ccsm option is set. Use the $cam_build # variable to turn on CAM specific tests. my $cam_build = 1; if (($ccsm_seq)) { $cam_build = 0; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CAM root directory. my $cam_root = absolute_path("$cfgdir/../../../.."); if (-d "$cam_root/models/atm/cam/src") { $cfg_ref->set('cam_root', $cam_root); } else { die <<"EOF"; ** Invalid CAM root directory: $cam_root ** ** The CAM root directory must contain the subdirectory models/atm/cam/src/. ** It is derived from "config_dir/../../../.." where config_dir is the ** directory in the CAM distribution that contains the configuration ** scripts. EOF } if ($print>=2) { print "CAM root directory: $cam_root$eol"; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CAM build directory. my $cam_bld; if (defined $opts{'cam_bld'}) { $cam_bld = absolute_path($opts{'cam_bld'}); } else { # use default value $cam_bld = absolute_path($cfg_ref->get('cam_bld')); } if (-d $cam_bld or mkdirp($cam_bld)) { # If the build directory exists or can be made then set the value... $cfg_ref->set('cam_bld', $cam_bld); } else { die <<"EOF"; ** Could not create the specified CAM build directory: $cam_bld EOF } if ($print>=2) { print "CAM build directory: $cam_bld$eol"; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CAM install directory. my $cam_exedir; if (defined $opts{'cam_exedir'}) { $cam_exedir = absolute_path($opts{'cam_exedir'}); } else { # use default value $cam_exedir = absolute_path($cfg_ref->get('cam_exedir')); } if ($cam_build) { if (-d $cam_exedir or mkdirp($cam_exedir)) { # If the install directory exists or can be made then set the value... $cfg_ref->set('cam_exedir', $cam_exedir); } else { die <<"EOF"; ** Could not create the specified CAM installation directory: $cam_exedir EOF } if ($print>=2) { print "CAM executable will be created in: $cam_exedir$eol"; } } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # User source directories. my $usr_src = ''; if (defined $opts{'usr_src'}) { my @dirs = split ',', $opts{'usr_src'}; my @adirs; while ( my $dir = shift @dirs ) { if (-d "$dir") { push @adirs, absolute_path($dir); } else { die "** User source directory does not exist: $dir\n"; } } $usr_src = join ',', @adirs; $cfg_ref->set('usr_src', $usr_src); } if ($print>=2) { print "User source directories: $usr_src$eol"; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # configuration cache directory and file. my $config_cache_dir; my $config_cache_file; if (defined $opts{'cachedir'}) { $config_cache_dir = absolute_path($opts{'cachedir'}); } else { $config_cache_dir = $cfg_ref->get('cam_bld'); } if (-d $config_cache_dir or mkdirp($config_cache_dir)) { $config_cache_file = "$config_cache_dir/$opts{'cache'}"; } else { die <<"EOF"; ** Could not create the specified directory for configuration cache file: $config_cache_dir EOF } if ($print>=2) { print "Configuration cache file: $config_cache_file$eol"; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Platform properties ########################################################################## #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Determine target OS -- allow cross compilation only if target_os is specified on commandline. my $target_os = $OSNAME; if (defined $opts{'target_os'}) { $target_os = $opts{'target_os'}; } $cfg_ref->set('target_os', $target_os); if ($print>=2) { print "Target OS: $target_os$eol"; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Read system defaults file. my %sys_defaults = get_sys_defaults("$cfgdir/$sys_defaults_file", $target_os); #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # SPMD my $spmd_val = (defined $opts{'spmd'}) ? $opts{'spmd'} : $sys_defaults{'spmd'}; # Check whether ntasks specified. my $ntasks; if (defined $opts{'ntasks'}) { $cfg_ref->set('ntasks', $opts{'ntasks'}); $ntasks = $opts{'ntasks'}; # Check for legal ntasks value if ($ntasks < 1) { die "ERROR: ntasks value < 1: ntasks= $ntasks $eol"; } else { # a positive value of ntasks implies -spmd $spmd_val = 1; } } $cfg_ref->set('spmd', $spmd_val); my $spmd = $spmd_val ? 'ON': 'OFF'; if ($print>=2) { print "SPMD parallelism: $spmd$eol";} if ($print>=2 and $ntasks) { print "Number of MPI tasks: $ntasks$eol";} #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # SMP my $smp_val = (defined $opts{'smp'}) ? $opts{'smp'} : $sys_defaults{'smp'}; # Check whether nthreads specified. my $nthreads; if (defined $opts{'nthreads'}) { $cfg_ref->set('nthreads', $opts{'nthreads'}); $nthreads = $opts{'nthreads'}; # Check for legal nthreads value if ($nthreads < 1) { die "ERROR: nthreads value < 1: nthreads= $nthreads $eol"; } else { # a positive value of nthreads implies -smp $smp_val = 1; } } $cfg_ref->set('smp', $smp_val); my $smp = $smp_val ? 'ON': 'OFF'; if ($print>=2) { print "SMP parallelism: $smp$eol";} if ($print>=2 and $nthreads) { print "Number of OMP threads: $nthreads$eol";} #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Determine which packages/component to include ############################################### #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Component interfaces if (defined $opts{'comp_intf'}) { $cfg_ref->set('comp_intf', lc($opts{'comp_intf'}) ); } my $comp_intf = $cfg_ref->get('comp_intf'); if ($print>=2) { print "Component interface: $comp_intf$eol"; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Physics package # The physics package is determined before the configuration object is initialized. # So add it to the config object now. $cfg_ref->set('phys', $phys_pkg); #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Dynamics package if (defined $opts{'dyn'}) { $cfg_ref->set('dyn', lc($opts{'dyn'}) ); } my $dyn_pkg = $cfg_ref->get('dyn'); if ($print>=2) { print "Dynamics package: $dyn_pkg$eol"; } # offline driver if (defined $opts{'offline_dyn'}) { $cfg_ref->set('offline_dyn', $opts{'offline_dyn'}); } my $offline_dyn = $cfg_ref->get('offline_dyn'); # offline driver only runs with FV dycore if ( ($offline_dyn) and ($dyn_pkg ne 'fv') ) { die <<"EOF"; ** ERROR: Offline driver only applicable to the FV dycore. EOF } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test tracer package if (defined $opts{'nadv_tt'}) { $cfg_ref->set('nadv_tt', $opts{'nadv_tt'}); } my $ttrac_nadv = $cfg_ref->get('nadv_tt'); if ($print>=2) { print "Number of user requested test tracers: $ttrac_nadv$eol"; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Chemistry package # The chemistry package is determined before the configuration object is initialized. # So add it to the config object now. $cfg_ref->set('chem', $chem_pkg); # waccm physics if (defined $opts{'waccm_phys'}) { $cfg_ref->set('waccm_phys', $opts{'waccm_phys'}); } my $waccm_phys = $cfg_ref->get('waccm_phys'); if (defined $opts{'rad_driver'}) { $cfg_ref->set('rad_driver', $opts{'rad_driver'}); } # WACCM only runs with FV dycore if ( ($waccm_phys) and ($dyn_pkg ne 'fv') ) { die <<"EOF"; ** ERROR: WACCM physics only runs with the FV dycore. EOF } # WACCM includes 4 air of air tracers by default if ($waccm_phys) { $cfg_ref->set('age_of_air_trcs', 1); } # Allow user to override WACCM default, or turn on the age of air tracers # in non-WACCM runs. if (defined $opts{'age_of_air_trcs'}) { $cfg_ref->set('age_of_air_trcs', $opts{'age_of_air_trcs'}); } my $age_of_air_trcs = $cfg_ref->get('age_of_air_trcs') ? "ON" : "OFF"; if ($print>=2) { print "Age of air tracer package: $age_of_air_trcs$eol"; } # waccmx option if (defined $opts{'waccmx'}) { $cfg_ref->set('waccmx', $opts{'waccmx'}); } my $waccmx = $cfg_ref->get('waccmx'); #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Prognostic species package(s) if (defined $opts{'prog_species'}) { $cfg_ref->set('prog_species', $opts{'prog_species'}); if ($chem_pkg ne 'none'){ die "ERROR: chem and prog_species cannot be both specified.\n"; } } if (defined $opts{'edit_chem_mech'}) { $cfg_ref->set('edit_chem_mech', $opts{'edit_chem_mech'}); } if (defined $opts{'usr_mech_infile'}) { $cfg_ref->set('usr_mech_infile', $opts{'usr_mech_infile'}); } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Prognostic aerosol/GHG package(s) my $prog_species = $cfg_ref->get('prog_species'); if (($waccm_phys) and ($chem_pkg eq 'none') and !($prog_species)) { die <<"EOF"; ** ERROR: WACCM physics only runs with chemistry. EOF } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Biogeochemistry option if (defined $opts{'co2_cycle'}) { $cfg_ref->set('co2_cycle', $opts{'co2_cycle'}); } my $co2_cycle = $cfg_ref->get('co2_cycle'); if ($co2_cycle and $print>=2) { print "co2_cycle option: ON$eol"; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Micro-physics package # The default for the current physics package is: my $microphys_pkg = 'mg'; # But if the physics package is adiabatic, ideal, cam3, cam4, change the default if ($phys_pkg =~ m/^ideal$|^adiabatic$|^cam[34]$/) { $microphys_pkg = 'rk'; } # Allow the user to override the default via the commandline. if (defined $opts{'microphys'}) { $microphys_pkg = lc($opts{'microphys'}); } # consistency checks... $cfg_ref->set('microphys', $microphys_pkg); if ($print>=2) { print "Microphysics package: $microphys_pkg$eol"; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CARMA sectional microphysics package # The default for the current physics package is: my $carma_pkg = 'none'; # Allow the user to override the default via the commandline. if (defined $opts{'carma'}) { $carma_pkg = lc($opts{'carma'}); if ($print>=2 and ($carma_pkg ne 'none')) { print "Using CARMA for the microphysical model $carma_pkg.