#!/usr/bin/env perl #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # build-namelist # # This script builds the namelists for the POP2 configuration of CESM1. # # build-namelist uses a config_cache.xml file that current contains the ocean grid information. # build-namelist reads this file to obtain information it needs to provide # default values that are consistent with the POP2 library. For example, the grid resolution # is obtained from the cache file and used to determine appropriate defaults for namelist input # that is resolution dependent. # # The simplest use of build-namelist is to execute it from the build directory where configure # was run. By default it will use the config_cache.xml file that was written by configure to # determine the build time properties of the executable, and will write the files that contain # the output namelists in that same directory. # # # Date Contributor Modification # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 2012-01-30 Vertenstein Original version #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- use strict; use Cwd; use English; use Getopt::Long; use IO::File; #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub usage { die < 0, test => 0, verbose => 0, preview => 0, caseroot => undef, casebuild => undef, scriptsroot => undef, inst_string => undef, ocn_grid => undef, cfg_dir => $cfgdir, ); GetOptions( "h|help" => \$opts{'help'}, "infile=s" => \$opts{'infile'}, "namelist=s" => \$opts{'namelist'}, "v|verbose" => \$opts{'verbose'}, "caseroot=s" => \$opts{'caseroot'}, "casebuild=s" => \$opts{'casebuild'}, "scriptsroot=s" => \$opts{'scriptsroot'}, "inst_string=s" => \$opts{'inst_string'}, "ocn_grid=s" => \$opts{'ocn_grid'}, "cfg_dir=s" => \$opts{'cfg_dir'}, "preview" => \$opts{'preview'}, ) or usage(); # Give usage message. usage() if $opts{'help'}; # Check for unparsed arguments if (@ARGV) { print "ERROR: unrecognized arguments: @ARGV\n"; usage(); } # Define print levels: # 0 - only issue fatal error messages # 1 - only informs what files are created (currently not used) # 2 - verbose my $print = 0; my $preview = 0; if ($opts{'verbose'}) { $print = 2; } if ($opts{'preview'}) { $preview = 1; } my $eol = "\n"; if ($print>=2) { print "Setting POP2 configuration script directory to $cfgdir$eol"; } my $CASEROOT = $opts{'caseroot'}; my $CASEBUILD = $opts{'casebuild'}; my $SCRIPTSROOT = $opts{'scriptsroot'}; my $inst_string = $opts{'inst_string'}; my $OCN_GRID = $opts{'ocn_grid'}; $cfgdir = $opts{'cfg_dir'}; # Validate some of the commandline option values. validate_options("commandline", \%opts); # build config_cache.xml file (needed below) my $config_cache = "${CASEBUILD}/pop2conf/config_cache.xml"; my $fh = new IO::File; $fh->open(">$config_cache") or die "** can't open file: $config_cache\n"; print $fh <<"EOF"; EOF $fh->close; if ($print>=2) { print "Wrote file $config_cache $eol"; } (-f "config_cache.xml") or die <<"EOF"; ** $ProgName - Cannot find configuration cache file: config_cache.xml\" ** EOF #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Make sure we can find required perl modules, definition, and defaults files. # Look for them under the directory that contains the configure script. # The root directory for the perl5 required utilities my $perl5lib_dir = "${SCRIPTSROOT}/ccsm_utils/Tools/perl5lib"; # The XML::Lite module is required to parse the XML files. (-f "$perl5lib_dir/XML/Lite.pm") or die <<"EOF"; ** $ProgName - Cannot find perl module \"XML/Lite.pm\" in directory \"$perl5lib_dir\" ** EOF # The Build::Config module provides utilities to access the configuration information # in the config_cache.xml file (see below) (-f "$perl5lib_dir/Build/Config.pm") or die <<"EOF"; ** $ProgName - Cannot find perl module \"Build/Config.pm\" in directory \"$perl5lib_dir\" ** EOF # The Build::NamelistDefinition module provides utilities to validate that the output # namelists are consistent with the namelist definition file (-f "$perl5lib_dir/Build/NamelistDefinition.pm") or die <<"EOF"; ** $ProgName - Cannot find perl module \"Build/NamelistDefinition.pm\" in directory \"$perl5lib_dir\" ** EOF # The Build::NamelistDefaults module provides a utility to obtain default values of namelist # variables based on finding a best fit with the attributes specified in the defaults file. (-f "$perl5lib_dir/Build/NamelistDefaults.pm") or die <<"EOF"; ** $ProgName - Cannot find perl module \"Build/NamelistDefaults.pm\" in directory \"$perl5lib_dir\" ** EOF # The Build::Namelist module provides utilities to parse input namelists, to query and modify # namelists, and to write output namelists. (-f "$perl5lib_dir/Build/Namelist.pm") or die <<"EOF"; ** $ProgName - Cannot find perl module \"Build/Namelist.pm\" in directory \"$perl5lib_dir\" ** EOF # The namelist definition file contains entries for all namelist variables that # can be output by build-namelist. The version of the file that is associate with a # fixed POP2 tag is $cfgdir/namelist_files/namelist_definition.xml. To aid developers # who make use of the SourceMods/src.pop2 directory - we allow the definition file # to come from that directory my $nl_definition_file; if (-f "${CASEROOT}/SourceMods/src.pop2/namelist_definition_pop2.xml") { $nl_definition_file = "${CASEROOT}/SourceMods/src.pop2/namelist_definition_pop2.xml"; } if (! defined $nl_definition_file) { # default location of namelist definition file $nl_definition_file = "$cfgdir/namelist_files/namelist_definition_pop2.xml"; (-f "$nl_definition_file") or die <<"EOF"; ** $ProgName - ERROR: Cannot find namelist definition file \"$nl_definition_file\" ** EOF } if ($print>=2) { print "Using namelist definition file $nl_definition_file$eol"; } # The namelist defaults file contains default values for all required namelist variables. my $nl_defaults_file; if (-f "${CASEROOT}/SourceMods/src.pop2/namelist_defaults_pop2.xml") { $nl_defaults_file = "${CASEROOT}/SourceMods/src.pop2/namelist_defaults_pop2.xml"; } if (! defined $nl_defaults_file) { $nl_defaults_file = "$cfgdir/namelist_files/namelist_defaults_pop2.xml"; (-f "$nl_defaults_file") or die <<"EOF"; ** $ProgName - Cannot find namelist defaults file \"$nl_defaults_file\" ** EOF } if ($print>=2) { print "Using namelist defaults file $nl_defaults_file$eol"; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add $perl5lib_dir to the list of paths that Perl searches for modules unshift @INC, "$perl5lib_dir"; require XML::Lite; require Build::Config; require Build::NamelistDefinition; require Build::NamelistDefaults; require Build::Namelist; #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create a configuration object from the POP2 config_cache.xml file- created by # pop2.cpl7.template in $CASEBUILD/pop2conf my $cfg = Build::Config->new('config_cache.xml'); # Create a namelist definition object. This object provides a method for verifying that the # output namelist variables are in the definition file, and are output in the correct # namelist groups. my $definition = Build::NamelistDefinition->new($nl_definition_file); # Create a namelist defaults object. This object provides default values for variables # contained in the input defaults file. The configuration object provides attribute # values that are relevent for the POP2 library for which the namelist is being produced. my $defaults = Build::NamelistDefaults->new($nl_defaults_file, $cfg); # Create an empty namelist object. Add values to it in order of precedence. my $nl = Build::Namelist->new(); #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Process the user input in order of precedence. At each point we'll only add new # values to the namelist and not overwrite previously specified specified values which # have higher precedence. # Process the commandline args that provide specific namelist values. # Process the -namelist arg. if (defined $opts{'namelist'}) { # Parse commandline namelist my $nl_arg = Build::Namelist->new($opts{'namelist'}); # Validate input namelist -- trap exceptions my $nl_arg_valid; eval { $nl_arg_valid = $definition->validate($nl_arg); }; if ($@) { die "$ProgName - ERROR: Invalid namelist variable in commandline arg '-namelist'.\n $@"; } # Merge input values into namelist. Previously specified values have higher precedence # and are not overwritten. $nl->merge_nl($nl_arg_valid); } # Process the -infile arg. if (defined $opts{'infile'}) { # Parse namelist input from a file my $nl_infile = Build::Namelist->new($opts{'infile'}); my $nl_infile_valid = Build::Namelist->new(); # Validate namelist variables (going to do this one variable at a time) for my $group ($nl_infile->get_group_names()) { for my $var ($nl_infile->get_variable_names($group)) { my $var_local; # Name of variable to write to infile my $nl_check_var = Build::Namelist->new(); my $nl_check_valid; my $val = $nl_infile->get_variable_value($group, $var); my @broken = split(/&/,$var); my $check_grp = 0; # If 1, make sure group found in definitions file # matches that specified in user_nl_pop2 # if variable has ampersand, truncate it unless it is type derived if ($broken[1]) { my $nl_check_amp = Build::Namelist->new(); $nl_check_amp->set_variable_value($group, $var, $val); eval { $definition->validate($nl_check_amp) }; if (not $@) { # & is required in variable name $var_local = $var; } else { # & should not be in variable name $var_local = $broken[0]; $check_grp = 1; } } else { $var_local = $var; } # Make sure variable is defined in namelist_definition_pop2.xml $nl_check_var->set_variable_value($group, $var_local,$val); eval { $nl_check_valid = $definition->validate($nl_check_var); }; (not $@) or die <<"EOF"; ** ERROR: either $var_local is not a valid POP2 namelist variable or $var_local = $val is not a valid value; please fix user_nl_pop2. Note that $var_local may appear in multiple namelists, in which case you need to specify the correct namelist in user_nl_pop2 using the format $var_local\&namelist_nml = $val, where \&namelist_nml is the pop2_in namelist containing $var_local.** EOF # If group was specified in user_nl_pop2, make sure it matches # the group in the definitions file. my @group_valid = $nl_check_valid->get_group_names(); ((not $check_grp) or ($broken[1] eq $group_valid[0])) or die <<"EOF"; ** ERROR: $broken[0] is in $group_valid[0], not $broken[1]! Please fix this in user_nl_pop2. ** EOF # Add variable to validated namelist $nl_infile_valid->set_variable_value($group_valid[0], $var_local, $val); } } # If preview is desired and something has been changed in $nl_infile_valid, # output everything in $nl_infile_valid if (($preview == 1) && ($nl_infile_valid->get_group_names)) { print " - The following values have been set in user_nl_pop2:\n"; print_nl_to_screen($nl_infile_valid); } # Merge input values into namelist. Previously specified values have higher # precedence and are not overwritten. $nl->merge_nl($nl_infile_valid); } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Determine xml variables my %xmlvars = (); my @files = <${CASEROOT}/*xml>; foreach my $file (@files) { my $xml = XML::Lite->new( "$file" ); my @e = $xml->elements_by_name('entry'); while ( my $e = shift @e ) { my %a = $e->get_attributes(); $xmlvars{$a{'id'}} = $a{'value'}; } } foreach my $attr (keys %xmlvars) { if ( $xmlvars{$attr} =~ m/\$/ ) {$xmlvars{$attr} = expand_env_xml($xmlvars{$attr});} if ( $xmlvars{$attr} =~ m/\$/ ) {$xmlvars{$attr} = expand_env_xml($xmlvars{$attr});} if ( $xmlvars{$attr} =~ m/\$/ ) {$xmlvars{$attr} = expand_env_xml($xmlvars{$attr});} } my $RUNDIR = "$xmlvars{'RUNDIR'}"; my $CODEROOT = "$xmlvars{'CODEROOT'}"; my $DIN_LOC_ROOT = "$xmlvars{'DIN_LOC_ROOT'}"; my $CASE = "$xmlvars{'CASE'}"; my $CALENDAR = "$xmlvars{'CALENDAR'}"; my $CCSM_CO2_PPMV = "$xmlvars{'CCSM_CO2_PPMV'}"; my $CCSM_BGC = "$xmlvars{'CCSM_BGC'}"; my $NCPL_BASE_PERIOD = "$xmlvars{'NCPL_BASE_PERIOD'}"; my $OCN_NCPL = "$xmlvars{'OCN_NCPL'}"; my $OCN_COUPLING = "$xmlvars{'OCN_COUPLING'}"; my $OCN_ICE_FORCING = "$xmlvars{'OCN_ICE_FORCING'}"; my $OCN_CHL_TYPE = "$xmlvars{'OCN_CHL_TYPE'}"; my $OCN_CO2_TYPE = "$xmlvars{'OCN_CO2_TYPE'}"; my $OCN_TRANSIENT = "$xmlvars{'OCN_TRANSIENT'}"; my $OCN_TRACER_MODULES = "$xmlvars{'OCN_TRACER_MODULES'}"; my $OCN_TRACER_MODULES_OPT = "$xmlvars{'OCN_TRACER_MODULES_OPT'}"; my $OCN_TAVG_TRACER_BUDGET = "$xmlvars{'OCN_TAVG_TRACER_BUDGET'}"; my $OCN_TAVG_HIFREQ = "$xmlvars{'OCN_TAVG_HIFREQ'}"; my $NTASKS_OCN = "$xmlvars{'NTASKS_OCN'}"; my $NINST_OCN = "$xmlvars{'NINST_OCN'}"; my $POP_DECOMPTYPE = "$xmlvars{'POP_DECOMPTYPE'}"; my $INFO_DBUG = "$xmlvars{'INFO_DBUG'}"; my $RUN_TYPE = "$xmlvars{'RUN_TYPE'}"; my $RUN_STARTDATE = "$xmlvars{'RUN_STARTDATE'}"; my $CONTINUE_RUN = "$xmlvars{'CONTINUE_RUN'}"; my $OCN_CO2_FLUX_OCMIP_BUG_FIX = "$xmlvars{'OCN_CO2_FLUX_OCMIP_BUG_FIX'}"; my $output_r = "./${CASE}.pop.r"; my $output_h = "./${CASE}.pop.h"; my $output_d = "./${CASE}.pop.d"; if ($inst_string) { $output_r = "./${CASE}.pop${inst_string}.r"; $output_h = "./${CASE}.pop${inst_string}.h"; $output_d - "./${CASE}.pop${inst_string}.d"; } # Environment variables set in pop2.buildnml.csh that are not xml variables my $RESTART_INPUT_TS_FMT = "$ENV{'RESTART_INPUT_TS_FMT'}"; my $LID = $ENV{'LID'}; my $ntasks = $NTASKS_OCN / $NINST_OCN; if ($CONTINUE_RUN eq 'TRUE') {$RUN_TYPE = "continue";} my $iyear0 = `echo $RUN_STARTDATE | cut -c1-4 | sed -e 's/^0*//'`; $iyear0 =~ s/\n/ /g; # remove imbedded newline $iyear0 = $iyear0+0; my $imonth0 = `echo $RUN_STARTDATE | cut -c6-7 | sed -e 's/^0*//'`; $imonth0 =~ s/\n/ /g; # remove imbedded newline $imonth0 = $imonth0+0; my $iday0 = `echo $RUN_STARTDATE | cut -c9-10 | sed -e 's/^0*//'`; $iday0 =~ s/\n/ /g; # remove imbedded newline $iday0 = $iday0+0; my $ihour0 = 0; my $iminute0 = 0; my $isecond0 = 0; # coupled_freq and coupled_freq_opts depend on # environment variables NCPL_BASE_PERIOD and OCN_NCPL # Note that env_run.xml couples OCN_NCPL times per NCPL_BASE_PERIOD # while POP couples every coupled_freq [in units of coupled_freq_opts] # Example: OCN_NCPL = 4, NCPL_BASE_PERIOD = day => couple 4 times a day # coupled_freq = 4, coupled_freq_opts = nday => couple every 4 days # # Also need to know coupled_freq and coupled_freq_opts to set start time # in time_manager_nml my $coupled_freq; my $coupled_freq_opt = 'nsecond'; my $sec_per_base_period; if ($NCPL_BASE_PERIOD eq 'hour') { $sec_per_base_period = 3600; } elsif ($NCPL_BASE_PERIOD eq 'day') { $sec_per_base_period = 3600 * 24; } elsif ($NCPL_BASE_PERIOD eq 'year') { if ($CALENDAR eq 'NO_LEAP') { $sec_per_base_period = 3600 * 24 * 365; } else { die "$ProgName: ERROR invalid CALENDAR for NCPL_BASE_PERIOD $NCPL_BASE_PERIOD"; } } elsif ($NCPL_BASE_PERIOD eq 'decade') { if ($CALENDAR eq 'NO_LEAP') { $sec_per_base_period = 3600 * 24 * 365 * 10; } else { die "$ProgName: ERROR invalid CALENDAR for NCPL_BASE_PERIOD $NCPL_BASE_PERIOD"; } } else { die "$ProgName: ERROR invalid NCPL_BASE_PERIOD $NCPL_BASE_PERIOD"; } if ($sec_per_base_period < 0) { die "$ProgName: ERROR integer overflow $sec_per_base_period should be positive"; } if ($sec_per_base_period % $OCN_NCPL == 0) { $coupled_freq = $sec_per_base_period/$OCN_NCPL; } else { die "$ProgName: Coupling $OCN_NCPL times per $NCPL_BASE_PERIOD is not an integer number of seconds per coupling period"; } if ($coupled_freq % 3600 == 0) { $coupled_freq = $coupled_freq / 3600; $coupled_freq_opt = 'nhour'; # print $sec_per_base_period/$OCN_NCPL," seconds = $coupled_freq hour(s)\n"; if ($coupled_freq % 24 == 0) { $coupled_freq = $coupled_freq / 24; $coupled_freq_opt = 'nday'; # print $sec_per_base_period/$OCN_NCPL," seconds = $coupled_freq day(s)\n"; if ($coupled_freq % 365 == 0) { $coupled_freq = $coupled_freq / 365; $coupled_freq_opt = 'nyear'; # print $sec_per_base_period/$OCN_NCPL," seconds = $coupled_freq year(s)\n"; } } } # tmp starts with units of seconds, will cycle through minutes, hours, and days # and increase isecond0, iminute0, ihour0, and iday0 as necessary. Note that at # this point I don't know how to toggle months, so errors might occur with # abnormally large coupling frequency. my $tmp = $sec_per_base_period/$OCN_NCPL; my $remainder; # increase seconds $remainder = $tmp%60; $isecond0 += $remainder; # increase minutes $tmp = ($tmp - $remainder)/60; $remainder = $tmp%60; $iminute0 += $remainder; # increase hours $tmp = ($tmp - $remainder)/60; $remainder = $tmp%24; $ihour0 += $remainder; # increase days $tmp = ($tmp - $remainder)/24; if ($tmp > 0) { $iday0 += $tmp; # check to see if need to roll into new month / year while (not valid_date(\$iday0, \$imonth0, \$iyear0, $CALENDAR)) {} } print "POP2 build-namelist: ocn_grid is $OCN_GRID \n"; print "POP2 build-namelist: ocn_tracer_modules are $OCN_TRACER_MODULES \n"; (-d $DIN_LOC_ROOT) or die <<"EOF"; ** $ProgName - CCSM inputdata root is not a directory: \"$DIN_LOC_ROOT\" ** EOF if ($print>=2) { print "CESM inputdata root directory: $DIN_LOC_ROOT$eol"; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Determine namelist #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ################################## # namelist group: domain_nml # ################################## add_default($nl, 'nprocs_clinic', 'val'=>"$ntasks"); add_default($nl, 'nprocs_tropic', 'val'=>"$ntasks"); add_default($nl, 'clinic_distribution_type', 'val'=>"$POP_DECOMPTYPE"); add_default($nl, 'tropic_distribution_type', 'val'=>"$POP_DECOMPTYPE"); add_default($nl, 'ew_boundary_type'); add_default($nl, 'ns_boundary_type'); ################################## # namelist group: io_nml # ################################## add_default($nl, 'num_iotasks'); add_default($nl, 'lredirect_stdout'); add_default($nl, 'log_filename', 'val'=>"${RUNDIR}/ocn${inst_string}.log.$LID"); add_default($nl, 'luse_pointer_files'); add_default($nl, 'luse_nf_64bit_offset'); #################################### # namelist group: time_manager_nml # #################################### add_default($nl, 'accel_file', 'val'=>"${RUNDIR}/${OCN_GRID}_depth_accel"); add_default($nl, 'runid', 'val'=>"$CASE"); add_default($nl, 'time_mix_opt'); add_default($nl, 'time_mix_freq'); add_default($nl, 'dt_option'); add_default($nl, 'dt_count','ocn_coupling'=>"$OCN_COUPLING"); add_default($nl, 'impcor'); add_default($nl, 'laccel'); add_default($nl, 'dtuxcel'); add_default($nl, 'allow_leapyear', 'calendar'=>"$CALENDAR"); add_default($nl, 'iyear0' ,'val'=>$iyear0); add_default($nl, 'imonth0' ,'val'=>$imonth0); add_default($nl, 'iday0' ,'val'=>$iday0); add_default($nl, 'ihour0' ,'val'=>$ihour0); add_default($nl, 'iminute0','val'=>$iminute0); add_default($nl, 'isecond0','val'=>$isecond0); add_default($nl, 'date_separator'); add_default($nl, 'stop_option'); add_default($nl, 'stop_count'); add_default($nl, 'fit_freq', 'val'=>"$OCN_NCPL"); #################################### # namelist group: grid_nml # #################################### # Note: topography_opt = bathymetry is a nonstandard option that # requires the user to provide nonstandard files in the users' # $CASEROOT/SourceMods/src.pop2 directory # Currently this is hard-wired to 'file' my $topography_opt = 'file'; # hard-wired for now my $bathymetry_file= 'unknown_bathymetry'; #hard-wired for now add_default($nl, 'vert_grid_file' , 'val'=>"${RUNDIR}/${OCN_GRID}_vert_grid"); add_default($nl, 'region_info_file', 'val'=>"${RUNDIR}/${OCN_GRID}_region_ids"); add_default($nl, 'topography_opt' , 'val'=>"$topography_opt"); add_default($nl, 'bathymetry_file' , 'val'=>"$bathymetry_file"); add_default($nl, 'lremove_points' , 'topograpahy_opt'=>"$topography_opt"); add_default($nl, 'horiz_grid_opt'); add_default($nl, 'horiz_grid_file'); add_default($nl, 'vert_grid_opt' ); add_default($nl, 'topography_file'); add_default($nl, 'topography_outfile', 'val'=>"${output_h}.topography_bathymetry.ieeer8"); add_default($nl, 'kmt_kmin'); add_default($nl, 'partial_bottom_cells'); add_default($nl, 'bottom_cell_file', 'nofail'=>1); if (not $nl->get_value('bottom_cell_file')) { add_default($nl, 'bottom_cell_file', 'val'=>'unknown_bottom_cell','noprepend'=>1); } add_default($nl, 'n_topo_smooth'); add_default($nl, 'flat_bottom'); add_default($nl, 'region_mask_file'); add_default($nl, 