subroutine initcom !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: ! Initialize Model commons, including COMCON, COMHYB, COMMAP, COMSPE, ! and COMTRCNM ! ! Method: ! ! Author: ! Original version: CCM1 ! Standardized: L. Bath, Jun 1992 ! L. Buja, Feb 1996 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! $Id$ ! $Author$ ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- use shr_kind_mod, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8 use pmgrid, only: plat, plev, plon, plevp use scanslt, only: j1, platd, nlonex use grmult, only: grmult_init use pspect use comspe use rgrid, only: nlon, nmmax, wnummax, beglatpair, fullgrid use gauaw_mod, only: gauaw use commap use physconst, only: rair, rearth, ra use time_manager, only: get_step_size use abortutils, only: endrun use spmd_utils, only: masterproc use hycoef, only: hypd, hypm use sld_control_mod, only: ifax, trig use cam_logfile, only: iulog !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Local workspace ! real(r8) zsi(plat) ! sine of latitudes real(r8) zw(plat) ! Gaussian weights real(r8) zra2 ! ra squared real(r8) zalp(2*pspt) ! Legendre function array real(r8) zdalp(2*pspt) ! Derivative array real(r8) zslat ! sin of lat and cosine of colatitude integer i ! longitude index integer j ! Latitude index integer k ! Level index integer kk ! Level index integer kkk ! Level index integer m ! Index for legendre array integer nkk ! Print control variables integer ik1 ! Print index temporary variable integer ik2 ! Print index temporary variable integer itmp ! Dimension of polynomial arrays temporary. integer iter ! Iteration index real(r8) zdt ! Time step for settau logical lprint ! Debug print flag integer irow ! Latitude pair index integer lat ! Latitude index real(r8) xlat ! Latitude (radians) real(r8) pi ! Mathematical pi (3.14...) real(r8) dtime ! timestep size [seconds] ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! lprint = masterproc .and. .FALSE. dtime = get_step_size() call hdinti (rearth ,dtime ) ! ! NMAX dependent arrays ! if ( then call endrun ('INITCOM:mmax=ptrm+1 .gt. plon/2') end if zra2 = ra*ra do j=2,pnmax sq(j) = j*(j-1)*zra2 rsq(j) = 1._r8/sq(j) end do sq(1) = 0._r8 rsq(1) = 0._r8 ! ! MMAX dependent arrays ! do j=1,pmmax xm(j) = j-1 end do ! ! Gaussian latitude dependent arrays ! call gauaw(zsi ,zw ,plat ) do irow=1,plat/2 slat(irow) = zsi(irow) w(irow) = zw(irow) w(plat - irow + 1) = zw(irow) cs(irow) = 1._r8 - zsi(irow)*zsi(irow) xlat = asin(slat(irow)) clat(irow) = -xlat clat(plat - irow + 1) = xlat end do do lat=1,plat latdeg(lat) = clat(lat)*45._r8/atan(1._r8) end do ! ! Integration matrices of hydrostatic equation(href) and conversion ! term(ecref). ecref calculated to be consistent with continuity Eq.; ! href calculated to conserve energy. ! do k=1,plev do kk=1,plev href(kk,k) = 0._r8 ecref(kk,k) = 0._r8 end do end do ! ! Mean atmosphere energy conversion term is consistent with continiuty ! Eq. In ecref, 1st index = column; 2nd index = row of matrix. ! Mean atmosphere energy conversion term is energy conserving ! do k=1,plev ecref(k,k) = 0.5_r8/hypm(k) * hypd(k) do kk=1,k-1 ecref(kk,k) = 1._r8/hypm(k) * hypd(kk) end do end do ! ! Reference hydrostatic integration matrix consistent with conversion ! term for energy conservation. In href, 1st index = column; ! 2nd index = row of matrix. ! do k = 1,plev do kk = k,plev href(kk,k) = ecref(k,kk)*hypd(kk)/hypd(k) end do end do ! ! Print statements ! if (lprint) then nkk = plev/13 if (mod(plev,13).ne.0) nkk = nkk + 1 write(iulog,*)' ' write(iulog,*)'INITCOM: Hydrostatic matrix href' do kk=1,nkk ik1 = 1 + (kk-1)*13 ik2 = min0( ik1+12, plev ) write(iulog,9920) (k,k=ik1,ik2) do kkk=1,plev write(iulog,9910) kkk,(href(kkk,k),k=ik1,ik2) end do end do write(iulog,*)' ' write(iulog,*)'INITCOM: Thermodynamic matrix ecref' do kk=1,nkk ik1 = 1 + (kk-1)*13 ik2 = min0( ik1+12, plev ) write(iulog,9920) (k,k=ik1,ik2) do kkk=1,plev write(iulog,9910) kkk,(ecref(kkk,k),k=ik1,ik2) end do end do end if ! ! Multiply href by r ! do k=1,plev do kk=1,plev href(kk,k) = href(kk,k)*rair end do end do ! ! Compute truncation parameters ! if (masterproc) then write(iulog,9950) ptrm,ptrn,ptrk end if ! ! Compute semi-implicit timestep constants (COMSPE) ! zdt = 0.5_r8*dtime ! call settau(zdt) ! ! Compute constants related to Legendre transforms ! Compute and reorder ALP and DALP ! do j=1,plat/2 zslat = slat(j) itmp = 2*pspt - 1 call phcs (zalp ,zdalp ,itmp ,zslat ) call reordp(j ,itmp ,zalp ,zdalp ) end do call grmult_init() ! ! Determine whether full or reduced grid ! fullgrid = .true. do j=1,plat if (masterproc) then write(iulog,*)'nlon(',j,')=',nlon(j),' wnummax(',j,')=',wnummax(j) end if if (nlon(j).lt.plon) fullgrid = .false. end do ! ! Mirror latitudes south of south pole ! lat = 1 do j=j1-2,1,-1 nlonex(j) = nlon(lat) lat = lat + 1 end do nlonex(j1-1) = nlon(1) ! south pole ! ! Real latitudes ! j = j1 do lat=1,plat nlonex(j) = nlon(lat) j = j + 1 end do nlonex(j1+plat) = nlon(plat) ! north pole ! ! Mirror latitudes north of north pole ! lat = plat do j=j1+plat+1,platd nlonex(j) = nlon(lat) lat = lat - 1 end do ! ! Longitude array ! pi = 4.0_r8*atan(1.0_r8) do lat=1,plat do i=1,nlon(lat) londeg(i,lat) = (i-1)*360._r8/nlon(lat) clon(i,lat) = (i-1)*2.0_r8*pi/nlon(lat) end do end do do j=1,plat/2 nmmax(j) = wnummax(j) + 1 end do do m=1,pmmax do irow=1,plat/2 if (nmmax(irow) .ge. m) then beglatpair(m) = irow goto 10 end if end do call endrun ('INITCOM: Should not ever get here') 10 continue end do ! ! Set up trigonometric tables for fft ! do j=1,plat call set99(trig(1,j),ifax(1,j),nlon(j)) end do ! ! Set flag indicating dynamics grid is now defined. ! NOTE: this ASSUMES initcom is called after spmdinit. The setting of nlon done here completes ! the definition of the dynamics grid. ! return 9910 format( 1x,i3,13f9.5) 9920 format(/, 13i9) 9950 format(/,' Truncation Parameters',/,' NTRM = ',i4,/, & ' NTRN = ',i4,/,' NTRK = ',i4,/) end subroutine initcom