$eol"; } } if ($carma_pkg =~ m/cirrus/i) { unless ($microphys_pkg eq 'mg') { die <<"EOF"; ** ERROR: microphysics package set to: $microphys_pkg ** The CARMA cirrus model only works with "-microphys mg" (the default) EOF } } $cfg_ref->set('carma', $carma_pkg); #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CLUBB if (defined $opts{'clubb_sgs'}) { $cfg_ref->set('clubb_sgs', $opts{'clubb_sgs'}); } my $clubb_sgs = $cfg_ref->get('clubb_sgs'); # consistency checks... # CLUBB_SGS only works with mg microphysics if ($clubb_sgs and $microphys_pkg !~ m/mg/) { die <<"EOF"; ** ERROR: microphysics package set to: $microphys_pkg ** CLUBB_SGS only works with MG microphysics (default for the cam5 physics package) EOF } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Macro-physics package # The default for the current physics package is: my $macrophys_pkg = 'park'; # But if the physics package is adiabatic, ideal, cam3, cam4, change the default if ($phys_pkg =~ /cam[34]/) {$macrophys_pkg = 'rk';} elsif ($phys_pkg =~ /ideal|adiabatic/) {$macrophys_pkg = 'none';} # CLUBB_SGS override if ($clubb_sgs == 1) { $macrophys_pkg = 'clubb_sgs'; } $cfg_ref->set('macrophys', $macrophys_pkg); if ($print>=2) { print "Macrophysics package: $macrophys_pkg$eol"; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PBL package # The default for the current physics package is: my $pbl_pkg = 'uw'; # But if the physics package is adiabatic, ideal, cam3 or cam4, change the default if ($phys_pkg =~ m/ideal|adiabatic|cam3|cam4/) { $pbl_pkg = 'hb'; } # CLUBB_SGS override if ($clubb_sgs == 1) { $pbl_pkg = 'clubb_sgs'; } # Allow the user to override the default via the commandline. if (defined $opts{'pbl'}) { $pbl_pkg = lc($opts{'pbl'}); } # consistency checks... # UW PBL only works with mg microphysics if ($pbl_pkg =~ m/uw/i) { unless ($microphys_pkg eq 'mg') { die <<"EOF"; ** ERROR: microphysics package set to: $microphys_pkg ** The UW PBL scheme only works with "-microphys mg" (the default) EOF } } $cfg_ref->set('pbl', $pbl_pkg); if ($print>=2) { print "Using $pbl_pkg PBL scheme.$eol"; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Radiation package # The default for the current physics package is: my $rad_pkg = 'rrtmg'; # But if the physics package is adiabatic, ideal, cam3, cam4 or chemistry is waccm_*, change the default if ($phys_pkg =~ m/^ideal$|^adiabatic$|^cam[34]$/) { $rad_pkg = 'camrt'; } # Allow the user to override the default via the commandline. if (defined $opts{'rad'}) { $rad_pkg = lc($opts{'rad'}); } # consistency checks... if ($rad_pkg eq 'camrt') { # The camrt radiation doesn't work with the modal aerosols if ($chem_pkg =~ /_mam/) { die "configure ERROR: radiation package: $rad_pkg is not compatible\n". " with aerosol package $chem_pkg\n"; } } elsif ($rad_pkg eq 'rrtmg') { # The rrtmg package doesn't work with the CAM3 prescribed aerosols if ($phys_pkg eq 'cam3') { die "configure ERROR: radiation package: $rad_pkg is not compatible\n". " with physics package $phys_pkg\n"; } } $cfg_ref->set('rad', $rad_pkg); if ($print>=2) { print "Radiation package: $rad_pkg$eol"; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Option to build the COSP simulator if (defined $opts{'cosp'}) { $cfg_ref->set('cosp', $opts{'cosp'}); } my $cosp = $cfg_ref->get('cosp'); # consistency check if ($cosp) { if ($phys_pkg eq 'cam5') { print "physics package: $phys_pkg is still being tested\n". " with the COSP simulator\n"; } } if ($cosp and $print>=2) { print "COSP simulator enabled$eol"; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Ocean model my $ocn_pkg = 'docn'; # If the physics package is adiabatic, or ideal, change the default if ($phys_pkg =~ m/ideal|adiabatic/) { $ocn_pkg = 'socn'; } elsif (defined $opts{'rad_driver'}) { $ocn_pkg = 'socn'; } # Allow the user to override the default via the commandline. if (defined $opts{'ocn'}) { $ocn_pkg = lc($opts{'ocn'}); } $cfg_ref->set('ocn', $ocn_pkg); if ($print>=2) { print "Ocean package: $ocn_pkg$eol"; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Land model my $lnd_pkg = 'clm'; # If the physics package is adiabatic, or ideal, change the default if ($phys_pkg =~ m/ideal|adiabatic/) { $lnd_pkg = 'slnd'; } elsif ($ocn_pkg eq 'aquaplanet') { $lnd_pkg = 'slnd'; } elsif (defined $opts{'rad_driver'}) { $lnd_pkg = 'slnd'; } # If building for CESM then do nothing for land component if ($ccsm_seq) { $lnd_pkg = 'none'; } # Allow the user to override the default via the commandline. if (defined $opts{'lnd'}) { $lnd_pkg = lc($opts{'lnd'}); } $cfg_ref->set('lnd', $lnd_pkg); if ($print>=2) { print "Land package: $lnd_pkg$eol"; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Sea ice model my $ice_pkg = 'cice'; # If the physics package is adiabatic, ideal, or cam3, change the default if ($phys_pkg =~ m/ideal|adiabatic/) { $ice_pkg = 'sice'; } elsif ($phys_pkg eq 'cam3') { $ice_pkg = 'cice'; } elsif ($ocn_pkg eq 'aquaplanet') { $ice_pkg = 'sice'; } elsif (defined $opts{'rad_driver'}) { $ice_pkg = 'sice'; } # If building for CESM then do nothing for sea ice component if ($ccsm_seq) { $ice_pkg = 'none'; } # Allow the user to override the default via the commandline. if (defined $opts{'ice'}) { $ice_pkg = lc($opts{'ice'}); } $cfg_ref->set('ice', $ice_pkg); if ($print>=2) { print "Sea ice package: $ice_pkg$eol"; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Runoff model my $rof_pkg = 'rtm'; # If the physics package is adiabatic, or ideal, change the default if ($phys_pkg =~ m/ideal|adiabatic/) { $rof_pkg = 'srof'; } elsif ($ocn_pkg eq 'aquaplanet') { $rof_pkg = 'srof'; } elsif (defined $opts{'rad_driver'}) { $rof_pkg = 'srof'; } # If building for CESM then do nothing for runoff component if ($ccsm_seq) { $rof_pkg = 'none'; } # Allow the user to override the default via the commandline. if (defined $opts{'rof'}) { $rof_pkg = lc($opts{'rof'}); } $cfg_ref->set('rof', $rof_pkg); if ($print>=2) { print "Runoff package: $rof_pkg$eol"; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Use modifications for perturbation growth testing? if (defined $opts{'pergro'}) { $cfg_ref->set('pergro', $opts{'pergro'}); } my $pergro = $cfg_ref->get('pergro') ? "ON" : "OFF"; if ($print>=2) { print "Perturbation growth testing: $pergro$eol"; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Single column mode if (defined $opts{'scam'}) { $cfg_ref->set('scam', 1); } my $scam = $cfg_ref->get('scam') ? "ON" : "OFF"; # The only dycore supported in SCAM mode is Eulerian if ($scam eq 'ON' and $dyn_pkg ne 'eul') { die <<"EOF"; ** ERROR: SCAM mode only works with Eulerian dycore. ** Requested dycore is: $dyn_pkg EOF } # Check that model is configured for serial execution. Note that configuring with spmd # and running with 1 task doesn't work because the EUL dycore expects at least 2 tasks. # The model should run if built for threading. if ($scam eq 'ON' and $spmd ne 'OFF') { die <<"EOF"; ** ERROR: SCAM mode assumes a serial build. ** Requested parallel modes are: spmd=$spmd smp=$smp EOF } if ($print>=2) { print "CAM single column mode (SCAM): $scam$eol"; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Generate IOP if (defined $opts{'camiop'}) { $cfg_ref->set('camiop', 1); } my $camiop = $cfg_ref->get('camiop') ? "ON" : "OFF"; # The only dycore supported in CAMIOP mode is Eulerian if ($camiop eq 'ON' and $dyn_pkg ne 'eul') { die <<"EOF"; ** ERROR: CAMIOP mode only works with Eulerian dycore. ** Requested dycore is: $dyn_pkg EOF } if ($print>=2) { print "Produce IOP file for SCAM: $camiop$eol"; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Horizontal grid parameters if (defined $opts{'hgrid'}) { $cfg_ref->set('hgrid', $opts{'hgrid'}); } elsif (defined $opts{'res'}) { $cfg_ref->set('hgrid', $opts{'res'}); } my $hgrid = $cfg_ref->get('hgrid'); # set_horiz_grid sets the parameters for specific dycore/hgrid combinations. set_horiz_grid("$cfgdir/$horiz_grid_file", $cfg_ref); if ($print>=2) { print "Horizontal grid specifier: $hgrid$eol"; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Maximum number of columns in a chunk. if (defined $opts{'pcols'}) { $cfg_ref->set('pcols', $opts{'pcols'}); } my $pcols = $cfg_ref->get('pcols'); # Override PCOLS setting if configuring for SCAM if ($scam eq 'ON') { $pcols = 1; $cfg_ref->set('pcols', $pcols); } # Check valid value of pcols unless ( $pcols >= 1 ) { die <<"EOF"; ** ERROR: invalid chunk size: $pcols EOF } if ($print>=2) { print "Maximum number of columns in a chunk: $pcols$eol"; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Number of vertical levels if (defined $opts{'nlev'}) { $cfg_ref->set('nlev', $opts{'nlev'}); } else { # If the chemistry package isn't waccm and the physics package is cam3 or cam4, then # set the default number of levels to 26 if ($chem_pkg !~ m/waccm/i) { if ($phys_pkg eq 'cam3' or $phys_pkg eq 'cam4') { $cfg_ref->set('nlev', 26); } } } my $nlev = $cfg_ref->get('nlev'); # Check valid value of nlev unless ( $nlev >= 1 ) { die <<"EOF"; ** ERROR: invalid number of vertical levels: $nlev EOF } if ($print>=2) { print "Number of vertical levels: $nlev$eol"; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # chemistry preprocessor.... # *** this section is being refactored to avoid using the chem_preprocessor unless # it's required #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ my $chem_nadv = 0; my $chem_cppdefs = ''; my $chem_src_dir = ''; if (!