#[] #dimensions: time, level, y1, x1 #units: #long_name: #data: #factor: # setup for code generator [VARSET] # prefix of the generated module name: glide # f90 type containing all necessary data datatype: glide_global_type # module where type is defined datamod: glide_types [x0] dimensions: x0 units: meter long_name: Cartesian x-coordinate, velocity grid axis: X data: data%general%x0 dimlen: model%general%ewn-1 [y0] dimensions: y0 units: meter long_name: Cartesian y-coordinate, velocity grid axis: Y data: data%general%y0 dimlen: model%general%nsn-1 [x1] dimensions: x1 units: meter long_name: Cartesian x-coordinate axis: X data: data%general%x1 dimlen: model%general%ewn load:1 [y1] dimensions: y1 units: meter long_name: Cartesian y-coordinate axis: Y data: data%general%y1 dimlen: model%general%nsn load:1 [level] dimensions: level units: 1 long_name: sigma layers standard_name: land_ice_sigma_coordinate #formula_terms: sigma: level topo: topg thick: thk positive: down dimlen: model%general%upn [lat] dimensions: time, y1, x1 units: degreeN long_name: latitude data: data%climate%lati load: 1 standard_name: latitude [lon] dimensions: time, y1, x1 units: degreeE long_name: longitude data: data%climate%loni load: 1 standard_name: longitude [relx] dimensions: time, y1, x1 units: meter long_name: relaxed bedrock topography data: data%isos%relx factor: thk0 load: 1 hot: 1 coordinates: lon lat [eus] dimensions: time units: meter long_name: global average sea level data: data%climate%eus factor: thk0 standard_name: global_average_sea_level_change [slc] dimensions: time, y1, x1 units: meter long_name: isostatic adjustment data: data%isos%relx-data%geometry%topg factor: thk0 standard_name: bedrock_altitude_change_due_to_isostatic_adjustment coordinates: lon lat [uflx] dimensions: time, y0, x0 units: meter2/year long_name: flux in x direction data: data%velocity%uflx factor: scale2d_f2 [vflx] dimensions: time, y0, x0 units: meter2/year long_name: flux in x direction data: data%velocity%vflx factor: scale2d_f2 [diffu] dimensions: time, y0, x0 units: meter2/year long_name: apparent diffusivity data: data%velocity%diffu factor: scale2d_f4 [btrc] dimensions: time, y0, x0 units: meter/pascal/year long_name: basal slip coefficient data: data%velocity%btrc factor: scale2d_f6 [soft] dimensions: time, y0, x0 units: meter/pascal/year long_name: bed softness parameter data: data%velocity%bed_softness factor: scale2d_f6 load: 1 [ubas] dimensions: time, y0, x0 units: meter/year long_name: basal slip velocity in x direction data: data%velocity%ubas factor: scale2d_f5 standard_name: land_ice_basal_x_velocity load: 1 average: 1 [vbas] dimensions: time, y0, x0 units: meter/year long_name: basal slip velocity in y direction data: data%velocity%vbas factor: scale2d_f5 standard_name: land_ice_basal_y_velocity load: 1 average: 1 [taux] dimensions: time, y0, x0 units: kilopascal long_name: basal shear stress in x direction data: data%velocity%tau_x factor: 1e-3*thk0*thk0/len0 [tauy] dimensions: time, y0, x0 units: kilopascal long_name: basal shear stress in y direction data: data%velocity%tau_y factor: 1e-3*thk0*thk0/len0 [thk] dimensions: time, y1, x1 units: meter long_name: ice thickness data: data%geometry%thck factor: thk0 load: 1 standard_name: land_ice_thickness hot: 1 coordinates: lon lat [calving] dimensions: time, y1, x1 units: meter long_name: ice margin calving data: data%climate%calving factor: thk0 coordinates: lon lat [ivol] dimensions: time units: km3 factor: thk0*len0*len0*1.e-9 long_name: ice volume