subroutine cubydr(pf ,fint ,wdy ,jdp ,jcen , & fyb ,fyt ,nlon ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: ! Compute Lagrangian cubic derivative estimates at both ends of the ! intervals in the y coordinate (unequally spaced) containing the ! departure points for the latitude slice being forecasted. ! ! Method: ! ! Author: ! Original version: J. Olson ! Standardized: J. Rosinski, June 1992 ! Reviewed: D. Williamson, P. Rasch, August 1992 ! Reviewed: D. Williamson, P. Rasch, March 1996 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! $Id$ ! $Author$ ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- use shr_kind_mod, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8 use pmgrid, only: plon, plev use scanslt, only: platd use abortutils, only: endrun use cam_logfile, only: iulog #if ( ! defined UNICOSMP ) use srchutil, only: whenieq #endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none !----------------------------------------------------------------------- #include !------------------------------Arguments-------------------------------- ! ! Input arguments ! integer, intent(in) :: pf ! number of constituent fields ! real(r8), intent(in) :: fint(plon,plev,ppdy,pf) ! constituent x- interpolants real(r8), intent(in) :: wdy(4,2,platd) ! latitude interpolation weights ! integer, intent(in) :: jdp(plon,plev) ! indices of latitude intervals integer, intent(in) :: jcen ! current latitude index integer, intent(in) :: nlon ! ! Output arguments ! real(r8), intent(out) :: fyb(plon,plev,pf) ! Derivative at south end of interval real(r8), intent(out) :: fyt(plon,plev,pf) ! Derivative at north end of interval !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! pf Number of fields being interpolated. ! fint (fint(i,k,j,m),j=1,ppdy) contains the x interpolants at each ! latitude needed for the y derivative estimates at the ! endpoints of the interval that contains the departure point ! for grid point (i,k). The last index of fint allows for ! interpolation of multiple fields. fint is generated by a ! call to herxin. ! wdy Weights for Lagrange cubic derivative estimates on the ! unequally spaced latitude grid. If grid interval j (in ! extended array) is surrounded by a 4 point stencil, then ! the derivative at the "bottom" of the interval uses the ! weights wdy(1,1,j),wdy(2,1,j), wdy(3,1,j), and wdy(4,1,j). ! The derivative at the "top" of the interval uses wdy(1,2,j), ! wdy(2,2,j), wdy(3,2,j), and wdy(4,2,j). ! jdp jdp(i,k) is the index of the y-interval that contains the ! departure point corresponding to global grid point (i,k) in ! the latitude slice being forecasted. ! Suppose yb contains the y-coordinates of the extended array ! and ydp(i,k) is the y-coordinate of the departure point ! corresponding to grid point (i,k). Then, ! yb(jdp(i,k)) .le. ydp(i,k) .lt. yb(jdp(i,k)+1) . ! fyb fyb(i,k,.) is the derivative at the bottom of the y interval ! that contains the departure point of global grid point (i,k). ! fyt fyt(i,k,.) is the derivative at the top of the y interval ! that contains the departure point of global grid point (i,k). ! !---------------------------Local variables----------------------------- ! integer i,k ! index integer m ! index integer jdpval ! index integer icount ! counter integer ii ! index integer indx(plon) ! set of indices for indirect addressing integer nval(plev) ! number of indices for given "jdpval" ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! icount = 0 do jdpval=jcen-2,jcen+1 !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE (K, INDX, M, II, I) do k=1,plev call whenieq(nlon,jdp(1,k),1,jdpval,indx,nval(k)) do m=1,pf do ii=1,nval(k) i=indx(ii) fyb(i,k,m) = wdy(1,1,jdpval)*fint(i,k,1,m) + & wdy(2,1,jdpval)*fint(i,k,2,m) + & wdy(3,1,jdpval)*fint(i,k,3,m) + & wdy(4,1,jdpval)*fint(i,k,4,m) ! fyt(i,k,m) = wdy(1,2,jdpval)*fint(i,k,1,m) + & wdy(2,2,jdpval)*fint(i,k,2,m) + & wdy(3,2,jdpval)*fint(i,k,3,m) + & wdy(4,2,jdpval)*fint(i,k,4,m) end do end do end do do k=1,plev icount = icount + nval(k) enddo if (icount.eq.nlon*plev) return end do if (*plev) then write(iulog,*)'CUBYDR: Departure point out of bounds: jcen,icount,nlon*plev=',jcen,icount,nlon*plev write(iulog,*)' ****** MODEL IS BLOWING UP: CFL condition likely violated *********' write(iulog,*)' Possible solutions: a) reduce time step' write(iulog,*)' b) if initial run, set "DIVDAMPN = 1." in namelist and rerun' write(iulog,*)' c) modified code may be in error' call endrun () end if ! return end subroutine cubydr