$prog_species) { $chem_src_dir = "$cam_root/models/atm/cam/src/chemistry/pp_$chem_pkg"; $cfg_ref->set('chem_src_dir', $chem_src_dir); } if (($chem_pkg ne 'none') || ($prog_species)) { if ($chem_pkg eq 'super_fast_llnl') { $chem_nadv = 15; } elsif ($chem_pkg eq 'super_fast_llnl_mam3') { $chem_nadv = 31; $chem_cppdefs = ' -DMODAL_AERO -DMODAL_AERO_3MODE '; } elsif ($chem_pkg eq 'trop_mozart') { $chem_nadv = 103; } elsif ($chem_pkg eq 'trop_mozart_soa') { $chem_nadv = 120; } elsif ($chem_pkg eq 'trop_strat_mam3') { $chem_nadv = 135; $chem_cppdefs = ' -DMODAL_AERO -DMODAL_AERO_3MODE '; } elsif ($chem_pkg eq 'trop_strat_mam7') { $chem_nadv = 150; $chem_cppdefs = ' -DMODAL_AERO -DMODAL_AERO_7MODE '; } elsif ($chem_pkg eq 'trop_mozart_mam3') { $chem_nadv = 107; $chem_cppdefs = ' -DMODAL_AERO -DMODAL_AERO_3MODE '; } elsif ($chem_pkg eq 'trop_strat_bam_v1') { $chem_nadv = 132; } elsif ($chem_pkg eq 'trop_ghg') { $chem_nadv = 4; } elsif (($chem_pkg eq 'waccm_mozart') || ($chem_pkg eq 'waccm_mozart_v1')) { $chem_nadv = 58; $chem_cppdefs = ' -DWACCM_MOZART '; } elsif ($chem_pkg eq 'waccm_mozart_mam3') { $chem_nadv = 77; $chem_cppdefs = ' -DWACCM_MOZART -DDUST -DPROGSSLT -DMODAL_AERO -DMODAL_AERO_3MODE '; } elsif ($chem_pkg eq 'waccm_mozart_sulfur') { $chem_nadv = 65; $chem_cppdefs = ' -DWACCM_MOZART '; } elsif ($chem_pkg eq 'waccm_ghg') { $chem_nadv = 4; $chem_cppdefs = ' -DWACCM_GHG '; } elsif ($chem_pkg eq 'trop_mam3') { $chem_nadv = 20; $chem_cppdefs = ' -DMODAL_AERO -DMODAL_AERO_3MODE '; } elsif ($chem_pkg eq 'trop_mam7') { $chem_nadv = 37; $chem_cppdefs = ' -DMODAL_AERO -DMODAL_AERO_7MODE '; } elsif ($chem_pkg eq 'trop_bam') { $chem_nadv = 16; } # customize chemistry my $edit_chem_mech = $cfg_ref->get('edit_chem_mech'); my $usr_mech_infile = $cfg_ref->get('usr_mech_infile'); my $prog_species = $cfg_ref->get('prog_species'); my $ghg = ($chem_pkg eq 'trop_ghg') || ($chem_pkg eq 'waccm_ghg'); my $bam = $chem_pkg eq 'trop_bam'; my $customize = ($prog_species && !$ghg && !$bam) || $edit_chem_mech || $usr_mech_infile; if ($customize) { my $chem_proc_src ; $chem_proc_src = "$cam_bld/chem_proc/source"; $cfg_ref->set('chem_proc_src', $chem_proc_src) ; my $fc_type; if (defined $ENV{COMPILER}) { $fc_type = $ENV{COMPILER}; } elsif (defined $opts{'fc_type'}) { $fc_type = $opts{'fc_type'}; } ($chem_nadv) = chem_preprocess($cfg_ref,$print,$fc_type); } else { # copy over chem docs copy("$cam_root/models/atm/cam/src/chemistry/pp_$chem_pkg/chem_mech.doc",$cam_bld) or die "copy failed $! \n"; copy("$cam_root/models/atm/cam/src/chemistry/pp_$chem_pkg/chem_mech.in" ,$cam_bld) or die "copy failed $! \n"; } } my $carma_nadv = 0; my $carma_cppdefs = ''; # CARMA sectional microphysics # # New CARMA models need to define the number of advected constituents. # # New CARMA models that want to do dry depostion need to provide the ccp_def PROGSSLT, so that # clm will return aerodynamic resistances and surface friction velocity. if ($carma_pkg eq 'bc_strat') { $carma_nadv = 1; } elsif ($carma_pkg eq 'cirrus') { $carma_nadv = 84; } elsif ($carma_pkg eq 'dust') { $carma_nadv = 16; } elsif ($carma_pkg eq 'meteor_smoke') { $carma_nadv = 28; } elsif ($carma_pkg eq 'pmc') { $carma_nadv = 84; } elsif ($carma_pkg eq 'sea_salt') { $carma_nadv = 16; } elsif ($carma_pkg eq 'sulfate') { $carma_nadv = 30; } elsif ($carma_pkg eq 'test_detrain') { $carma_nadv = 66; } elsif ($carma_pkg eq 'test_growth') { $carma_nadv = 32; } elsif ($carma_pkg eq 'test_passive') { $carma_nadv = 16; } elsif ($carma_pkg eq 'test_radiative') { $carma_nadv = 16; } elsif ($carma_pkg eq 'test_swelling') { $carma_nadv = 48; } elsif ($carma_pkg eq 'test_tracers') { $carma_nadv = 372; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Number of advected constituents my $nadv; if (defined $opts{'nadv'}) { $cfg_ref->set('nadv', $opts{'nadv'}); } else { # If the user hasn't specified the number of advected constituents via the -nadv # commandline arg, then determine the default number. # There is always at least one advected constituent, the specific humidity, even # if it's set to zero which is the case for adiabatic or ideal physics. $nadv = 1; # If neither adiabatic nor ideal physics are used, then accumulate advected constituents # from the moist physics and chemistry processes. unless ($phys_pkg eq 'ideal' or $phys_pkg eq 'adiabatic') { # Microphysics parameterization if ($microphys_pkg eq 'rk') { $nadv += 2; if ($print>=2) { print "Advected constituents added by $microphys_pkg microphysics: 2$eol"; } } elsif ($microphys_pkg eq 'mg') { $nadv += 4; if ($print>=2) { print "Advected constituents added by $microphys_pkg microphysics: 4$eol"; } } # co2_cycle if ($co2_cycle) { $nadv += 4; if ($print>=2) { print "Advected constituents added by co2_cycle: 4$eol"; } } # Chemistry package: $nadv += $chem_nadv; if ($print>=2) { print "Advected constituents added by chemistry $chem_pkg: $chem_nadv$eol"; } # CARMA package: if ($carma_nadv > 0) { $nadv += $carma_nadv; if ($print>=2) { print "Advected constituents added by CARMA model $carma_pkg: $carma_nadv$eol"; } } } # Add in specified test tracers. These may be present with adiabatic or ideal physics. $nadv += $ttrac_nadv; if ($print>=2 and $ttrac_nadv) { print "Advected constituents added by test tracer package: $ttrac_nadv$eol"; } if ($age_of_air_trcs eq "ON") { $nadv += 4; if ($print>=2) { print "Advected constituents added by the age of air tracer package: 4$eol"; } } $cfg_ref->set('nadv', $nadv); } $nadv = $cfg_ref->get('nadv'); if ($print>=2) { print "Total advected constituents: $nadv$eol"; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Setup the CICE build my $cice_cppdefs = ''; my $cice_decomp = ''; if ($ice_pkg eq 'cice') { # Get the CAM grid my $hgrid = $cfg_ref->get('hgrid'); my $scam_mode = $cfg_ref->get('scam'); # Set the CICE decomposition my $bsizex; my $bsizey; my $maxblocks; my $decomptype; # First, check to see if user has specified it. my $cice_decomp_params = 0; if (defined $opts{'cice_bsizex'}) { $bsizex = $opts{'cice_bsizex'}; ++$cice_decomp_params; } if (defined $opts{'cice_bsizey'}) { $bsizey = $opts{'cice_bsizey'}; ++$cice_decomp_params; } if (defined $opts{'cice_maxblocks'}) { $maxblocks = $opts{'cice_maxblocks'}; ++$cice_decomp_params; } if (defined $opts{'cice_decomptype'}) { $decomptype = $opts{'cice_decomptype'}; ++$cice_decomp_params; } # Check that if the user has specified any of the decomp parameters, # they must all be specified. if ($cice_decomp_params) { unless ($cice_decomp_params == 4) { die <<"EOF"; ** ERROR: If any of the CICE decomposition parameters are specified, then they ** must all be specified. The settings were: ** cice_bsizex=$bsizex cice_bsizey=$bsizey cice_maxblocks=$maxblocks EOF } $cice_decomp = "-bsizex $bsizex -bsizey $bsizey -maxblocks $maxblocks -decomptype $decomptype"; } # Special case: SCAM elsif ($scam_mode) { $cice_decomp = "-bsizex 1 -bsizey 1 -maxblocks 1 -decomptype 'cartesian'"; } else { # User hasn't specified CICE decomp so get default values. # The defaults depend on the total number of execution threads available. These must # be specified by the user. my $cice_ntasks; my $cice_nthreads; if ($spmd eq 'OFF' and $smp eq 'OFF') { # serial case: $cice_ntasks = 1; $cice_nthreads = 1; } elsif ($spmd eq 'OFF' and $smp eq 'ON') { # OMP only -- user must define nthreads if (defined $nthreads) { $cice_ntasks = 1; $cice_nthreads = $nthreads; } else { die <<"EOF"; ** ERROR: If CICE decomposition parameters are not specified, then ** -nthreads must be specified to determine a default decomposition ** for a pure OMP run. The setting was: nthreads=$nthreads EOF } } elsif ($spmd eq 'ON' and $smp eq 'OFF') { # MPI only -- user must define ntasks if (defined $ntasks) { $cice_ntasks = $ntasks; $cice_nthreads = 1; } else { die <<"EOF"; ** ERROR: If CICE decomposition parameters are not specified, then ** -ntasks must be specified to determine a default decomposition ** for a pure MPI run. The setting was: ntasks=$ntasks EOF } } elsif ($spmd eq 'ON' and $smp eq 'ON') { # Hybrid -- user must define both ntasks and nthreads if (defined $ntasks and defined $nthreads) { $cice_ntasks = $ntasks; $cice_nthreads = $nthreads; } else { die <<"EOF"; ** ERROR: If CICE decomposition parameters are not specified, then ** -ntasks and -nthreads must be specified to determine a default decomposition ** for a hybrid run. The settings were: ntasks=$ntasks nthreads=$nthreads EOF } } $cice_decomp = "-ntasks $cice_ntasks -nthreads $cice_nthreads"; } my $cice_config = "$cam_root/models/ice/cice/bld/configure"; # Run the CICE configure. In CAM standalone mode the CICE code is being built # by using the CAM Makefile. The CICE configure is only supplying the CPP defines # that need to be included in the Makefile. # For now write the CICE config_cache file to the same location as CAM's my $cice_config_cache_file = "config_cache_cice.xml"; $cfg_ref->set('cice_config_cache_dir', $config_cache_dir); $cfg_ref->set('cice_config_cache_file', $cice_config_cache_file); my $cice_config_commandline = "$cice_config -hgrid $hgrid -cice_mode prescribed -ntr_aero 0 ". "$cice_decomp -cache $cice_config_cache_file -cachedir $config_cache_dir"; print "Issuing command to the CICE configure utility:\n $cice_config_commandline\n"; system($cice_config_commandline) == 0 or die "configure: CICE configure returned: $?