module ice_probability use ice_kinds_mod use ice_communicate, only: my_task, master_task, get_num_procs use ice_constants, only: pi, puny, c1 use ice_fileunits, only: nu_timing use ice_domain_size, only: nx_global, ny_global, max_blocks use ice_domain, only: nblocks, blocks_ice, distrb_info, distribution_wght_file use ice_blocks, only: nx_block, ny_block, nblocks_tot, block, get_block use ice_read_write, only: ice_open_nc, ice_read_global_nc, ice_close_nc use ice_broadcast, only: broadcast_array use ice_global_reductions, only: sum_vector_dbl use ice_timers, only: use ice_work, only: work_gr use ice_probability_tools implicit none integer (int_kind), public, parameter :: & ! types of blocks: lndType = 0, & ! Land icefreeType = 1, & ! ice free (ocean only) iceType = 2 ! sea ice ! include "" integer (int_kind), public :: dynCnt ! number of calls to step_dynamic real (dbl_kind), allocatable :: lnumIceCells(:) ! number of active ice cells public :: ReadProbabilityFile public :: CalcWorkPerBlock ! public :: WriteProbabilityStats public :: init_numIceCells, & accum_numIceCells, & accum_numIceCells2, & print_numIceCells public :: set_numIceCells,write_numIceCells contains subroutine init_numIceCells() dynCnt = 0 ! print *,'init_numIceCells: nblocks_tot is: ',nblocks_tot allocate(lnumIceCells(nblocks_tot)) lnumIceCells = 0.0 end subroutine init_numIceCells subroutine accum_numIceCells(iblk,icells) integer (int_kind) :: iblk,icells lnumIceCells(iblk) = lnumIceCells(iblk) + real(icells,kind=dbl_kind) end subroutine accum_numIceCells subroutine accum_numIceCells2(aice) real (dbl_kind) :: aice(nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks) integer (int_kind) :: igblk,iblk real (dbl_kind) :: tmp type (block) :: this_block integer (int_kind) :: i,j,ihi,ilo,jhi,jlo do iblk = 1,nblocks igblk = blocks_ice(iblk) this_block = get_block(igblk,iblk) ilo = this_block%ilo ihi = this_block%ihi jlo = this_block%jlo jhi = this_block%jhi tmp = 0.0 do j = jlo,jhi do i = ilo,ihi if(aice(i,j,iblk) > puny) then tmp = tmp + c1 endif enddo enddo lnumIceCells(igblk) = lnumIceCells(igblk) + tmp enddo end subroutine accum_numIceCells2 subroutine set_numIceCells(iblk,ncells) integer (int_kind) :: iblk real (dbl_kind) :: ncells lnumIceCells(iblk) = ncells end subroutine set_numIceCells subroutine write_numIceCells real (dbl_kind), allocatable :: gnumIceCells(:) integer :: n allocate(gnumIceCells(nblocks_tot)) call sum_vector_dbl(lnumIceCells,gnumIceCells,distrb_info) gnumIceCells=gnumIceCells/real(dynCnt,kind=dbl_kind) if(my_task == master_task) then open(nu_timing,file='numCells2.bin',recl=8*nblocks_tot, & form = 'unformatted', access = 'direct', status = 'unknown') write(nu_timing,rec=1) gnumIceCells close(nu_timing) endif end subroutine write_numIceCells subroutine print_numIceCells real (dbl_kind), allocatable :: gnumIceCells(:) real (dbl_kind), allocatable :: gnumIceCells2(:) integer :: ii,n allocate(gnumIceCells(nblocks_tot)) allocate(gnumIceCells2(nblocks_tot)) call sum_vector_dbl(lnumIceCells, gnumIceCells, distrb_info) gnumIceCells = gnumIceCells/real(dynCnt,kind=dbl_kind) if(my_task == master_task) then ! compress out land blocks ii =0 do n=1,nblocks_tot if(nocn(n) > 0) then ii = ii+1 gnumIceCells2(ii) = gnumIceCells(n) endif enddo open(nu_timing,file='numCells.bin',recl=8*ii, & form = 'unformatted', access = 'direct', status = 