'sfc_layer_opt'); #################################### # namelist group: init_ts_nml # #################################### if ($RUN_TYPE eq 'startup' && $topography_opt eq 'bathymetry') { add_default($nl, 'init_ts_option' , 'val'=>'PHC'); add_default($nl, 'init_ts_file' , 'val'=>'ts_PHC2_jan_ic_resindpt'); #TODO? add_default($nl, 'init_ts_file_fmt', 'val'=>'nc'); } else { add_default($nl, 'init_ts_option' , 'val'=>"ccsm_${RUN_TYPE}"); add_default($nl, 'init_ts_file'); add_default($nl, 'init_ts_file_fmt', 'val'=>"$RESTART_INPUT_TS_FMT"); } add_default($nl, 'init_ts_outfile' , 'val'=>"${output_h}.ts_ic"); add_default($nl, 'init_ts_outfile_fmt'); add_default($nl, 'init_ts_suboption'); ########################################## # namelist group: diagnostics_nml # ########################################## add_default($nl, 'diag_transport_file', 'val'=>"${RUNDIR}/${OCN_GRID}_transport_contents"); if ($INFO_DBUG > 1) { add_default($nl, 'diag_global_freq_opt', 'val'=>'nstep'); add_default($nl, 'diag_cfl_freq_opt' , 'val'=>'nstep'); add_default($nl, 'diag_transp_freq_opt', 'val'=>'nstep'); } else { add_default($nl, 'diag_global_freq_opt'); add_default($nl, 'diag_cfl_freq_opt'); add_default($nl, 'diag_transp_freq_opt'); } add_default($nl, 'diag_global_freq'); add_default($nl, 'diag_cfl_freq'); add_default($nl, 'diag_transp_freq'); add_default($nl, 'diag_outfile', 'val'=>"${RUNDIR}/${output_d}d"); add_default($nl, 'diag_transport_outfile','val'=>"${RUNDIR}/${output_d}t"); add_default($nl, 'diag_velocity_outfile', 'val'=>"${RUNDIR}/${output_d}v"); add_default($nl, 'cfl_all_levels'); add_default($nl, 'diag_all_levels'); add_default($nl, 'ldiag_velocity'); ########################################## # namelist group: budget_diagnostics_nml # ########################################## if ($OCN_TAVG_HIFREQ eq "TRUE" ) { add_default($nl, 'ldiag_global_tracer_budgets', 'val'=>'.false.'); } else { add_default($nl, 'ldiag_global_tracer_budgets'); } ########################################## # namelist group: bsf_diagnostics_nml # ########################################## add_default($nl, 'ldiag_bsf'); ########################################## # namelist group: restart_nml # ########################################## add_default($nl, 'restart_freq_opt'); add_default($nl, 'restart_freq'); add_default($nl, 'restart_start_opt'); add_default($nl, 'restart_start'); add_default($nl, 'restart_outfile', 'val'=>"${output_r}"); add_default($nl, 'restart_fmt'); add_default($nl, 'leven_odd_on'); add_default($nl, 'even_odd_freq'); add_default($nl, 'pressure_correction'); ########################################## # namelist group: history_nml # ########################################## add_default($nl, 'history_contents', 'val'=>"${RUNDIR}/${OCN_GRID}_history_contents"); add_default($nl, 'history_freq_opt'); add_default($nl, 'history_freq'); add_default($nl, 'history_outfile', 'val'=>"${output_h}s"); add_default($nl, 'history_fmt'); ########################################## # namelist group: movie_nml # ########################################## add_default($nl, 'movie_contents', 'val'=>"${RUNDIR}/${OCN_GRID}_movie_contents"); add_default($nl, 'movie_freq_opt'); add_default($nl, 'movie_freq'); add_default($nl, 'movie_outfile', 'val'=>"${output_h}m"); add_default($nl, 'movie_fmt'); ########################################## # namelist group: solvers # ########################################## add_default($nl, 'solverChoice'); add_default($nl, 'convergenceCriterion'); add_default($nl, 'maxIterations'); add_default($nl, 'convergenceCheckFreq'); add_default($nl, 'preconditionerChoice'); add_default($nl, 'preconditionerFile'); ########################################## # namelist group: vertical_mix_nml # ########################################## add_default($nl, 'vmix_choice'); add_default($nl, 'aidif'); add_default($nl, 'implicit_vertical_mix'); add_default($nl, 'convection_type'); add_default($nl, 'nconvad'); add_default($nl, 'convect_diff'); add_default($nl, 'convect_visc'); add_default($nl, 'bottom_drag'); add_default($nl, 'bottom_heat_flx'); add_default($nl, 'bottom_heat_flx_depth'); ########################################## # namelist group: vmix_const_nml # ########################################## add_default($nl, 'const_vvc'); add_default($nl, 'const_vdc'); ########################################## # namelist group: vmix_rich_nml # ########################################## add_default($nl, 'bckgrnd_vvc'); add_default($nl, 'bckgrnd_vdc'); add_default($nl, 'rich_mix&vmix_rich_nml'); ########################################## # namelist group: tidal_nml # ########################################## add_default($nl, 'ltidal_mixing'); add_default($nl, 'tidal_energy_file', 'nofail'=>1); if (not $nl->get_value('tidal_energy_file')) { add_default($nl, 'tidal_energy_file', 'val'=>'unknown_tidal_mixing','noprepend'=>1); } add_default($nl, 'local_mixing_fraction'); add_default($nl, 'mixing_efficiency'); add_default($nl, 'vertical_decay_scale'); add_default($nl, 'tidal_mix_max'); add_default($nl, 'tidal_energy_file_fmt'); ########################################## # namelist group: vmix_kpp_nml # ########################################## add_default($nl, 'rich_mix&vmix_kpp_nml'); # grid dependent value of lhoriz_varying_background set in # namelist_defaults_pop2.xml and value of ltidal-mixing is # obtained from default value already set my $ltidal_mixing = $nl->get_value('ltidal_mixing'); $ltidal_mixing =~ s/ //g; add_default($nl, 'lhoriz_varying_bckgrnd'); my $lhoriz_varying_bckgrnd= $nl->get_value('lhoriz_varying_bckgrnd'); $lhoriz_varying_bckgrnd =~ s/ //g; add_default($nl, 'llangmuir'); add_default($nl, 'linertial'); add_default($nl, 'Prandtl'); add_default($nl, 'lrich'); add_default($nl, 'ldbl_diff'); add_default($nl, 'lshort_wave'); add_default($nl, 'lcheckekmo'); add_default($nl, 'num_v_smooth_Ri'); add_default($nl, 'bckgrnd_vdc1', 'lhoriz_varying_bckgrnd'=>"$lhoriz_varying_bckgrnd", 'ltidal_mixing'=>"$ltidal_mixing"); add_default($nl, 'bckgrnd_vdc2', 'lhoriz_varying_bckgrnd'=>"$lhoriz_varying_bckgrnd", 'ltidal_mixing'=>"$ltidal_mixing"); add_default($nl, 'bckgrnd_vdc_dpth', 'lhoriz_varying_bckgrnd'=>"$lhoriz_varying_bckgrnd", 'ltidal_mixing'=>"$ltidal_mixing"); add_default($nl, 'bckgrnd_vdc_eq', 'lhoriz_varying_bckgrnd'=>"$lhoriz_varying_bckgrnd", 'ltidal_mixing'=>"$ltidal_mixing"); add_default($nl, 'bckgrnd_vdc_psim', 'lhoriz_varying_bckgrnd'=>"$lhoriz_varying_bckgrnd", 'ltidal_mixing'=>"$ltidal_mixing"); add_default($nl, 'bckgrnd_vdc_ban', 'lhoriz_varying_bckgrnd'=>"$lhoriz_varying_bckgrnd", 'ltidal_mixing'=>"$ltidal_mixing"); add_default($nl, 'bckgrnd_vdc_linv'); ########################################## # namelist