data: data%geometry%ivol [iarea] dimensions: time units: km2 long_name: area covered by ice factor: len0*len0*1.e-6 data: data%geometry%iarea [thkmask] dimensions: time, y1, x1 long_name: mask units: 1 data: data%geometry%thkmask type: int coordinates: lon lat hot: 1 [usurf] dimensions: time, y1, x1 units: meter long_name: ice upper surface elevation data: data%geometry%usrf factor: thk0 load: 1 standard_name: surface_altitude coordinates: lon lat [lsurf] dimensions: time, y1, x1 units: meter long_name: ice lower surface elevation data: data%geometry%lsrf factor: thk0 coordinates: lon lat [topg] dimensions: time, y1, x1 units: meter long_name: bedrock topography data: data%geometry%topg factor: thk0 load: 1 standard_name: bedrock_altitude hot: 1 coordinates: lon lat [acab] dimensions: time, y1, x1 units: meter/year long_name: accumulation, ablation rate data: data%climate%acab factor: scale2d_f1 standard_name: land_ice_surface_specific_mass_balance coordinates: lon lat average: 1 [bheatflx] dimensions: time, y1, x1 units: watt/meter2 long_name: basal heat flux data: data%temper%bheatflx load: 1 hot: 1 coordinates: lon lat [bmlt] dimensions: time, y1, x1 units: meter/year long_name: basal melt rate data: data%temper%bmlt factor: scale2d_f1 standard_name: land_ice_basal_melt_rate hot: 1 coordinates: lon lat average: 1 [bwat] dimensions: time, y1, x1 units: meter long_name: basal water depth data: data%temper%bwat factor: thk0 hot: 1 coordinates: lon lat [artm] dimensions: time, y1, x1 units: degree_Celsius long_name: annual mean air temperature data: data%climate%artm standard_name: surface_temperature cell_methods: time: mean coordinates: lon lat [btemp] dimensions: time, y1, x1 units: degree_Celsius long_name: basal ice temperature data: data%temper%temp(data%general%upn,1:data%general%ewn,1:data%general%nsn) standard_name: land_ice_temperature coordinates: lon lat [dusrfdtm] dimensions: time, y1, x1 units: meter/year long_name: rate of upper ice surface elevation change data: data%geomderv%dusrfdtm factor: scale2d_f1 coordinates: lon lat [uvel] dimensions: time, level, y0, x0 units: meter/year long_name: ice velocity in x direction data: data%velocity%uvel(up,:,:) factor: scale3d_f1 standard_name: land_ice_x_velocity hot: 1 [vvel] dimensions: time, level, y0, x0 units: meter/year long_name: ice velocity in y direction data: data%velocity%vvel(up,:,:) factor: scale3d_f1 standard_name: land_ice_y_velocity hot: 1 [wvel] dimensions: time, level, y1, x1 units: meter/year long_name: vertical ice velocity data: data%velocity%wvel(up,:,:) factor: scale3d_f7 coordinates: lon lat [wgrd] dimensions: time, level, y1, x1 units: meter/year long_name: Vertical grid velocity data: data%velocity%wgrd(up,:,:) factor: scale3d_f7 coordinates: lon lat hot: 1 [flwa] dimensions: time, level, y1, x1 units: pascal/year long_name: Pre-exponential flow law parameter data: data%temper%flwa(up,:,:) factor: scale3d_f8 hot: 1 coordinates: lon lat [temp] dimensions: time, level, y1, x1 units: degree_Celsius long_name: ice temperature data: data%temper%temp(up,1:data%general%ewn,1:data%general%nsn) standard_name: land_ice_temperature hot: 1 coordinates: lon lat [init_phaml] dimensions: time, y1, x1 units: meter long_name: phaml initial conditions data: data%phaml%init_phaml standard_name: phaml_initial_conditions load: 1 hot: 0 coordinates: lon lat [phaml] dimensions: time, y1, x1 units: meter long_name: phaml true solution data: data%phaml%uphaml standard_name: phaml_solution load: 1 hot: 0 coordinates: lon lat