\n"; # The CICE configure writes CPP defines to the file CICE_cppdefs $cice_cppdefs = `cat CICE_cppdefs`; $cice_cppdefs =~ s/^\s+//; $cice_cppdefs =~ s/\s+$//; $cice_cppdefs = " $cice_cppdefs "; # Hack for SCAM -- currently the cice configure command does not have a switch for scam mode. # So modify the cppdefs here to set the number of x and y points to 1 rather than there default # settings corresponding to the global grid size. if ($scam_mode) { $cice_cppdefs =~ s/NXGLOB=\d+/NXGLOB=1/; $cice_cppdefs =~ s/NYGLOB=\d+/NYGLOB=1/; } } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Makefile configuration ####################################################################### #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name of CAM executable. if (defined $opts{'cam_exe'}) { $cfg_ref->set('cam_exe', $opts{'cam_exe'}); } my $cam_exe = $cfg_ref->get('cam_exe'); if ($print>=2) { print "Name of CAM executable: $cam_exe$eol"; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set default Fortran and C compilers my $fc = ''; my $fc_type = ''; my $cc = ''; if ($target_os eq 'aix') { if ($spmd eq 'ON') { $fc = 'mpxlf95_r'; } else { $fc = 'xlf95_r'; } $fc_type = 'xlf'; $cc = 'mpcc_r'; } elsif ($target_os eq 'linux') { $fc='pgf95'; } elsif ($target_os eq 'darwin') { my $uname_m = `uname -m`; if ($uname_m =~ /ppc/) { if ($spmd eq 'ON') { $fc = 'mpxlf95_r;' } else { $fc = 'xlf95_r'; } $fc_type = 'xlf'; $cc = 'xlc'; } else { $fc = 'ifort'; $cc = 'gcc'; } } elsif ($target_os eq 'bgl') { $fc = 'blrts_xlf95'; $cc = 'blrts_xlc'; } elsif ($target_os eq 'bgp') { $fc = 'mpixlf95_r'; $cc = 'mpixlc_r'; } # User override for Fortran compiler if (defined $opts{'fc'}) { $fc = $opts{'fc'}; } if ($fc) { $cfg_ref->set('fc', $fc); if ($print>=2) { print "Fortran compiler: $fc$eol"; } } else { # If no default or user specification for Fortran compiler then die. die "Default for Fortran compiler not found. Specify using the '-fc' argument.$eol"; } # fc_type is used to identify the type of fortran compiler when it is being invoked # using a generic name such as mpif90 or ftn. This is currently only used in the Linux # section of the Makefile. if ($fc =~ /pgf/) { $fc_type = 'pgi'; } elsif ($fc =~ /^lf/) { $fc_type = 'lahey'; } elsif ($fc =~ /ifort/) { $fc_type = 'intel'; } elsif ($fc =~ /path/) { $fc_type = 'pathscale'; } elsif ($fc =~ /gfort/) { $fc_type = 'gnu'; } elsif ($fc =~ /xlf/) { $fc_type = 'xlf'; } # User override for Fortran compiler type if (defined $opts{'fc_type'}) { $fc_type = $opts{'fc_type'}; } if ($fc_type) { $cfg_ref->set('fc_type', $fc_type); if ($print>=2) { print "Fortran compiler type: $fc_type$eol"; } } else { # The Linux section of the Makefile depends on the FC_TYPE macro. Fail if # target_os is linux and fc_type hasn't been set. if ($target_os eq 'linux') { die "Fortran compiler type must be set on Linux platform. Specify using the '-fc_type' argument.$eol"; } } # If a default hasn't been set yet for CC then set one now. if ($cc eq '') { # On platforms where the programming environment is set up using a package managing # tool like "module" or "dotkit" then the compilers are invoked using scripts with # generic names like "ftn" and "cc". The following code to set the default CC # compiler recognizes this special case: if ($fc eq 'ftn') { $cc = 'cc'; } elsif ($fc eq 'mpif90') { $cc = 'mpicc'; } else { # Set default C compiler based on fc_type if ($fc_type eq 'pgi') { $cc = 'pgcc'; } elsif ($fc_type eq 'lahey') { $cc = 'gcc'; } elsif ($fc_type eq 'intel') { $cc = 'icc'; } elsif ($fc_type eq 'pathscale') { $cc = 'pathcc'; } elsif ($fc_type eq 'gnu') { $cc = 'gcc'; } elsif ($fc_type eq 'xlf') { $cc = 'xlc'; } } } # User override for C compiler if (defined $opts{'cc'}) { $cc = $opts{'cc'}; } # If the C compiler has not been set yet... unless ($cc) { $cc = 'cc';} $cfg_ref->set('cc', $cc); if ($print>=2) { print "C compiler: $cc$eol"; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Allow override of Makefile default linker my $linker = ''; if (defined $opts{'linker'}) { $linker = $opts{'linker'}; } $cfg_ref->set('linker', $linker); if ($linker and $print>=2) { print "Setting linker to: $linker$eol"; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Use compiler debugging options? my $debug_opt = (defined $opts{'debug'}) ? 1 : 0; $cfg_ref->set('debug', $debug_opt); my $debug = $debug_opt ? 'ON': 'OFF'; if ($print>=2) { print "Compiler debugging options: $debug$eol"; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Append to Makefile default C compiler options my $cflags = ''; if (defined $opts{'cflags'}) { $cflags = $opts{'cflags'}; } $cfg_ref->set('cflags', $cflags); if ($cflags and $print>=2) { print "Setting additional C compiler options: \'$cflags\'$eol"; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Append to Makefile default Fortran compiler options my $fflags = ''; if (defined $opts{'fflags'}) { $fflags = $opts{'fflags'}; } $cfg_ref->set('fflags', $fflags); if ($fflags and $print>=2) { print "Setting additional Fortran compiler options: \'$fflags\'$eol"; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Fortran compiler optimization overrides Makefile defaults my $fopt = ''; if (defined $opts{'fopt'}) { $fopt = $opts{'fopt'}; } $cfg_ref->set('fopt', $fopt); if ($fopt and $print>=2) { print "Override default Fortran optimization flags with: \'$fopt\'$eol"; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Load options appended to Makefile defaults my $ldflags = ''; if (defined $opts{'ldflags'}) { $ldflags = $opts{'ldflags'}; } $cfg_ref->set('ldflags', $ldflags); if ($ldflags and $print>=2) { print "Load options appended to Makefile defaults: \'$ldflags\'$eol"; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # For the CPP tokens, start with the defaults (from defaults file) and append the specifications # from the commandline. That way the user can override defaults since the commandline versions # occur last. my $usr_cppdefs = $cfg_ref->get('cppdefs'); if (defined $opts{'cppdefs'}) { $usr_cppdefs .= " $opts{'cppdefs'}"; } $cfg_ref->set('cppdefs', $usr_cppdefs); if ($usr_cppdefs and $print>=2) { print "Default and user CPP definitions: \'$usr_cppdefs\'$eol";} # The following CPP macro definitions are used to implement the compile-time options. They are # determined by the configuration parameters that have been set above. They will be appended to # the CPP definitions that were explicitly set in the defaults file or by the user on the commandline. my $cfg_cppdefs = ' '; # Fortran name mangling if ($cam_build) { if ( $fc_type eq 'xlf') { $cfg_cppdefs .= " -DFORTRAN_SAME"; } else { $cfg_cppdefs .= " -DFORTRANUNDERSCORE"; } } # cpl7 defines # currently the only BGC scenario implemented is CO2A. This must be set to # allocate fields so that the land listens to the atmosphere to recieve the # surface layer CO2 value. $cfg_cppdefs .= " -DCO2A"; # Building for CLM $cfg_cppdefs .= " -DMAXPATCH_PFT=numpft+1 -DLSMLAT=1 -DLSMLON=1"; # Building for perturbation growth tests if ($pergro eq "ON") { $cfg_cppdefs .= " -DPERGRO"; } # Building for DOM if ($ocn_pkg eq 'dom') { $cfg_cppdefs .= " -DCOUP_DOM"; } # Configure CAM to produce IOP files for SCAM if ($camiop eq 'ON') { $cfg_cppdefs .= " -DBFB_CAM_SCAM_IOP"; } # Resolution parameters for rectangular lat/lon grids my $nlon = $cfg_ref->get('nlon'); my $nlat = $cfg_ref->get('nlat'); $cfg_cppdefs .= " -DPLON=$nlon -DPLAT=$nlat"; # Parameters for multiple instances if (!$ccsm_seq){ $cfg_cppdefs .= " -DNUM_COMP_INST_ATM=1 -DNUM_COMP_INST_LND=1 -DNUM_COMP_INST_OCN=1 -DNUM_COMP_INST_ICE=1 -DNUM_COMP_INST_GLC=1 -DNUM_COMP_INST_ROF=1"; } # Resolution parameters for spectral element cubed sphere grids if ($dyn_pkg eq 'homme') { my $csnp = $cfg_ref->get('csnp'); $cfg_cppdefs .= " -DNP=$csnp"; } # Resolution parameters for vertical grid, number of constituents, chunk size my $nlev = $cfg_ref->get('nlev'); my $nadv = $cfg_ref->get('nadv'); my $pcols = $cfg_ref->get('pcols'); $cfg_cppdefs .= " -DPLEV=$nlev -DPCNST=$nadv -DPCOLS=$pcols"; # Spectral truncation parameters my $trm = $cfg_ref->get('trm'); my $trn = $cfg_ref->get('trn'); my $trk = $cfg_ref->get('trk'); $cfg_cppdefs .= " -DPTRM=$trm -DPTRN=$trn -DPTRK=$trk"; # FV dycore if ($dyn_pkg eq 'fv') { $cfg_cppdefs .= " -DSTAGGERED "; } # offline driver for FV dycore if ($offline_dyn) { $cfg_cppdefs .= ' -DOFFLINE_DYN'; } # HOMME dycore if($dyn_pkg eq 'homme'){ if ($spmd eq 'ON'){ $cfg_cppdefs .=" -D_MPI"; } $cfg_cppdefs .= " -DCAM -D_WK_GRAD -D_PRIM "; } # CICE ice model $cfg_cppdefs .= $cice_cppdefs; # -DSPMD only added for CESM build. The CAM Makefile has a separate SPMD macro. if ( ($ccsm_seq) and ($spmd eq 'ON') ) { $cfg_cppdefs .= " -DSPMD"; } # Chem CPP defs $cfg_cppdefs .= $chem_cppdefs; if ($waccm_phys) { $cfg_cppdefs .= ' -DWACCM_PHYS'; } # CARMA CPP defs $cfg_cppdefs .= $carma_cppdefs; #WACCM-X extended thermosphere/ionosphere model if ($waccmx) { $cfg_cppdefs .= ' -DWACCMX'; } # PIO if ($cam_build) { $cfg_cppdefs .= " -D_USEBOX"; } # COSP simulator if ($cosp) { $cfg_cppdefs .= ' -DUSE_COSP'; } # CLUBB, hardcode CLUBB precision to kind=8 if ($clubb_sgs == 1) { $cfg_cppdefs .= ' -DCLUBB_SGS'; $cfg_cppdefs .= ' -DCLUBB_CAM'; $cfg_cppdefs .= ' -DNO_LAPACK_ISNAN'; $cfg_cppdefs .= " -DCLUBB_REAL_TYPE=dp"; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # External libraries ########################################################################### #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # NetCDF include my $nc_inc = ''; if ($cam_build) { if (defined $opts{'nc_inc'}) { $nc_inc = $opts{'nc_inc'}; } elsif (defined $ENV{INC_NETCDF}) { $nc_inc = $ENV{INC_NETCDF}; } else { $nc_inc = '/usr/local/include'; } if (-f "$nc_inc/netcdf.inc") { $cfg_ref->set('nc_inc', $nc_inc); } else { die <<"EOF"; ** Cannot find netcdf.inc in specified directory: $nc_inc ** ** The NetCDF include directory is determined from the following set of options listed ** from highest to lowest precedence: ** * by the command-line option -nc_inc ** * by the environment variable INC_NETCDF ** * by the default value /usr/local/include EOF } if ($print>=2) { print "Found netCDF include file in: $nc_inc$eol"; } } # NetCDF library my $nc_lib = ''; if ($cam_build) { if (defined $opts{'nc_lib'}) { $nc_lib = $opts{'nc_lib'}; } elsif (defined $ENV{LIB_NETCDF}) { $nc_lib = $ENV{LIB_NETCDF}; } else { $nc_lib = '/usr/local/lib'; } if (-f "$nc_lib/libnetcdf.a") { $cfg_ref->set('nc_lib', $nc_lib); if(-f "$nc_lib/libnetcdff.a") { # Add the netcdff file if present $ldflags = $cfg_ref->get('ldflags'); $ldflags .