group: advect_nml # ########################################## add_default($nl, 'tadvect_ctype'); ########################################## # namelist group: hmix_nml # ########################################## add_default($nl, 'hmix_momentum_choice'); add_default($nl, 'hmix_tracer_choice'); add_default($nl, 'lsubmesoscale_mixing'); ########################################## # namelist group: hmix_del2u_nml # ########################################## add_default($nl, 'lauto_hmix&hmix_del2u_nml'); add_default($nl, 'lvariable_hmix&hmix_del2u_nml'); add_default($nl, 'am&hmix_del2u_nml'); ########################################## # namelist group: hmix_del2t_nml # ########################################## add_default($nl, 'lauto_hmix&hmix_del2t_nml'); add_default($nl, 'lvariable_hmix&hmix_del2t_nml'); add_default($nl, 'ah&hmix_del2t_nml'); ########################################## # namelist group: hmix_del4u_nml # ########################################## add_default($nl, 'lauto_hmix&hmix_del4u_nml'); add_default($nl, 'lvariable_hmix&hmix_del4u_nml'); add_default($nl, 'am&hmix_del4u_nml'); ########################################## # namelist group: hmix_del4t_nml # ########################################## add_default($nl, 'lauto_hmix&hmix_del4t_nml'); add_default($nl, 'lvariable_hmix&hmix_del4t_nml'); add_default($nl, 'ah&hmix_del4t_nml'); ########################################## # namelist group: hmix_gm_nml # ########################################## add_default($nl, 'kappa_isop_choice'); add_default($nl, 'kappa_thic_choice'); # All namelist values are stored in exactly the format # that is required in a valid namelist. So if that value # is a string, then the quotes are stored as part of the value. my $kappa_isop_choice = $nl->get_value('kappa_isop_choice'); my $kappa_thic_choice = $nl->get_value('kappa_thic_choice'); $kappa_isop_choice =~ s/[\'\"]//g; $kappa_thic_choice =~ s/[\'\"]//g; # note that ah_gm_value is explicitly put below since ah is # contained in several namelist variables add_default($nl, 'ah_bolus' , 'kappa_isop_choice'=>"$kappa_isop_choice", 'kappa_thic_choice'=>"$kappa_thic_choice"); add_default($nl, 'ah_bkg_srfbl', 'kappa_isop_choice'=>"$kappa_isop_choice", 'kappa_thic_choice'=>"$kappa_thic_choice"); add_default($nl, 'use_const_ah_bkg_srfbl', 'kappa_isop_choice'=>"$kappa_isop_choice", 'kappa_thic_choice'=>"$kappa_thic_choice"); add_default($nl, 'ah&hmix_gm_nml', 'kappa_isop_choice'=>"$kappa_isop_choice", 'kappa_thic_choice'=>"$kappa_thic_choice"); # note that ocn_grid dependence for ah_bolus, ah_bkg_srfbl # is obtained from config_cache.xml add_default($nl, 'buoyancy_freq_filename', 'val'=>"${RUNDIR}/buoyancy_freq"); add_default($nl, 'diag_gm_bolus'); add_default($nl, 'kappa_freq_choice'); add_default($nl, 'slope_control_choice'); add_default($nl, 'kappa_depth_1'); add_default($nl, 'kappa_depth_2'); add_default($nl, 'kappa_depth_scale'); add_default($nl, 'ah_bkg_bottom'); add_default($nl, 'slm_r'); add_default($nl, 'slm_b'); add_default($nl, 'transition_layer_on'); add_default($nl, 'read_n2_data'); add_default($nl, 'buoyancy_freq_fmt'); add_default($nl, 'const_eg'); add_default($nl, 'gamma_eg'); add_default($nl, 'kappa_min_eg'); add_default($nl, 'kappa_max_eg'); ########################################## # namelist group: mix_submeso_nml # ########################################## add_default($nl, 'efficiency_factor'); add_default($nl, 'time_scale_constant'); add_default($nl, 'luse_const_horiz_len_scale'); add_default($nl, 'hor_length_scale'); ########################################## # namelist group: hmix_aniso_nml # ########################################## add_default($nl, 'hmix_alignment_choice'); add_default($nl, 'lvariable_hmix_aniso'); add_default($nl, 'lsmag_aniso'); add_default($nl, 'visc_para'); add_default($nl, 'visc_perp'); add_default($nl, 'c_para'); add_default($nl, 'c_perp'); add_default($nl, 'u_para'); add_default($nl, 'u_perp'); add_default($nl, 'vconst_1'); add_default($nl, 'vconst_2'); add_default($nl, 'vconst_3'); add_default($nl, 'vconst_4'); add_default($nl, 'vconst_5'); add_default($nl, 'vconst_6'); add_default($nl, 'vconst_7'); add_default($nl, 'smag_lat'); add_default($nl, 'smag_lat_fact'); add_default($nl, 'smag_lat_gauss'); add_default($nl, 'var_viscosity_infile'); add_default($nl, 'var_viscosity_infile_fmt'); add_default($nl, 'var_viscosity_outfile', 'val'=>"${output_h}v"); add_default($nl, 'var_viscosity_outfile_fmt'); ########################################## # namelist group: state_nml # ########################################## add_default($nl, 'state_choice'); add_default($nl, 'state_file'); add_default($nl, 'state_range_opt'); add_default($nl, 'state_range_freq'); ########################################## # namelist group: baroclinic_nml # ########################################## add_default($nl, 'reset_to_freezing'); ########################################## # namelist group: ice_nml # ########################################## add_default($nl,'lactive_ice', 'ocn_ice_forcing'=>"$OCN_ICE_FORCING"); add_default($nl,'ice_freq_opt'); add_default($nl,'ice_freq'); add_default($nl,'kmxice'); ########################################## # namelist group: pressure_grad_nml # ########################################## add_default($nl,'lpressure_avg'); add_default($nl,'lbouss_correct'); ########################################## # namelist group: topostress_nml # ########################################## add_default($nl,'ltopostress'); add_default($nl,'nsmooth_topo'); ########################################## # namelist group: forcing_ws_nml # ########################################## add_default($nl,'ws_data_renorm'); add_default($nl,'ws_data_type'); add_default($nl,'ws_data_inc'); add_default($nl,'ws_interp_freq'); add_default($nl,'ws_interp_type'); add_default($nl,'ws_interp_inc'); add_default($nl,'ws_filename'); add_default($nl,'ws_file_fmt'); ########################################## # namelist group: forcing_shf_nml # ########################################## add_default($nl,'shf_formulation','ocn_coupling'=>"$OCN_COUPLING"); add_default($nl,'shf_data_type' ,'ocn_coupling'=>"$OCN_COUPLING"); add_default($nl,'luse_cpl_ifrac' ,'ocn_coupling'=>"$OCN_COUPLING"); add_default($nl,'shf_data_inc'); add_default($nl,'shf_interp_freq'); add_default($nl,'shf_interp_type'); add_default($nl,'shf_interp_inc'); add_default($nl,'shf_restore_tau'); add_default($nl,'shf_filename'); add_default($nl,'shf_file_fmt'); add_default($nl,'shf_data_renorm(3)'); add_default($nl,'shf_weak_restore'); add_default($nl,'shf_strong_restore'); add_default($nl,'shf_strong_restore_ms'); ########################################## # namelist_group: forcing_sfwf_nml # ########################################## add_default($nl,'sfwf_formulation' , 'ocn_coupling'=>"$OCN_COUPLING"); add_default($nl,'sfwf_data_type' , 'ocn_coupling'=>"$OCN_COUPLING"); add_default($nl,'ladjust_precip' , 'ocn_coupling'=>"$OCN_COUPLING"); add_default($nl,'lms_balance' , 'ocn_coupling'=>"$OCN_COUPLING"); add_default($nl,'lsend_precip_fact', 'ocn_coupling'=>"$OCN_COUPLING"); add_default($nl,'sfwf_data_inc'); add_default($nl,'sfwf_interp_freq'); add_default($nl,'sfwf_interp_type'); add_default($nl,'sfwf_interp_inc'); add_default($nl,'sfwf_restore_tau'); add_default($nl,'sfwf_filename'); add_default($nl,'sfwf_file_fmt'); add_default($nl,'sfwf_data_renorm'); add_default($nl,'sfwf_strong_restore'); add_default($nl,'sfwf_strong_restore_ms'); add_default($nl,'sfwf_weak_restore'); add_default($nl,'lfw_as_salt_flx'); ########################################## # namelist group: forcing_pt_interior_nml# ########################################## add_default($nl,'pt_interior_data_type'); add_default($nl,'pt_interior_data_inc'); add_default($nl,'pt_interior_interp_freq'); add_default($nl,'pt_interior_interp_type'); add_default($nl,'pt_interior_interp_inc'); add_default($nl,'pt_interior_restore_tau'); add_default($nl,'pt_interior_filename'); add_default($nl,'pt_interior_file_fmt'); add_default($nl,'pt_interior_restore_max_level'); add_default($nl,'pt_interior_formulation'); add_default($nl,'pt_interior_data_renorm'); add_default($nl,'pt_interior_variable_restore'); add_default($nl,'pt_interior_restore_filename'); add_default($nl,'pt_interior_restore_file_fmt'); ########################################## # namelist group: forcing_s_interior_nml # ########################################## add_default($nl,'s_interior_data_type'); add_default($nl,'s_interior_data_inc'); add_default($nl,'s_interior_interp_freq'); add_default($nl,'s_interior_interp_type'); add_default($nl,'s_interior_interp_inc'); add_default($nl,'s_interior_restore_tau'); add_default($nl,'s_interior_filename'); add_default($nl,'s_interior_file_fmt'); add_default($nl,'s_interior_restore_max_level'); add_default($nl,'s_interior_formulation'); add_default($nl,'s_interior_data_renorm'); add_default($nl,'s_interior_variable_restore'); add_default($nl,'s_interior_restore_filename'); add_default($nl,'s_interior_restore_file_fmt'); ########################################## # namelist group: forcing_ap_interior_nml# ########################################## add_default($nl,'ap_data_type'); add_default($nl,'ap_data_inc'); add_default($nl,'ap_interp_freq'); add_default($nl,'ap_interp_type'); add_default($nl,'ap_interp_inc'); add_default($nl,'ap_filename'); add_default($nl,'ap_file_fmt'); add_default($nl,'ap_data_renorm'); ########################################## # namelist group: coupled_nml # ########################################## # $coupled_freq and $coupled_freq_opts are computed after reading XML vars add_default($nl,'coupled_freq',val=>"$coupled_freq"); add_default($nl,'coupled_freq_opt', val=>"$coupled_freq_opt"); add_default($nl,'qsw_distrb_opt', 'ocn_coupling'=>"$OCN_COUPLING"); ########################################## # namelist group: sw_absorption_nml # ########################################## add_default($nl,'sw_absorption_type'); add_default($nl,'chl_option', 'ocn_chl_type'=>"$OCN_CHL_TYPE"); add_default($nl,'chl_filename'); add_default($nl,'chl_file_fmt'); add_default($nl,'jerlov_water_type'); ########################################## # namelist group: transports_nml # ########################################## my @transport_reg2_names = ("'Atlantic Ocean'",',', "'Mediterranean Sea'",',', "'Labrador Sea'",',', "'GIN Sea'",',', "'Arctic Ocean'",',', "'Hudson Bay'"); add_default($nl,'lat_aux_grid_type'); add_default($nl,'lat_aux_begin'); add_default($nl,'lat_aux_end'); add_default($nl,'n_lat_aux_grid'); add_default($nl,'moc_requested'); add_default($nl,'n_heat_trans_requested'); add_default($nl,'n_salt_trans_requested'); add_default($nl,'transport_reg2_names', 'val'=>"@transport_reg2_names"); add_default($nl,'n_transport_reg'); ########################################## # namelist group: context_nml # ########################################## add_default($nl,'lcoupled'); add_default($nl,'lccsm'); add_default($nl,'b4b_flag'); add_default($nl,'lccsm_control_compatible'); ########################################## # namelist group: overflows_nml # ########################################## if ($OCN_GRID =~ /^gx*/) { add_default($nl,'overflows_infile', 'val'=>"${RUNDIR}/${OCN_GRID}_overflow"); } else { add_default($nl, 'overflows_infile', 'val'=>'unknown_overflow','noprepend'=>1); } add_default($nl,'overflows_on'); add_default($nl,'overflows_interactive'); add_default($nl,'overflows_diag_outfile', 'val'=>"${RUNDIR}/${output_d}o"); add_default($nl,'overflows_restart_type', 'val'=>"ccsm_${RUN_TYPE}"); add_default($nl,'overflows_restfile' , 'val'=>"${output_r}o"); ########################################## # namelist group: niw_nml # ########################################## add_default($nl,'lniw_mixing'); add_default($nl,'niw_local_mixing_fraction'); add_default($nl,'niw_mixing_efficiency'); add_default($nl,'niw_obs2model_ratio'); add_default($nl,'niw_boundary_layer_absorption'); add_default($nl,'niw_vert_decay_scale'); add_default($nl,'niw_mix_max'); add_default($nl,'niw_energy_type'); add_default($nl,'niw_energy_file_fmt'); add_default($nl,'niw_energy_file', 'nofail'=>1); if (not $nl->get_value('niw_energy_file')) { add_default($nl, 'niw_energy_file', 'val'=>'unknown_niw_energy','noprepend'=>1); } ########################################## # namelist group: passive_tracers_on_nml # ########################################## if ($OCN_TRACER_MODULES =~ /iage/) { add_default($nl, 'iage_on', 'val'=>".true."); } else { add_default($nl, 'iage_on', 'val'=>".false."); } if ($OCN_TRACER_MODULES =~ /cfc/) { add_default($nl, 'cfc_on', 'val'=>".true."); } else { add_default($nl, 'cfc_on', 'val'=>".false."); } if ($OCN_TRACER_MODULES =~ /ecosys/) { add_default($nl, 'ecosys_on', 'val'=>".true."); } else { add_default($nl, 'ecosys_on', 'val'=>".false."); } if ($OCN_TRACER_MODULES =~ /moby/) { add_default($nl, 'moby_on', 'val'=>".true."); } else { add_default($nl, 'moby_on', 'val'=>".false."); } ########################################## # namelist group: iage_nml # ########################################## if ($OCN_TRACER_MODULES =~ /iage/) { add_default($nl, 'init_iage_option', 'val'=>"ccsm_${RUN_TYPE}"); add_default($nl, 'init_iage_init_file', 'val'=>'same_as_TS', 'noprepend'=>1); } ########################################## # namelist group: cfc_nml # ########################################## if ($OCN_TRACER_MODULES =~ /cfc/) { #=============================================================================== # values of init_cfc_option for OCN_TRANSIENT == 1850-2000 are from following table # runtype is set in $CASEROOT/env_run.xml # # CONTINUE_RUN RUN_STARTDATE RUN_TYPE runtype init_cfc_option # TRUE any any continue ccsm_continue # FALSE <= 1930 any $RUN_TYPE zero # FALSE > 1930 hybrid,branch $RUN_TYPE ccsm_$RUN_TYPE # FALSE > 1930 startup $RUN_TYPE abort #=============================================================================== my $init_cfc_option; $init_cfc_option = "ccsm_${RUN_TYPE}"; if ($OCN_TRANSIENT eq "1850-2000") { if ($RUN_TYPE ne "continue") { my @START_ARRAY = split('-',$RUN_STARTDATE); my $START_YEAR = @START_ARRAY[0]; if ($START_YEAR le 1930) { $init_cfc_option = "zero"; } else { if ($RUN_TYPE eq "startup") { # Check to see if init_cfc_option was set in user_nl_pop2 $init_cfc_option = $nl->get_variable_value("cfc_nml", "init_cfc_option"); if ($init_cfc_option eq "") { # If not, error out with message saying value must be specified print "ERROR: CFCs cannot be automatically initializd post 1930 in a startup run! Set init_cfc_option in user_nl_pop2 before building pop2_in.\n"; die; } } } } } add_default($nl, 'init_cfc_option', 'val'=>"$init_cfc_option"); add_default($nl, 'model_year', 'ocn_transient'=>"$OCN_TRANSIENT"); add_default($nl, 'data_year' , 'ocn_transient'=>"$OCN_TRANSIENT"); add_default($nl, 'cfc_formulation'); add_default($nl, 'pcfc_file'); add_default($nl, 'init_cfc_init_file', 'noprepend'=>1); } ########################################## # namelist group: ecosys_nml # ########################################## if ($OCN_TRACER_MODULES =~ /ecosys/) { my $temp; if (($OCN_TRANSIENT ne "unset") && ($OCN_TRANSIENT ne "1850-2000")) { print " OCN_TRANSIENT=$OCN_TRANSIENT not supported by ecosystem module \n"; die; } my $atm_co2_opt; if ($OCN_CO2_TYPE eq "constant") { $atm_co2_opt = "const"; } elsif ($OCN_CO2_TYPE eq "prognostic") { $atm_co2_opt = "drv_prog"; } elsif ($OCN_CO2_TYPE eq "diagnostic") { $atm_co2_opt = "drv_diag"; } else { print "error specifying atm_co2_opt \n"; print "unknown OCN_CO2_TYPE: $OCN_CO2_TYPE \n"; die; } my $locmip_k1_k2_bug_fix; if ($OCN_CO2_FLUX_OCMIP_BUG_FIX eq "TRUE") { $locmip_k1_k2_bug_fix = ".true."; } else { $locmip_k1_k2_bug_fix = ".false."; } add_default($nl, 'init_ecosys_option', 'val'=>"ccsm_${RUN_TYPE}"); if ($RUN_TYPE eq "startup") { add_default($nl, 'init_ecosys_init_file'); } else { add_default($nl, 'init_ecosys_init_file', 'val'=>"same_as_TS", 'noprepend'=>1); } add_default($nl, 'init_ecosys_init_file_fmt'); add_default($nl, 'tracer_init_ext(1)%mod_varname&ecosys_nml'); add_default($nl, 'tracer_init_ext(1)%scale_factor&ecosys_nml'); add_default($nl, 'tracer_init_ext(2)%mod_varname&ecosys_nml'); add_default($nl, 'tracer_init_ext(2)%scale_factor&ecosys_nml'); add_default($nl, 'tracer_init_ext(3)%mod_varname&ecosys_nml'); add_default($nl, 'tracer_init_ext(3)%scale_factor&ecosys_nml'); add_default($nl, 'lflux_gas_o2'); add_default($nl, 'lflux_gas_co2'); add_default($nl, 'locmip_k1_k2_bug_fix', 'val'=>"$locmip_k1_k2_bug_fix"); add_default($nl, 'atm_co2_opt', 'val'=>"$atm_co2_opt"); add_default($nl, 'atm_co2_const', 'val'=>"$CCSM_CO2_PPMV"); add_default($nl, 'ecosys_tadvect_ctype'); add_default($nl, 'gas_flux_forcing_opt'); add_default($nl, 'lmarginal_seas'); add_default($nl, 'lsource_sink'); add_default($nl, 'comp_surf_avg_freq_opt'); add_default($nl, 'comp_surf_avg_freq'); add_default($nl, 'use_nml_surf_vals', 'runtype'=>"$RUN_TYPE"); add_default($nl, 'surf_avg_dic_const'); add_default($nl, 'surf_avg_alk_const'); add_default($nl, 'ecosys_qsw_distrb_const'); #add_default($nl, 'iron_dust_flx_data_type'); add_default($nl, 'dust_flux_input%filename'); add_default($nl, 'dust_flux_input%file_fmt'); add_default($nl, 'dust_flux_input%file_varname'); add_default($nl, 'dust_flux_input%scale_factor'); # kg/m^2/sec -> g/cm^2/sec add_default($nl, 'iron_flux_input%filename'); add_default($nl, 'iron_flux_input%file_fmt'); add_default($nl, 'iron_flux_input%file_varname'); add_default($nl, 'iron_flux_input%scale_factor'); # kg/m^2/sec -> nmol/cm^2/sec, 3.5% iron by weight add_default($nl, 'fesedflux_input%filename'); add_default($nl, 'fesedflux_input%file_varname'); add_default($nl, 'fesedflux_input%file_fmt'); add_default($nl, 'fesedflux_input%scale_factor'); # umolFe/m2/day -> nmolFe/cm2/s if ($OCN_TRANSIENT eq "unset") { add_default($nl, 'ndep_data_type', 'ocn_transient'=>"$OCN_TRANSIENT"); add_default($nl, 'nox_flux_monthly_input%filename'); add_default($nl, 'nox_flux_monthly_input%file_fmt'); add_default($nl, 'nox_flux_monthly_input%file_varname'); add_default($nl, 'nhy_flux_monthly_input%filename'); add_default($nl, 'nox_flux_monthly_input%scale_factor'); # kgN/m^2/sec -> nmolN/cm^2/sec add_default($nl, 'nhy_flux_monthly_input%file_fmt'); add_default($nl, 'nhy_flux_monthly_input%file_varname'); add_default($nl, 'nhy_flux_monthly_input%scale_factor'); # kgN/m^2/sec -> nmolN/cm^2/sec } if ($OCN_TRANSIENT eq "1850-2000") { add_default($nl, 'ndep_data_type', 'ocn_transient'=>"$OCN_TRANSIENT"); add_default($nl, 'ndep_shr_stream_year_first'); add_default($nl, 'ndep_shr_stream_year_last'); add_default($nl, 'ndep_shr_stream_year_align'); add_default($nl, 'ndep_shr_stream_scale_factor'); # kgN/m^2/sec -> nmolN/cm^2/sec add_default($nl, 'ndep_shr_stream_file'); } add_default($nl, 'lecovars_full_depth_tavg'); } ########################################## # namelist group: moby_nml # ########################################## if ($OCN_TRACER_MODULES =~ /moby/) { my $temp; add_default($nl, 'moby_log_filename', 'val'=>"${RUNDIR}/moby${inst_string}.log.$LID"); add_default($nl, "lmoby"); add_default($nl, "ldarwin"); add_default($nl, 'init_moby_option', 'val'=>"ccsm_${RUN_TYPE}"); if ($RUN_TYPE eq "startup") { add_default($nl, 'init_moby_init_file', 'val'=>"unknown", 'noprepend'=>"1"); } else { add_default($nl, 'init_moby_init_file', 'val'=>"same_as_TS", 'noprepend'=>"1"); } add_default($nl, 'init_moby_init_file_fmt', 'val'=>'nc'); add_default($nl, 'moby_comp_surf_avg_freq'); add_default($nl, 'moby_comp_surf_avg_freq_opt'); add_default($nl, 'moby_iron_flux_input%filename'); add_default($nl, 'moby_iron_flux_input%file_fmt'); add_default($nl, 'moby_iron_flux_input%file_varname'); add_default($nl, 'moby_iron_flux_input%scale_factor'); add_default($nl, 'moby_lecovars_full_depth_tavg'); my $lflux_gas_co2; if ($CCSM_BGC eq "CO2C") { $lflux_gas_co2 = ".true."; } else { $lflux_gas_co2 = ".false."; } add_default($nl, 'moby_lflux_gas_co2','val'=>"$lflux_gas_co2"); add_default($nl, 'moby_lmarginal_seas'); add_default($nl, 'moby_lrest_no3'); add_default($nl, 'moby_lrest_po4'); add_default($nl, 'moby_lrest_sio3'); add_default($nl, 'moby_nutr_rest_file'); add_default($nl, 'moby_qsw_distrb_const'); add_default($nl, 'moby_surf_avg_alk_const'); add_default($nl, 'moby_surf_avg_dic_const'); add_default($nl, 'moby_tadvect_ctype'); add_default($nl, 'moby_tracer_init_ext(1)%mod_varname'); add_default($nl, 'moby_tracer_init_ext(1)%scale_factor'); add_default($nl, 'moby_tracer_init_ext(2)%mod_varname'); add_default($nl, 'moby_tracer_init_ext(2)%scale_factor'); add_default($nl, 'moby_use_nml_surf_vals', 'runtype'=>"${RUN_TYPE}"); # Build moby namelist- ${RUNDIR}/moby_in my $fh_in = new IO::File; my $fh_out = new IO::File; $fh_out->open(">${RUNDIR}/moby_in") or die "** can't open file: ${RUNDIR}/moby_in\n"; foreach my $file ( "${OCN_GRID}_data", "${OCN_GRID}_data.ptracers", "${OCN_GRID}_data.gchem" , "${OCN_GRID}_data.