'unknown') write(nu_timing,rec=1) gnumIceCells2(1:ii) close(nu_timing) print *,'numCells: ',gnumIceCells2(1:ii) endif deallocate(gnumIceCells,gnumIceCells2) end subroutine print_numIceCells subroutine ReadProbabilityFile(distribution_wght_file,Prob) character(char_len_long), intent(in) :: distribution_wght_file real(real_kind), intent(inout) :: Prob(:,:) type(block) :: this_block integer(int_kind) :: ilo,ihi integer(int_kind) :: jlo,jhi integer(int_kind) :: fid_prob integer(int_kind) :: amode,ncid,iostat,varid integer(int_kind) :: i,j,n,ncnt,ierr,ig,jg real(dbl_kind) :: val,sum,avg character (char_len) :: & fieldname ! field name in netCDF file call ice_open_nc(distribution_wght_file,fid_prob) fieldname = 'ice_present' call ice_read_global_nc(fid_prob,1,fieldname,Prob,.true.) if(my_task == master_task) then call ice_close_nc(fid_prob) print *,'MAXVAL(Prob): ',MAXVAL(Prob) print *,'MINVAL(Prob): ',MINVAL(Prob) print *,'COUNT(Prob > 0.5): ',COUNT(Prob > 0.5) endif ! normalize probability [0,1] ! prob=prob/100.0 end subroutine ReadProbabilityFile !*********************************************************************** !*********************************************************************** subroutine CalcWorkPerBlock(distribution_wght, KMTG,ULATG,work_per_block, prob_per_block,blockType,bStats) character (char_len), intent(in) :: distribution_wght real (dbl_kind), dimension(nx_global,ny_global), intent(in) :: & KMTG ,&! global topography ULATG ! global latitude field (radians) integer (int_kind), intent(inout) :: & work_per_block(nblocks_tot) ! number of work units per block real (dbl_kind), intent(inout) :: & prob_per_block(nblocks_tot) ! probability of sea-ice in block integer (int_kind), intent(inout) :: & blockType(nblocks_tot) ! Type of block: ! one of the following ! lnd,ice,icefree real (dbl_kind), intent(inout) :: bStats(:,:) type (block) :: & this_block ! block information for current block integer (int_kind), parameter :: & max_work_unit=10 ! quantize the work into values from 1,max integer(int_kind) :: jg,j,n,ig,i,work_unit integer(int_kind) :: maxkmt,mkmt,ilo,jlo,ihi,jhi integer(int_kind) :: activePts integer(int_kind) :: bid(max_blocks) integer(int_kind) :: bsize_x,bsize_y integer(int_kind), allocatable :: iLocation(:) real(dbl_kind), allocatable, dimension(:) :: prob,work real(dbl_kind) :: lat real(dbl_kind), parameter :: w0 = 1., & ! Constants for work blocks: w1 = 10. ! w0 for all blocks ! w1 for sea-ice blocks real(dbl_kind) :: maxlat,maxalat real(dbl_kind) :: shlatT,nhlatT real(real_kind) :: tmp integer(int_kind) :: ActiveBlocks,totWork logical, parameter :: Debug = .FALSE. integer(int_kind) :: numLnd,numIcefree,numIce integer(int_kind) :: ierr !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! estimate the amount of work per processor using the topography ! and latitude ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------- allocate(work_gr(nx_global,ny_global)) allocate(prob(nblocks_tot),work(nblocks_tot)) allocate(nocn(nblocks_tot)) allocate(nice005(nblocks_tot),nice010(nblocks_tot),nice050(nblocks_tot), & nice100(nblocks_tot),nice250(nblocks_tot),nice500(nblocks_tot)) nocn=0 nice005=0 nice010=0 nice050=0 nice100=0 nice250=0 nice500=0 ActiveBlocks = 0 select case (distribution_wght) case('file') call ReadProbabilityFile(distribution_wght_file,work_gr) case('erfc') work_gr = ErfcProbability(ULATG) case default work_gr = ErfcProbability(ULATG) end select !