= " -lnetcdff"; $cfg_ref->set('ldflags', $ldflags); } } else { die <<"EOF"; ** Cannot find libnetcdf.a in specified directory: $nc_lib ** ** The NetCDF library directory is determined from the following set of options listed ** from highest to lowest precedence: ** * by the command-line option -nc_lib ** * by the environment variable LIB_NETCDF ** * by the default value /usr/local/lib EOF } if ($print>=2) { print "Found netCDF library in: $nc_lib$eol"; } # PIO Support $cfg_cppdefs .= " -D_NETCDF "; } # NetCDF module files my $nc_mod = ''; if ($cam_build) { if (defined $opts{'nc_mod'}) { $nc_mod = $opts{'nc_mod'}; } elsif (defined $ENV{MOD_NETCDF}) { $nc_mod = $ENV{MOD_NETCDF}; } # check for the mod files in the user specified location if ($nc_mod and (-f "$nc_mod/netcdf.mod" or -f "$nc_mod/NETCDF.mod") and (-f "$nc_mod/typesizes.mod" or -f "$nc_mod/TYPESIZES.mod") ) { $cfg_ref->set('nc_mod', $nc_mod); } # if not there check in the netcdf lib directory elsif ( (-f "$nc_lib/netcdf.mod" or -f "$nc_lib/NETCDF.mod") and (-f "$nc_lib/typesizes.mod" or -f "$nc_lib/TYPESIZES.mod") ) { $nc_mod = $nc_lib; $cfg_ref->set('nc_mod', $nc_mod); } # then check in the netcdf include directory elsif ( (-f "$nc_inc/netcdf.mod" or -f "$nc_inc/NETCDF.mod") and (-f "$nc_inc/typesizes.mod" or -f "$nc_inc/TYPESIZES.mod") ) { $nc_mod = $nc_inc; $cfg_ref->set('nc_mod', $nc_mod); } else { die <<"EOF"; ** Cannot find netcdf.mod and typesizes.mod in specified directories: ** $nc_mod ** $nc_inc ** $nc_lib ** ** The NetCDF module directory is determined from the following set of options listed ** from highest to lowest precedence: ** * by the command-line option -nc_mod ** * by the environment variable MOD_NETCDF ** * by the directories containing the NetCDF library or include files EOF } if ($print>=2) { print "Found netCDF module files in: $nc_mod$eol"; } } # PNetCDF include my $pnc_inc = ''; if ($cam_build) { if (defined $opts{'pnc_inc'}) { $pnc_inc = $opts{'pnc_inc'}; } elsif (defined $ENV{INC_PNETCDF}) { $pnc_inc = $ENV{INC_PNETCDF}; } else { $pnc_inc = '/usr/local/include'; } if (-f "$pnc_inc/pnetcdf.inc") { $cfg_ref->set('pnc_inc', $pnc_inc); if ($print>=2) { print "Found PnetCDF include file in: $pnc_inc$eol"; } }else{ undef $pnc_inc; } } # PNetCDF library my $pnc_lib = ''; if ($cam_build) { if (defined $opts{'pnc_lib'}) { $pnc_lib = $opts{'pnc_lib'}; } elsif (defined $ENV{LIB_PNETCDF}) { $pnc_lib = $ENV{LIB_PNETCDF}; } else { $pnc_lib = '/usr/local/lib'; } if (-f "$pnc_lib/libpnetcdf.a" and $spmd eq 'ON') { $cfg_ref->set('pnc_lib', $pnc_lib); if ($print>=2) { print "Found PnetCDF library in: $pnc_lib$eol"; } # PIO Support $cfg_cppdefs .= " -D_PNETCDF "; }else{ undef $pnc_lib; } } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # LAPACK library my $lapack_libdir = ''; if ($cam_build) { if (defined $opts{'lapack_libdir'}) { $lapack_libdir = $opts{'lapack_libdir'}; } elsif (defined $ENV{LAPACK_LIBDIR}) { $lapack_libdir = $ENV{LAPACK_LIBDIR}; } if ($lapack_libdir ne '') { if (-f "$lapack_libdir/liblapack.a") { $cfg_ref->set('lapack_libdir', $lapack_libdir); } else { die <<"EOF"; ** Cannot find liblapack.a in specified directory: $lapack_libdir ** ** The LAPACK library directory is determined from the following set of options listed ** from highest to lowest precedence: ** * by the command-line option -lapack_libdir ** * by the environment variable LAPACK_LIBDIR EOF } } if ($lapack_libdir and $print>=2) { print "Found LAPACK library in: $lapack_libdir$eol"; } } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ESSL library -- add this library to the LDFLAGS for CAMChem when we're on an AIX system. # Assume that the xlf compiler is used to link. if ($cam_build) { if ($chem_pkg and $target_os eq 'aix') { $ldflags = $cfg_ref->get('ldflags'); $ldflags .= " -lessl"; $cfg_ref->set('ldflags', $ldflags); } } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # MPI # Only check for the MPI include or library files if the user has explicitly specified # where to look. Often the Fortran compiler knows where to look for these files and so # not specifying them is the best strategy. my $mpi_inc = ''; my $mpi_lib = ''; my $mpi_lib_name = ''; if ($cam_build and $spmd eq 'ON') { # MPI include if (defined $opts{'mpi_inc'}) { $mpi_inc = $opts{'mpi_inc'}; } elsif (defined $ENV{INC_MPI}) { $mpi_inc = $ENV{INC_MPI}; } if ($mpi_inc eq '' or -f "$mpi_inc/mpif.h") { $cfg_ref->set('mpi_inc', $mpi_inc); } else { die <<"EOF"; ** Cannot find mpif.h in specified directory: $mpi_inc ** ** The MPI include directory is determined from the following set of options listed ** from highest to lowest precedence: ** * by the command-line option -mpi_inc ** * by the environment variable INC_MPI EOF } if ($mpi_inc and $print>=2) { print "Found MPI include file in: $mpi_inc$eol"; } # MPI library if (defined $opts{'mpi_lib'}) { $mpi_lib = $opts{'mpi_lib'}; } elsif (defined $ENV{LIB_MPI}) { $mpi_lib = $ENV{LIB_MPI}; } if ($mpi_lib eq '') { $cfg_ref->set('mpi_lib', $mpi_lib); $cfg_ref->set('mpi_lib_name', ''); } elsif (-f "$mpi_lib/libmpi.a" or -f "$mpi_lib/libmpi.so") { $cfg_ref->set('mpi_lib', $mpi_lib); $cfg_ref->set('mpi_lib_name', 'mpi'); } elsif (-f "$mpi_lib/libmpich.a") { $cfg_ref->set('mpi_lib', $mpi_lib); $cfg_ref->set('mpi_lib_name', 'mpich'); if (-f "$mpi_lib/../bin/mpich2version") { $cfg_cppdefs .= " -DNO_SIZEOF"; } else { $cfg_cppdefs .= " -DNO_MPI2 -DNO_MPIMOD -DNO_SIZEOF"; } } else { die <<"EOF"; ** Cannot find libmpi.a, libmpi.so or libmpich.a in specified directory: $mpi_lib ** ** The MPI library directory is determined from the following set of options listed ** from highest to lowest precedence: ** * by the command-line option -mpi_lib ** * by the environment variable LIB_MPI EOF } if ($mpi_lib and $print>=2) { print "Found MPI library in: $mpi_lib$eol"; } } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ESMF library. my $esmf_libdir = ''; if (defined $opts{'esmf_libdir'}) { $esmf_libdir = $opts{'esmf_libdir'}; } elsif (defined $ENV{ESMF_LIBDIR}) { $esmf_libdir = $ENV{ESMF_LIBDIR}; } if ($cam_build and $esmf_libdir) { # Check that both the library and the esmf.mk file are found. Makefile macros # defined in esmf.mk are referenced by the Makefile. if ( (-f "$esmf_libdir/libesmf.a" or -f "$esmf_libdir/libesmf.so") and -f "$esmf_libdir/esmf.mk" ) { $cfg_ref->set('esmf_libdir', $esmf_libdir); if ($print>=2 ) { print "Found ESMF library in: $esmf_libdir$eol"; } } else { die <<"EOF"; ** Cannot find libesmf.a, libesmf.so, or esmf.mk in specified directory: $esmf_libdir ** ** The ESMF library directory is determined from the following set of options listed ** from highest to lowest precedence: ** * by the command-line option -esmf_libdir ** * by the environment variable ESMF_LIBDIR EOF } } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CPP defines to put on Makefile my $make_cppdefs = "$usr_cppdefs $cfg_cppdefs"; if ($print>=2) { print "CPP definitions set by configure: \'$cfg_cppdefs\'$eol"; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # COSP library. # Only build COSP as a separate library if doing a CAM standalone build. if ($cosp and $cam_build) { # Set the directory used to build cosp. Add location and library name # to the user specified load flags. my $cosp_libdir = "$cam_bld/cosp"; $cfg_ref->set('cosp_libdir', "$cosp_libdir"); my $ldflags = $cfg_ref->get('ldflags'); $ldflags .= " -L$cosp_libdir -lcosp "; $cfg_ref->set('ldflags', $ldflags); # create the build directory for cosp my $bld_dir = $cosp_libdir; unless (-d $bld_dir or mkdirp($bld_dir)) { die "** Could not create the cosp build directory: $bld_dir\n"; } # Create the COSP Makefile from a template and copy it into the cosp bld directory write_cosp_makefile("$cfgdir/../src/physics/cosp/Makefile.cospinline.in", "$cam_bld/cosp/Makefile"); if ($print) { print "creating $cam_bld/cosp/Makefile\n"; } } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # MCT library. # Only build MCT as a separate library if doing a CAM standalone build. if ($cam_build) { my $mct_libdir = '$cam_bld/mct'; if (defined $opts{'mct_libdir'}) { $mct_libdir = $opts{'mct_libdir'}; } elsif (defined $ENV{MCT_LIBDIR}) { $mct_libdir = $ENV{MCT_LIBDIR}; } else { $mct_libdir = "$cam_bld/mct"; } $cfg_ref->set('mct_libdir', "$mct_libdir"); my $ldflags = $cfg_ref->get('ldflags'); $ldflags .= " -L$mct_libdir/mct -lmct -L$mct_libdir/mpeu -lmpeu "; if ($spmd eq 'OFF') { $ldflags .= " -L$mct_libdir/mpi-serial -lmpi-serial "; } $cfg_ref->set('ldflags', $ldflags); unless (-d $mct_libdir or mkdirp($mct_libdir)) { die "** Could not create the mct build directory: $mct_libdir\n"; } unless (-d "$mct_libdir/mct" or mkdirp("$mct_libdir/mct")) { die "** Could not create the mct build directory: $mct_libdir/mct\n"; } unless (-d "$mct_libdir/mpeu" or mkdirp("$mct_libdir/mpeu")) { die "** Could not create the mct build directory: $mct_libdir/mpeu\n"; } if ($spmd eq 'OFF') { unless (-d "$mct_libdir/mpi-serial" or mkdirp("$mct_libdir/mpi-serial")) { die "** Could not create the mct build directory: $mct_libdir/mpi-serial\n"; } } system("cp $cam_root/models/utils/mct/Makefile $mct_libdir/.") == 0 or die "Unable to copy mct/Makefile\n"; system("cp $cam_root/models/utils/mct/mct/Makefile $mct_libdir/mct/.") == 0 or die "Unable to copy mct/Makefile\n"; system("cp $cam_root/models/utils/mct/mpeu/Makefile $mct_libdir/mpeu/.") == 0 or die "Unable to copy mpeu/Makefile\n"; if ($spmd eq 'OFF') { system("cp $cam_root/models/utils/mct/mpi-serial/Makefile $mct_libdir/mpi-serial/.") == 0 or die "Unable to copy mpi-serial/Makefile\n"; } my $mct_quiet = '> /dev/null 2>&1'; if ($print >= 2) {$mct_quiet = '';} my $mpi_serial = '--enable-mpiserial'; if ($spmd eq 'ON') {$mpi_serial = '';} my $mpi_hdr = ''; if ($spmd eq 'ON') { if ($mpi_inc) {$mpi_hdr = "MPIHEADER=-I$mpi_inc"; } } my $cfg_cmnd = "$cam_root/models/utils/mct/configure FC=$fc --srcdir=$cam_root/models/utils/mct ". "$mpi_hdr $mpi_serial $mct_quiet"; chdir $mct_libdir or die "FAILURE: cd to $mct_libdir\n"; system($cfg_cmnd) == 0 or die "FAILURE: MCT configure\n"; chdir $cam_bld or die "FAILURE: cd to $cam_bld\n"; print "MCT configure is done.