; ; Remove duplicate weights from a mapping file. ; ; Mark Taylor (converted for use by CLM mkmapdata by Erik Kluzek) ; Sep/01/2011 ; $Id: rmdups.ncl 30207 2011-09-07 02:40:01Z erik $ ; $HeadURL; ; load "$NCARG_NCARG/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl" load "$NCARG_NCARG/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl" load "$NCARG_NCARG/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl" begin ; =========================================================================================================== ; ; IMPORTANT NOTE: EDIT THE FOLLOWING TO CUSTOMIZE or use ENV VARIABLE SETTINGS ; Edit the following as needed ; ; Input mapping file to remove duplicate weights from a mapping file ; mapfile = getenv("MAPFILE") ; Get the mapping file newmapfile = getenv("NEWMAPFILE") ; The new mapping file to create logname = getenv("LOGNAME") ; Logname of user running the script if ( ismissing(mapfile) )then print( "You did NOT enter an input mapping file to convert" ) exit end if if ( ismissing(newmapfile) )then sdate = systemfunc( "date +%y%m%d" ); newmapfile = mapfile+"_c"+sdate+".nc"; end if ; =========================================================================================================== if ( systemfunc("test -f "+mapfile+"; echo $?" ) .ne. 0 )then print( "Input file does not exist or not found: "+mapfile ); exit end if print("map file: "+mapfile) f = addfile(mapfile,"r") ; Open netCDF files. n_s = dimsizes(f->col) n_b = dimsizes(f->area_b) n_a = dimsizes(f->area_a) print("n_s = "+n_s+" max(row)="+max(f->row)+" max(col)="+max(f->col)) row = f->row col = f->col print("checking for dups, sorting...") hash = new( n_s, double ) hash = col hash= hash + row*n_b index1d=dim_pqsort(hash,1) row2=row(index1d) col2=col(index1d) S=f->S print("zeroing out any dups...") ndups=0 i0=0 do i=1,n_s-1 if ( (col2(i) .eq. col2(i0)) .and. (row2(i) .eq. row2(i0))) then iorig1 = index1d(i0) iorig2 = index1d(i) ;print("dup row: "+row2(i)+" "+row2(i0)+" "+row(iorig1)+" "+row(iorig2)) ;print("dup col: "+col2(i)+" "+col2(i0)+" "+col(iorig1)+" "+col(iorig2)) ;print("removing "+iorig2+" keeping "+iorig1) S(iorig1)=S(iorig1)+S(iorig2) S(iorig2)=0 ndups=ndups+1 ; dont increment i0 else i0=i end if end do delete(row2) delete(col2) if ( ndups .gt. 0) then print("ndups = "+ndups) print("compacting S...") ns2 = n_s-ndups S2 = new( ns2, double) row2= new( ns2, integer) col2 = new( ns2, integer) ns2=0 do i=0,n_s-1 if (S(i) .ne. 0) then S2(ns2)=S(i) row2(ns2)=row(i) col2(ns2)=col(i) ns2=ns2+1 end if end do print("removed "+ndups+" dups") delete(S) delete(row) delete(col) S=S2 row=row2 col=col2 n_s = ns2 print("writing new netcdf file") cmdout = systemfunc("ncks -O -x -v S,row,col "+mapfile+" "+newmapfile) nco = addfile(newmapfile,"rw") ; Open netCDF files. nco->S = S nco->row = row nco->col = col ldate = systemfunc( "date" ); nco@history = nco@history + ":"+ldate + ": "; nco@history = nco@history + " Removed duplicate weights from mapping file with: rmdups.ncl " nco@rmdups_Logname = logname; nco@rmdups_mod_date = ldate; nco@rmdups_version = "$HeadURL: https://svn-ccsm-models.cgd.ucar.edu/clm2/branch_tags/cesm1_1_1_rel_tags/cesm1_1_1_n01_clm4_0_54/models/lnd/clm/tools/mkmapdata/rmdups.ncl $"; nco@rmdups_revision_id = "$Id: rmdups.ncl 30207 2011-09-07 02:40:01Z erik $"; print("Successfully removed duplicate weights from mapping file" ); else print("No duplicate weights to remove from mapping file" ); end if end