-------------------------------------------------- ! It would be nice if we can not find the ! the distribution_wgt_file, ! fall back to erfc weight function. ! However currently the error trapping does not prevent ! such a fault recovery !------------------------------------------------------- !if(ierr < 0) then ! print *,'CalcWorkPerBlock: Could not open file: ',trim(distribution_wght_file) ! print *,'CalcWorkPerBlock: Using ERFC probability function instead' ! work_gr = ErfcProbability(ULATG) !endif ! print *,'IAM: ',my_task,'prod: ',prob if(my_task == master_task) then work_per_block=0 do n=1,nblocks_tot this_block=get_block(n,n) ilo = this_block%ilo;ihi = this_block%ihi jlo = this_block%jlo;jhi = this_block%jhi !---------------------------------------------------- ! calculate the probability of sea-ice in this block !---------------------------------------------------- tmp = 0.0 do j=jlo,jhi jg=this_block%j_glob(j) if(jg>0) then do i=ilo,ihi ig = this_block%i_glob(i) if(ig>0) then if(KMTG(ig,jg)>puny) then nocn(n) = nocn(n) + 1 if(work_gr(ig,jg) > 0.005) nice005(n) = nice005(n) + 1 if(work_gr(ig,jg) > 0.010) nice010(n) = nice010(n) + 1 if(work_gr(ig,jg) > 0.050) nice050(n) = nice050(n) + 1 if(work_gr(ig,jg) > 0.100) nice100(n) = nice100(n) + 1 if(work_gr(ig,jg) > 0.250) nice250(n) = nice250(n) + 1 if(work_gr(ig,jg) > 0.500) nice500(n) = nice500(n) + 1 tmp = tmp + work_gr(ig,jg) endif endif enddo endif enddo if(nocn(n) > 0) then ! print *,'n:',n,' tmp:',tmp,' nocn(n): ',nocn(n) prob_per_block(n) = real(tmp,kind=dbl_kind)/real(nocn(n),kind=dbl_kind) ! print *,'prob_per_block(n):' ,prob_per_block(n) ! print *,' ihi,ilo,(ihi-ilo+1): ',ihi,ilo,(ihi-ilo+1) ! print *,' jhi,jlo,(jhi-jlo+1): ',jhi,jlo,(jhi-jlo+1) ! print *,' w0,w1: ',w0,w1 work_per_block(n) = & CEILING(w0 + (real(nocn(n),kind=dbl_kind)/real((ihi-ilo+1)*(jhi-jlo+1),kind=dbl_kind)) & *prob_per_block(n)*w1,kind=int_kind) else prob_per_block(n) = 0.0d0 endif !-------------------------------------------------- ! set the type of block (used latter for partition) !-------------------------------------------------- if(prob_per_block(n) >0.005 .and. nocn(n) > 0) then blockType(n) = iceType elseif (nocn(n) > 0) then blockType(n) = icefreeType elseif (nocn(n) == 0) then blockType(n) = lndType endif enddo numIceFree = COUNT(blockType .eq. iceFreeType) numLnd = COUNT(blockType .eq. lndType) numIce = COUNT(blockTYpe .eq. iceType) ! print *,'Total blocks:',nblocks_tot,' land blocks: ',numLnd,' Ice blocks: ', & ! numIce,' IceFree blocks: ',numIceFree write(*,23) nblocks_tot,numIce,numIceFree,numLnd 23 format('CalcWorkPerBlock: Total blocks: ',i5,' Ice blocks: ',i5,' IceFree blocks: ',i5,' Land blocks: ',i5) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! broadcast info !----------------------------------------------------------------- call broadcast_array(work_per_block,master_task) call broadcast_array(prob_per_block,master_task) call broadcast_array(blockType,master_task) call broadcast_array(nocn,master_task) call broadcast_array(nice005,master_task) call broadcast_array(nice010,master_task) call broadcast_array(nice050,master_task) call broadcast_array(nice100,master_task) call broadcast_array(nice250,master_task) call broadcast_array(nice500,master_task) allocate(iLocation(nblocks_tot)) do i=1,nblocks_tot iLocation(i) = i enddo call BuildProbabilityStats2(iLocation,bStats) deallocate(work_gr) deallocate(iLocation) !DBG print *,'CalcWorkPerBlock: at the end of the subroutine' end subroutine CalcWorkPerBlock function ErfcProbability(lat) result(prob) real (kind=dbl_kind), intent(in), & dimension (nx_global,ny_global) :: lat real (kind=real_kind), & dimension (nx_global,ny_global) :: prob real (kind=dbl_kind) :: ltmp,thetai,sigmai,arg integer :: i,j do j=1,ny_global do i=1,nx_global ltmp = lat(i,j) if(ltmp > 0.0d0) then !