\n"; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Write configuration files #################################################################### #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $fp_filename = 'Filepath'; # name of output filepath file my $cpp_filename = 'CCSM_cppdefs'; # name of output file for cam's cppdefs in ccsm # Write the filepath file. write_filepath("$cam_bld/$fp_filename", $cfg_ref); if ($print) { print "creating $cam_bld/$fp_filename\n"; } if (($ccsm_seq)) { # Write the file for cam's cppdefs needed in ccsm. write_cppdefs("$cam_bld/$cpp_filename", $make_cppdefs); if ($print) { print "creating $cam_bld/$cpp_filename\n"; } } else { # Write the Makefile. write_makefile("$cfgdir/Makefile.in", "$cam_bld/Makefile", $cfg_ref, $make_cppdefs); if ($print) { print "creating $cam_bld/Makefile\n"; } # Write the config.h file for PIO and MCT write_config_h("$cam_bld/config.h"); if ($print) { print "creating $cam_bld/config.h\n"; } } # Write the configuration cache file. $cfg_ref->write_file($config_cache_file, $commandline); if ($print) { print "creating $config_cache_file\n"; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Finished unless testing requested ############################################################ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- unless ($cam_build and $opts{'test'}) { if ($print) { print "CAM configure done.\n"; } exit; } # create a subdirectory of the current directory for testing my $test_dir = "$cam_bld/configure-tests"; unless (-d $test_dir or mkdirp($test_dir)) { die <<"EOF"; ** Could not create the testing directory: $test_dir EOF } chdir( $test_dir ) || die <<"EOF"; ** Trouble changing directory to $test_dir ** EOF # check for GNU make in the user's path if ($print) { print "Looking for a valid GNU make... "; } my @makenames = qw(gmake gnumake make); if ($opts{'gmake'}) { unshift @makenames, $opts{'gmake'}; } my $gmake = get_gmake(@makenames); if ($gmake) { if ($print) { print "using $gmake$eol"; } } else { print "\n". "** Cannot find a valid GNU make. Tried:\n". "@makenames\n"; die "The name of GNU make on your system can be specified to configure via\n". "the -gmake option. Make sure this\n". "name is in your path (add the appropriate directory to your PATH\n". "environment variable) or specify an absolute pathname.\n"; } # The CAM Makefile requires a Filepath file. To run the tests construct a Filepath file # that contains only the test directory. write_tests_filepath($test_dir); # Test for Fortran 90 compatible compiler if ($print) { print "Testing for Fortran 90 compatible compiler... "; } my $fc = check_fc($gmake, "$cam_bld/Makefile"); if ($fc) { if ($print) { print "using $fc$eol"; } } # Test NetCDF library if ($print) { print "Test linking to NetCDF library... "; } if (check_netcdf($gmake, "$cam_bld/Makefile")==0) { if ($print) { print "ok$eol"; } } # Test MPI library if ($spmd eq 'ON') { if ($print) { print "Test linking to MPI library... "; } if (check_mpi($gmake, "$cam_bld/Makefile")==0) { if ($print) { print "ok$eol"; } } } # Test ESMF library if ($esmf_libdir) { if ($print) { print "Test linking to ESMF library... "; } if (check_esmf($gmake, "$cam_bld/Makefile")==0) { if ($print) { print "ok$eol"; } } } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Done testing. chdir( $cwd ) || die <<"EOF"; ** Trouble changing directory back to $cwd ** EOF if ($print) { print "CAM configure done.\n"; } exit; #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # REALLY FINISHED ############################################################################## #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub write_filepath { my ($file, $cfg_ref) = @_; my $fh = new IO::File; $fh->open(">$file") or die "** can't open filepath file: $file\n"; # configuration parameters used to determine paths my $cam_root = $cfg_ref->get('cam_root'); my $usr_src = $cfg_ref->get('usr_src'); my $chem_proc_src = $cfg_ref->get('chem_proc_src'); my $chem_src_dir = $cfg_ref->get('chem_src_dir'); my $chem = $cfg_ref->get('chem'); my $waccm_phys = $cfg_ref->get('waccm_phys'); my $waccmx = $cfg_ref->get('waccmx'); my $carma = $cfg_ref->get('carma'); my $rad = $cfg_ref->get('rad'); my $dyn = $cfg_ref->get('dyn'); my $cppdefs = $cfg_ref->get('cppdefs'); my $cosp = $cfg_ref->get('cosp'); my $spmd = $cfg_ref->get('spmd'); my $esmf_libdir = $cfg_ref->get('esmf_libdir'); my $ocn = $cfg_ref->get('ocn'); my $lnd = $cfg_ref->get('lnd'); my $ice = $cfg_ref->get('ice'); my $rof = $cfg_ref->get('rof'); my $rad_driver = $cfg_ref->get('rad_driver'); # Root directory my $srcdir = "$cam_root/models"; # Component interface specifier my $comp_intf = $cfg_ref->get('comp_intf'); # Start writing paths to the file. *** Order is important *** The # sequence of paths will be used to set the GNU Makefile's VPATH macro # which tells make where to search for dependencies. # User specified source directories. if ($usr_src =~ /\S+/) { my @dirs = split ',', $usr_src; while ( my $dir = shift @dirs ) { print $fh "$dir\n"; } } # CESM has a standard source mods location. if ($ccsm_seq) { my $CASEROOT = "$ENV{'CASEROOT'}"; print $fh "$CASEROOT/SourceMods/src.cam\n"; } # offline radiatoin driver if ($rad_driver) { print $fh "$srcdir/atm/cam/tools/rad_driver\n"; } if ($carma ne 'none') { # This directory needs to precede physics/cam/ to replace # the CARMA stub package with CARMA. Putting it first allows # any CAM file to be overridden by a particular CARMA model. print $fh "$srcdir/atm/cam/src/physics/carma/models/$carma\n"; print $fh "$srcdir/atm/cam/src/physics/carma/cam\n"; print $fh "$srcdir/atm/cam/src/physics/carma/base\n"; } # CAM chemistry, dynamics, physics, control and shared utilities. if ($chem_proc_src) { print $fh "$chem_proc_src\n"; } if ($chem_src_dir) { print $fh "$chem_src_dir\n"; } if ($chem =~ /_mam/) { print $fh "$srcdir/atm/cam/src/chemistry/modal_aero\n"; } print $fh "$srcdir/atm/cam/src/chemistry/mozart\n"; if ($waccm_phys) { print $fh "$srcdir/atm/cam/src/physics/waccm\n"; } if ($waccmx) { print $fh "$srcdir/atm/cam/src/physics/waccmx\n"; } print $fh "$srcdir/atm/cam/src/chemistry/bulk_aero\n"; print $fh "$srcdir/atm/cam/src/chemistry/utils\n"; if ($rad eq 'rrtmg') { # These directories need to precede physics/cam/ to replace # the CAM3 radiation package with RRTMG print $fh "$srcdir/atm/cam/src/physics/rrtmg\n"; print $fh "$srcdir/atm/cam/src/physics/rrtmg/ext/rrtmg_mcica\n"; print $fh "$srcdir/atm/cam/src/physics/rrtmg/ext/rrtmg_lw\n"; print $fh "$srcdir/atm/cam/src/physics/rrtmg/ext/rrtmg_sw\n"; } print $fh "$srcdir/atm/cam/src/physics/cam\n"; if ($clubb_sgs eq '1') { print $fh "$srcdir/atm/cam/src/physics/CLUBB_core\n"; } print $fh "$srcdir/atm/cam/src/dynamics/$dyn\n"; if($dyn eq 'homme') { print $fh "$srcdir/atm/cam/src/dynamics/homme/share\n"; } # Parallelization utilies if ($dyn eq 'fv' or $cppdefs =~ /MODCM_DP_TRANSPOSE/) { print $fh "$srcdir/atm/cam/src/utils/pilgrim\n"; } # Advective transport if ($dyn eq 'eul' or $dyn eq 'sld') { print $fh "$srcdir/atm/cam/src/advection/slt\n"; } print $fh "$srcdir/atm/cam/src/cpl_$comp_intf\n"; print $fh "$srcdir/atm/cam/src/cpl_share\n"; print $fh "$srcdir/atm/cam/src/control\n"; print $fh "$srcdir/atm/cam/src/utils\n"; if ($ccsm_seq) { # These paths are only needed for the CESM build which builds COSP # as a part of the atm component library. The CAM standalone build # issues a sub-make call to build COSP in it's own library. if ($cosp) { # COSP simulator print $fh "$srcdir/atm/cam/src/physics/cosp\n"; print $fh "$srcdir/atm/cam/src/physics/icarus-scops\n"; print $fh "$srcdir/atm/cam/src/physics/cosp/quickbeam\n"; print $fh "$srcdir/atm/cam/src/physics/cosp/actsim\n"; print $fh "$srcdir/atm/cam/src/physics/cosp/llnl\n"; print $fh "$srcdir/atm/cam/src/physics/cosp/MISR_simulator\n"; print $fh "$srcdir/atm/cam/src/physics/cosp/MODIS_simulator\n"; } } else { # The rest of these paths are only needed for CAM standalone builds print $fh "$srcdir/utils/timing\n"; print $fh "$srcdir/utils/pio\n"; unless ($esmf_libdir) { print $fh "$srcdir/utils/esmf_wrf_timemgr\n"; } # Sequential Driver print $fh "$srcdir/drv/driver\n"; print $fh "$srcdir/drv/shr\n"; if ($comp_intf eq 'esmf') { print $fh "$srcdir/drv/shr_esmf\n"; } # Ocean package. if ($ocn eq 'dom') { print $fh "$srcdir/atm/cam/src/utils/cam_dom\n"; print $fh "$srcdir/atm/cam/src/utils/cam_dom/cpl_$comp_intf\n"; } elsif ($ocn eq 'docn') { print $fh "$srcdir/ocn/docn\n"; print $fh "$srcdir/ocn/docn/cpl_$comp_intf\n"; } elsif ($ocn eq 'aquaplanet') { print $fh "$srcdir/atm/cam/src/utils/cam_aqua\n"; print $fh "$srcdir/atm/cam/src/utils/cam_aqua/cpl_$comp_intf\n"; } elsif ($ocn eq 'socn') { print $fh "$srcdir/ocn/socn/cpl_$comp_intf\n"; } # Land package if ($lnd eq 'clm') { print $fh "$srcdir/lnd/clm/src/cpl_$comp_intf\n"; print $fh "$srcdir/lnd/clm/src/cpl_share\n"; print $fh "$srcdir/lnd/clm/src/main\n"; print $fh "$srcdir/lnd/clm/src/biogeophys\n"; print $fh "$srcdir/lnd/clm/src/biogeochem\n"; } elsif ($lnd eq 'slnd') { print $fh "$srcdir/lnd/slnd/cpl_$comp_intf\n"; } # Sea ice package if ($ice eq 'csim4') { print $fh "$srcdir/atm/cam/src/utils/cam_csim4\n"; print $fh "$srcdir/atm/cam/src/utils/cam_csim4/cpl_$comp_intf\n"; } elsif ($ice eq 'sice') { print $fh "$srcdir/ice/sice/cpl_$comp_intf\n"; } elsif ($ice eq 'cice') { print $fh "$srcdir/ice/cice/src/drivers/cpl_$comp_intf\n"; print $fh "$srcdir/ice/cice/src/drivers/cpl_share\n"; print $fh "$srcdir/ice/cice/src/mpi\n"; print $fh "$srcdir/ice/cice/src/source\n"; } # Land ice package print $fh "$srcdir/glc/sglc/cpl_$comp_intf\n"; # Runoff package if ($rof eq 'rtm') { print $fh "$srcdir/rof/rtm/src/cpl_$comp_intf\n"; print $fh "$srcdir/rof/rtm/src/cpl_share\n"; print $fh "$srcdir/rof/rtm/src/riverroute\n"; } elsif ($rof eq 'srof') { print $fh "$srcdir/rof/srof/cpl_$comp_intf\n"; } print $fh "$srcdir/csm_share/shr\n"; print $fh "$srcdir/csm_share/dshr\n"; } $fh->close; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub write_cppdefs { my ($file, $make_cppdefs) = @_; my $fh = new IO::File; $fh->open(">$file") or die "** can't open cpp defs file: $file\n"; print $fh "$make_cppdefs\n"; $fh->close; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub write_makefile { # Add macro definitions to the beginning of the Makefile # in the CAM configuration script directory my ($file_in, $file_out, $cfg_ref, $make_cppdefs) = @_; my $fh_in = new IO::File; my $fh_out = new IO::File; $fh_out->open(">$file_out") or die "** can't open file: $file_out\n"; # configuration parameters my $target_os = $cfg_ref->get('target_os'); my $cam_root = $cfg_ref->get('cam_root'); my $cam_exe = $cfg_ref->get('cam_exe'); my $cam_exedir = $cfg_ref->get('cam_exedir'); my $nc_inc = $cfg_ref->get('nc_inc'); my $nc_lib = $cfg_ref->get('nc_lib'); my $nc_mod = $cfg_ref->get('nc_mod'); my $mpi_inc = $cfg_ref->get('mpi_inc'); my $mpi_lib = $cfg_ref->get('mpi_lib'); my $mpi_lib_name = $cfg_ref->get('mpi_lib_name'); my $debug = $cfg_ref->get('debug') ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'; my $spmd = $cfg_ref->get('spmd') ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'; my $smp = $cfg_ref->get('smp') ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'; my $fc = $cfg_ref->get('fc'); my $fc_type = $cfg_ref->get('fc_type'); my $cc = $cfg_ref->get('cc'); my $linker = $cfg_ref->get('linker'); my $cflags = $cfg_ref->get('cflags'); my $fflags = $cfg_ref->get('fflags'); my $fopt = $cfg_ref->get('fopt'); my $ldflags = $cfg_ref->get('ldflags'); my $cosp_libdir = $cfg_ref->get('cosp_libdir'); my $mct_libdir = $cfg_ref->get('mct_libdir'); # map between local os names ($OSNAME) and names which are # used in the Makefile (return value from "uname -s" command). my %uname_map = ( 'aix' => 'AIX', 'darwin' => 'Darwin', 'dec_osf' => 'OSF1', 'es' => 'ES', 'irix' => 'IRIX64', 'linux' => 'Linux', 'solaris' => 'SunOS', 'super-ux' => 'SUPER-UX', 'unicosmp' => 'UNICOS/mp', 'bgl' => 'BGL', 'bgp' => 'BGP', ); print $fh_out <<"EOF"; # Make macros for CAM. UNAMES := $uname_map{$target_os} ROOTDIR := $cam_root EXENAME := $cam_exe MODEL_EXEDIR := $cam_exedir INC_NETCDF := $nc_inc LIB_NETCDF := $nc_lib MOD_NETCDF := $nc_mod INC_PNETCDF := $pnc_inc LIB_PNETCDF := $pnc_lib INC_MPI := $mpi_inc LIB_MPI := $mpi_lib MPI_LIB_NAME := $mpi_lib_name LAPACK_LIBDIR:= $lapack_libdir ESMF_LIBDIR := $esmf_libdir DEBUG := $debug SPMD := $spmd SMP := $smp FC := $fc FC_TYPE := $fc_type CC := $cc USER_LINKER := $linker USER_CPPDEFS := $make_cppdefs USER_CFLAGS := $cflags USER_FFLAGS := $fflags F_OPTIMIZATION_OVERRIDE := $fopt USER_LDFLAGS := $ldflags COSP_LIBDIR := $cosp_libdir MCT_LIBDIR := $mct_libdir EOF # Copy the "template" makefile to the new makefile. $fh_in->open("<$file_in") or die "** can't open file: $file_in\n"; while (<$fh_in>) { print $fh_out $_; } $fh_out->close; $fh_in->close; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub write_cosp_makefile { my ($file_in, $file_out) = @_; my $fh_in = new IO::File; my $fh_out = new IO::File; $fh_out->open(">$file_out") or die "** can't open file: $file_out\n"; print $fh_out <<"EOF"; CAM_BLD := $cam_bld COSP_PATH := $cam_root/models/atm/cam/src/physics/cosp ISCCP_PATH := $cam_root/models/atm/cam/src/physics/icarus-scops RS_PATH := $cam_root/models/atm/cam/src/physics/cosp/quickbeam CS_PATH := $cam_root/models/atm/cam/src/physics/cosp/actsim LLNL_PATH := $cam_root/models/atm/cam/src/physics/cosp/llnl MISR_PATH := $cam_root/models/atm/cam/src/physics/cosp/MISR_simulator MODIS_PATH := $cam_root/models/atm/cam/src/physics/cosp/MODIS_simulator EOF # Copy the "template" makefile to the new makefile. $fh_in->open("<$file_in") or die "** can't open file: $file_in\n"; while (<$fh_in>) { print $fh_out $_; } $fh_out->close; $fh_in->close; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub write_config_h { my ($file) = @_; my $fh = new IO::File; $fh->open(">$file") or die "** can't open config.h file for PIO and MCT: $file\n"; print $fh <<"EOF"; #ifdef FORTRAN_SAME #define FC_FUNC(name,NAME) name #elif FORTRANUNDERSCORE #define FC_FUNC(name,NAME) name ##_ #elif FORTRANDOUBLEUNDERSCORE #define FC_FUNC(name,NAME) name ##__ #endif EOF $fh->close; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub set_horiz_grid { # Set the parameters for the specified dycore and horizontal grid. The # parameters are read from an input file, and if no dycore/grid matches are # found then issue error message. # This routine uses the configuration defined at the package level ($cfg_ref). my ($hgrid_file, $cfg_ref) = @_; my $xml = XML::Lite->new( $hgrid_file ); my $root = $xml->root_element(); # Check for valid root node my $name = $root->get_name(); $name eq "config_horiz_grid" or die "file $hgrid_file is not a horizontal grid parameters file\n"; # Get dycore/grid from the package's configuration my $dyn_pkg = $cfg_ref->get('dyn'); my $hgrid = $cfg_ref->get('hgrid'); # Special case -- If running a PERGRO test with the SLD dycore, use the # spectral truncation parameters appropriate for the EUL # dycore. Implement this case by overriding the local # value of $dyn_pkg. my $pergro = $cfg_ref->get('pergro'); if ( $pergro and ($dyn_pkg eq 'sld') ) { $dyn_pkg = 'eul'; } # Read the grid parameters from $hgrid_file. my @e = $xml->elements_by_name( "horiz_grid" ); my %a = (); # Search for matching dycore/grid. my $found = 0; HGRID: while ( my $e = shift @e ) { %a = $e->get_attributes(); if ( $dyn_pkg eq $a{'dyn'} and $hgrid eq $a{'hgrid'} ) { $found = 1; last HGRID; } } # Die unless search was successful. unless ($found) { die "set_horiz_grid: no match for dycore $dyn_pkg and hgrid $hgrid\n"; } # Set parameter values -- dycore specific. if ( $dyn_pkg =~ m/eul|sld/ ) { $cfg_ref->set('nlat', $a{'nlat'}); $cfg_ref->set('nlon', $a{'nlon'}); $cfg_ref->set('trm', $a{'m'}); $cfg_ref->set('trn', $a{'n'}); $cfg_ref->set('trk', $a{'k'}); } elsif ( $dyn_pkg eq 'fv' ) { $cfg_ref->set('nlat', $a{'nlat'}); $cfg_ref->set('nlon', $a{'nlon'}); } elsif ( $dyn_pkg eq 'fvcubed' ) { $cfg_ref->set('csnp', $a{'csnp'}); } elsif ( $dyn_pkg eq 'homme' ) { $cfg_ref->set('csne', $a{'csne'}); $cfg_ref->set('csnp', $a{'csnp'}); } # Override resolution settings to configure for SCAM mode. The override is needed # because in SCAM mode the -hgrid option is used to specify the resolution of default # datasets from which single data columns are extracted. my $scam = $cfg_ref->get('scam'); if ($scam) { $cfg_ref->set('nlat', 1); $cfg_ref->set('nlon', 1); $cfg_ref->set('trm', 1); $cfg_ref->set('trn', 1); $cfg_ref->set('trk', 1); } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_sys_defaults { my ($file, $os) = @_; my $xml = XML::Lite->new( $file ); my $root = $xml->root_element(); my $e; # xml element my %a; # element attributes my %sys = (); # return values # Check for valid root node my $name = $root->get_name(); $name eq "system_defaults" or die "file $file is not a system defaults file\n"; # SPMD $e = $xml->elements_by_name( "spmd" ); %a = $e->get_attributes(); $sys{'spmd'} = $a{$os}; # SMP $e = $xml->elements_by_name( "smp" ); %a = $e->get_attributes(); $sys{'smp'} = $a{$os}; return %sys; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub absolute_path { # # Convert a pathname into an absolute pathname, expanding any . or .. characters. # Assumes pathnames refer to a local filesystem. # Assumes the directory separator is "/". # my $path = shift; my $cwd = getcwd(); # current working directory my $abspath; # resulting absolute pathname # Strip off any leading or trailing whitespace. (This pattern won't match if # there's embedded whitespace. $path =~ s!^\s*(\S*)\s*$!$1!; # Convert relative to absolute path. if ($path =~ m!^\.$!) { # path is "." return $cwd; } elsif ($path =~ m!^\./!) { # path starts with "./" $path =~ s!^\.!$cwd!; } elsif ($path =~ m!^\.\.$!) { # path is ".." $path = "$cwd/.."; } elsif ($path =~ m!^\.\./!) { # path starts with "../" $path = "$cwd/$path"; } elsif ($path =~ m!^[^/]!) { # path starts with non-slash character $path = "$cwd/$path"; } my ($dir, @dirs2); my @dirs = split "/", $path, -1; # The -1 prevents split from stripping trailing nulls # This enables correct processing of the input "/". # Remove any "" that are not leading. for (my $i=0; $i<=$#dirs; ++$i) { if ($i == 0 or $dirs[$i] ne "") { push @dirs2, $dirs[$i]; } } @dirs = (); # Remove any "." foreach $dir (@dirs2) { unless ($dir eq ".") { push @dirs, $dir; } } @dirs2 = (); # Remove the "subdir/.." parts. foreach $dir (@dirs) { if ( $dir !~ /^\.\.$/ ) { push @dirs2, $dir; } else { pop @dirs2; # remove previous dir when current dir is .. } } if ($#dirs2 == 0 and $dirs2[0] eq "") { return "/"; } $abspath = join '/', @dirs2; return( $abspath ); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub subst_env_path { # # Substitute for any environment variables contained in a pathname. # Assumes the directory separator is "/". # my $path = shift; my $newpath; # resulting pathname # Strip off any leading or trailing whitespace. (This pattern won't match if # there's embedded whitespace. $path =~ s!^\s*(\S*)\s*$!$1!; my ($dir, @dirs2); my @dirs = split "/", $path, -1; # The -1 prevents split from stripping trailing nulls # This enables correct processing of the input "/". foreach $dir (@dirs) { if ( $dir =~ /^\$(.+)$/ ) { push @dirs2, $ENV{$1}; } else { push @dirs2, $dir; } } $newpath = join '/', @dirs2; return( $newpath ); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub mkdirp { my ($dir) = @_; my (@dirs) = split /\//, $dir; my (@subdirs, $path); # if $dir is absolute pathname then @dirs will start with "" if ($dirs[0] eq "") { push @subdirs, shift @dirs; } while ( @dirs ) { # check that each subdir exists and mkdir if it doesn't push @subdirs, shift @dirs; $path = join '/', @subdirs; unless (-d $path or mkdir($path, 0777)) { return 0; } } return 1; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_option { my ($mes, @expect) = @_; my ($ans, $expect, $max_tries); $max_tries = 5; print $mes; while ($max_tries) { $ans = <>; chomp $ans; --$max_tries; $ans =~ s/^\s+//; $ans =~ s/\s+$//; # Check for null response which indicates that default is accepted. unless ($ans) { return ""; } foreach $expect (@expect) { if ($ans =~ /^$expect$/i) { return $expect; } } if ($max_tries > 1) { print "$ans does not match any of the expected values: @expect\n"; print "Please try again: "; } elsif ($max_tries == 1) { print "$ans does not match any of the expected values: @expect\n"; print "Last chance! "; } } die "Failed to get answer to question: $mes\n"; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_gmake { # check for a valid version of GNU make in the user's path my @makenames = @_; my ($make, $retval); foreach $make (@makenames) { $retval = `$make -v 2>&1`; return $make if ($retval =~ /GNU Make/); } return; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub write_tests_filepath { my ($test_dir) = @_; my $fh = new IO::File; $fh->open(">Filepath") or die "** can't open file: $test_dir/Filepath\n"; print $fh "$test_dir\n"; $fh->close; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub run_test { # Return true if the test should be run after a successful build. # Note that this function is depending on the main package variables # main::$spmd and main:: $target_os. # Default is to try running a test that's been successfully built. my $result = 1; # But don't attempt to run a test if... if ( $spmd eq 'ON' # SPMD is enabled or $target_os ne $OSNAME # cross compilation ) {$result = 0;} return $result; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub check_fc { # Create a "hello world" test code in Fortran 90 syntax to check the compiler. # If successful then the name of the compiler used is returned. my ($gmake, $makefile) = @_; my $fh = new IO::File; my $file = 'test_fc.F90'; # create test program $fh->open(">$file") or die "** can't open file: $file\n"; print $fh <<"EOF"; module m1 private public :: hello contains subroutine hello() implicit none print *, 'hello world' end subroutine hello end module m1 program main use m1, only: hello implicit none call hello end program main EOF $fh->close; # Build the test_fc target in the CAM Makefile my $cmd = "$gmake -f $makefile test_fc 2>&1"; my $out = `$cmd`; my $cmd_error = $CHILD_ERROR; my $test_output = "Issued the command:\n$cmd\n\nThe output was:\n$out\n"; if ($cmd_error) { die "**** FAILED ****\n$test_output"; } elsif ($print>=2) { print "**** PASS ****\n$test_output"; } # search make output for name of Fortran compiler -- Assume that the Makefile # rule has the syntax "$(FC) -c ..." $out =~ m{ ^\s* # leading whitespace (\w+) # 1st word (name of compiler) \s+ # followed by one or more spaces -c # and the -c option \s }xm; my $fc_compiler_name = $1; if (run_test()) { # Run test_fc. my $cmd = "./test_fc"; my $out = `$cmd`; my $cmd_error = $CHILD_ERROR; my $test_output = "Issued the command:\n$cmd\n\nThe output was:\n$out\n"; if ($cmd_error) { die "**** FAILED ****\n$test_output"; } elsif ($print>=2) { print "**** PASS ****\n$test_output"; } } # clean-up (Srcfiles and Depends are created by the makefile) unlink 'test_fc.F90', 'test_fc.o', 'test_fc', 'Depends', 'Srcfiles', glob("[Mm]1.[Mm][Oo][Dd]"); return $fc_compiler_name; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub check_netcdf { # Create a test code that has an external reference to the netCDF library # and check that the Makefile can build it. Returns 0 on success. my ($gmake, $makefile) = @_; my $fh = new IO::File; my $file = 'test_nc.F90'; # create test program $fh->open(">$file") or die "** can't open file: $file\n"; print $fh <<"EOF"; program main use netcdf implicit none integer :: cmode, ncid, ret ret = nf90_create('foo.nc', cmode, ncid) if ( ret == NF90_NOERR ) then print *, 'created foo.nc' else print *, nf90_strerror( ret ) end if end program main EOF $fh->close; # Build the test_nc target in the CAM Makefile my $cmd = "$gmake -f $makefile test_nc 2>&1"; my $out = `$cmd`; my $cmd_error = $CHILD_ERROR; my $test_output = "Issued the command:\n$cmd\n\nThe output was:\n$out\n"; if ($cmd_error) { die "**** FAILED ****\n$test_output"; } elsif ($print>=2) { print "**** PASS ****\n$test_output"; } if (run_test()) { # Run test_nc. my $cmd = "./test_nc"; my $out = `$cmd`; my $cmd_error = $CHILD_ERROR; my $test_output = "Issued the command:\n$cmd\n\nThe output was:\n$out\n"; if ($cmd_error) { die "**** FAILED ****\n$test_output"; } elsif ($print>=2) { print "**** PASS ****\n$test_output"; } } # clean-up unlink 'test_nc.F90', 'test_nc.o', 'test_nc', 'foo.nc', 'Depends', 'Srcfiles'; return 0; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub check_mpi { # Create a test code that has an external reference to the MPI library # and check that the Makefile can build it. Returns 0 on success. my ($gmake, $makefile) = @_; my $fh = new IO::File; my $file = 'test_mpi.F90'; # create the test program $fh->open(">$file") or die "** can't open file: $file\n"; print $fh <<"EOF"; program test_mpi implicit none #include integer :: ierr call mpi_init(ierr) if ( ierr == MPI_SUCCESS ) then print *, 'successfully called mpi_init' else print *, 'ERROR returned from mpi_init' end if end program test_mpi EOF $fh->close; # Build the test_mpi target in the CAM Makefile my $cmd = "$gmake -f $makefile test_mpi 2>&1"; my $out = `$cmd`; my $cmd_error = $CHILD_ERROR; my $test_output = "Issued the command:\n$cmd\n\nThe output was:\n$out\n"; if ($cmd_error) { die "**** FAILED ****\n$test_output"; } elsif ($print>=2) { print "**** PASS ****\n$test_output"; } if (run_test()) { # Run test_mpi. my $cmd = "./test_mpi"; my $out = `$cmd`; my $cmd_error = $CHILD_ERROR; my $test_output = "Issued the command:\n$cmd\n\nThe output was:\n$out\n"; if ($cmd_error) { die "**** FAILED ****\n$test_output"; } elsif ($print>=2) { print "**** PASS ****\n$test_output"; } } # clean-up unlink 'test_mpi.F90', 'test_mpi.o', 'test_mpi', 'Depends', 'Srcfiles'; return 0; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub check_esmf { # Create a test code that has an external reference to the ESMF library # and check that the Makefile can build it. Returns 0 on success. my ($gmake, $makefile) = @_; my $fh = new IO::File; my $file = 'test_esmf.F90'; # create the test program $fh->open(">$file") or die "** can't open file: $file\n"; print $fh <<"EOF"; program test_esmf use ESMF_Mod implicit none integer :: ierr ! Writes a log called ESMF_LogFile to bld/configure-tests call ESMF_Initialize(rc=ierr,defaultlogtype=ESMF_LOG_SINGLE) if ( ierr == ESMF_SUCCESS ) then print *, 'successfully called ESMF_Initialize' else print *, 'ERROR returned from ESMF_Initialize' end if ! Close the log file in order to flush it call ESMF_Finalize(rc=ierr) end program test_esmf EOF $fh->close; # Build the test_esmf target in the CAM Makefile my $cmd = "$gmake -f $makefile test_esmf 2>&1"; my $out = `$cmd`; my $cmd_error = $CHILD_ERROR; my $test_output = "Issued the command:\n$cmd\n\nThe output was:\n$out\n"; if ($cmd_error) { die "**** FAILED ****\n$test_output"; } elsif ($print>=2) { print "**** PASS ****\n$test_output"; } if (run_test()) { # Run test_esmf. $cmd = "./test_esmf"; my $out = `$cmd`; my $cmd_error = $CHILD_ERROR; my $test_output = "Issued the command:\n$cmd\n\nThe output was:\n$out\n"; if ($cmd_error) { die "**** FAILED ****\n$test_output"; } elsif ($print>=2) { print "**** PASS ****\n$test_output"; } } # clean-up unlink 'test_esmf.F90', 'test_esmf.o', 'test_esmf', 'Depends', 'Srcfiles'; return 0; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub version { # The version is found in CAM's ChangeLog file. # $cfgdir is set by the configure script to the name of its directory. my ($cfgdir) = @_; my $logfile = "$cfgdir/../doc/ChangeLog"; my $fh = IO::File->new($logfile, '<') or die "** can't open ChangeLog file: $logfile\n"; while (my $line = <$fh>) { if ($line =~ /^Tag name:\s*(\w+)/ ) { print "$1\n"; exit; } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub print_hash { my %h = @_; my ($k, $v); while ( ($k,$v) = each %h ) { print "$k => $v\n"; } }