--------------------- ! northern latitude !--------------------- !JMD thetai = (70.0_dbl_kind/180.0_dbl_kind)*pi !JMD For startup lots of random ice at low lattitudes thetai = (55.0_dbl_kind/180.0_dbl_kind)*pi sigmai = (5.0_dbl_kind/180.0_dbl_kind)*pi arg = (thetai-ltmp)/sigmai else !--------------------- ! southern hemisphere !--------------------- !JMD thetai = (60.0_dbl_kind/180.0_dbl_kind)*pi !JMD For startup lots of random ice at low lattitudes thetai = (60.0_dbl_kind/180.0_dbl_kind)*pi sigmai = (5.0_dbl_kind/180.0_dbl_kind)*pi arg = (thetai+ltmp)/sigmai endif prob(i,j) = real(erfc06(arg),kind=real_kind)/2.0_real_kind enddo enddo end function ErfcProbability function erfc06(x) result(erfc) implicit none real(dbl_kind), intent(in) :: x real(dbl_kind) :: erfc real(dbl_kind) :: t,u real(dbl_kind), parameter :: pa = 3.97886080735226000e+00_dbl_kind real(dbl_kind), parameter :: p00 = 2.75374741597376782e-01_dbl_kind real(dbl_kind), parameter :: p01 = 4.90165080585318424e-01_dbl_kind real(dbl_kind), parameter :: p02 = 7.74368199119538609e-01_dbl_kind real(dbl_kind), parameter :: p03 = 1.07925515155856677e+00_dbl_kind real(dbl_kind), parameter :: p04 = 1.31314653831023098e+00_dbl_kind real(dbl_kind), parameter :: p05 = 1.37040217682338167e+00_dbl_kind real(dbl_kind), parameter :: p06 = 1.18902982909273333e+00_dbl_kind real(dbl_kind), parameter :: p07 = 8.05276408752910567e-01_dbl_kind real(dbl_kind), parameter :: p08 = 3.57524274449531043e-01_dbl_kind real(dbl_kind), parameter :: p09 = 1.66207924969367356e-02_dbl_kind real(dbl_kind), parameter :: p10 = -1.19463959964325415e-01_dbl_kind real(dbl_kind), parameter :: p11 = -8.38864557023001992e-02_dbl_kind real(dbl_kind), parameter :: p12 = 2.49367200053503304e-03_dbl_kind real(dbl_kind), parameter :: p13 = 3.90976845588484035e-02_dbl_kind real(dbl_kind), parameter :: p14 = 1.61315329733252248e-02_dbl_kind real(dbl_kind), parameter :: p15 = -1.33823644533460069e-02_dbl_kind real(dbl_kind), parameter :: p16 = -1.27223813782122755e-02_dbl_kind real(dbl_kind), parameter :: p17 = 3.83335126264887303e-03_dbl_kind real(dbl_kind), parameter :: p18 = 7.73672528313526668e-03_dbl_kind real(dbl_kind), parameter :: p19 = -8.70779635317295828e-04_dbl_kind real(dbl_kind), parameter :: p20 = -3.96385097360513500e-03_dbl_kind real(dbl_kind), parameter :: p21 = 1.19314022838340944e-04_dbl_kind real(dbl_kind), parameter :: p22 = 1.27109764952614092e-03_dbl_kind t = pa/(pa + abs(x)) u = t - 0.5_dbl_kind erfc = ((((((((((((((((((((((p22 * u + p21) * u + p20) & * u + p19) * u + p18) & * u + p17) * u + p16) & * u + p15) * u + p14) & * u + p13) * u + p12) & * u + p11) * u + p10) & * u + p09) * u + p08) & * u + p07) * u + p06) & * u + p05) * u + p04) & * u + p03) * u + p02) & * u + p01) * u + p00) * t * exp(-x**2) if (x < 0.0_dbl_kind) erfc = 2.0_dbl_kind - erfc end function erfc06 !||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| end module ice_probability