$OCN_TRACER_MODULES_OPT" , "${OCN_GRID}_data.misc", "${OCN_GRID}_data.pkg" ) { my $datafile; if (-e "$CASEROOT/SourceMods/src.pop2/src.moby/$file") { $datafile = "${CASEROOT}/SourceMods/src.pop2/src.moby/$file"; } elsif ( -e "$CODEROOT/ocn/pop2/aux/moby/${OCN_TRACER_MODULES_OPT}/input/$file") { $datafile = "$CODEROOT/ocn/pop2/aux/moby/${OCN_TRACER_MODULES_OPT}/input/$file"; } else { die "MOBY error for input file $file \n"; } $fh_in->open("<$datafile") or die "** can't open file: $datafile\n"; while (my $line = <$fh_in>) { if ($line =~ m/\#/) { # do nothing } else { $line =~ s/POPVERTGRID/using_POP_grid_through_interface_layer/g; my $path = "${DIN_LOC_ROOT}/ocn/moby"; $line =~ s/INPUTDATA/$path/g; $line =~ s/OCN_GRID/$OCN_GRID/g; print $fh_out "$line"; } } $fh_in->close; } $fh_out->close; } ########################################## # namelist group: tavg_nml # # AND # # tavg contents file # ########################################## my $ltavg_streams_index_present; my $ltavg_has_offset_date_values; my $ltavg_one_time_header; my $ltavg_nino_diags_requested; my %tavg_nml = (tavg_freq_opt => [], tavg_freq => [], tavg_stream_filestrings => [], tavg_file_freq_opt => [], tavg_file_freq => [], tavg_start_opt => [], tavg_start => [], tavg_fmt_in => [], tavg_fmt_out => [], ltavg_has_offset_date => [], tavg_offset_year => [], tavg_offset_month => [], tavg_offset_day => [], ltavg_one_time_header => [], ); if ($OCN_GRID =~ /^gx*/) { $ltavg_streams_index_present = ".true."; $ltavg_nino_diags_requested = ".true."; } elsif ($OCN_GRID =~ /^tx*/) { $ltavg_streams_index_present = ".true."; $ltavg_nino_diags_requested = ".false."; } ########################################## # copy files to $RUNDIR # ########################################## my $my_path = "${CASEROOT}/SourceMods/src.pop2"; my @copy_files_to_input = (); push @copy_files_to_input,"${OCN_GRID}_vert_grid"; push @copy_files_to_input,"${OCN_GRID}_region_ids"; push @copy_files_to_input,"${OCN_GRID}_history_contents"; push @copy_files_to_input,"${OCN_GRID}_movie_contents"; push @copy_files_to_input,"${OCN_GRID}_transport_contents"; push @copy_files_to_input,"${OCN_GRID}_depth_accel"; if ($OCN_GRID =~ /^gx*/) { push @copy_files_to_input,"${OCN_GRID}_overflow"; } foreach my $file (@copy_files_to_input ) { if (-f "${my_path}/$file") { my $sysmod = "cp -fp ${my_path}/$file ${RUNDIR}/$file"; system($sysmod) == 0 or die "ERROR: $sysmod failed: $?\n"; } else { my $sysmod = "cp -fp ${CODEROOT}/ocn/pop2/input_templates/$file ${RUNDIR}/$file"; system($sysmod) == 0 or die "ERROR: $sysmod failed: $?\n"; } } ########################################## # tavg contents file # ########################################## # Create tavg contents file my $pop2_tavg_file = "${CASEBUILD}/pop2conf/${OCN_GRID}_tavg_contents"; my $sysmod; my $file; #------------------------- # 1. base tavg contents #------------------------- # 1.a. create $CASEBUILD/pop2conf/base.tavg.nml file $sysmod; $file = "ocn.base.tavg.csh"; if (-f "${my_path}/$file"){ $sysmod = "${my_path}/${file}"; } else { $sysmod = "${CODEROOT}/ocn/pop2/input_templates/${file}"; } system($sysmod) == 0 or die "ERROR: $sysmod failed: $?\n"; # 1.b. read in pop2conf/base.tavg.nml file and fill in %tavg_nml entries my $fh_in = new IO::File; $fh_in->open("<$CASEBUILD/pop2conf/base.tavg.nml") or die "** can't open filepath file: $\n"; my $line; my $numcols; while ($line = <$fh_in> ) { chomp($line); $line =~ /(.+)=(.+)/; my $key = $1; my $val = $2; $key =~ s/^\s+//; $key =~ s/\s+$//; $val =~ s/^\s+//; $val =~ s/\s+$//; my @val = split (' ',$val); push @{ $tavg_nml{$key} }, @val; my @cols = @{$tavg_nml{$key}}; $numcols = $#cols + 1; } $fh_in->close(); # 1.d create base tavg contents file - in pop2conf/ # either from $my_path (first) or from my $base_tavg_file = "${CASEBUILD}/pop2conf/${OCN_GRID}_tavg_contents"; if ($OCN_TAVG_HIFREQ eq "TRUE") { # High-frequency tavg contents $file = "${OCN_GRID}_tavg_contents_high_freq"; } else { # Default resolution dependent tavg contents $file = "${OCN_GRID}_tavg_contents"; } if (-f "$my_path/$file") { $sysmod = "cp -fp ${my_path}/$file $base_tavg_file"; system($sysmod) == 0 or die "ERROR: $sysmod failed: $?\n"; } else { if (-f "${CODEROOT}/ocn/pop2/input_templates/$file") { $sysmod = "cp -fp ${CODEROOT}/ocn/pop2/input_templates/$file $base_tavg_file"; system($sysmod) == 0 or die "ERROR: $sysmod failed: $?\n"; } } # 1.e add niw-specific fields to tavg_contents file my $lniw_mixing = $nl->get_value('lniw_mixing'); if ($lniw_mixing =~ /true/) { $file = "niw_tavg_contents"; my $niw_tavg_file = "${CASEBUILD}/pop2conf/$file"; if (-f "$my_path/${OCN_GRID}_$file") { $sysmod = "cp -fp ${my_path}/${OCN_GRID}_$file $niw_tavg_file"; system($sysmod) == 0 or die "ERROR: $sysmod failed: $?\n"; } else { if (-f "${CODEROOT}/ocn/pop2/input_templates/${OCN_GRID}_$file") { $sysmod = "cp -fp ${CODEROOT}/ocn/pop2/input_templates/${OCN_GRID}_$file $niw_tavg_file"; system($sysmod) == 0 or die "ERROR: $sysmod failed: $?\n"; } } if (-f "$niw_tavg_file") { $sysmod = "cat $niw_tavg_file >> $pop2_tavg_file"; system($sysmod) == 0 or die "ERROR: $sysmod failed: $?\n"; } } #------------------------- # 2. budget tavg contents #------------------------- my $budget_tavg_file = "${CASEBUILD}/pop2conf/budget_tavg_contents"; $file = "tavg_contents_tracer_budget_terms"; if ($OCN_TAVG_TRACER_BUDGET eq "TRUE") { # tracer budget tavg contents if (-f "${my_path}/$file") { $sysmod = "cp -fp ${my_path}/$file $budget_tavg_file"; system($sysmod) == 0 or die "ERROR: $sysmod failed: $?\n"; } else { $sysmod = "cp -fp ${CODEROOT}/ocn/pop2/input_templates/$file $budget_tavg_file"; system($sysmod) == 0 or die "ERROR: $sysmod failed: $?\n"; } $sysmod = "cat $budget_tavg_file >> $pop2_tavg_file"; system($sysmod) == 0 or die "ERROR: $sysmod failed: $?\n"; } #------------------------- # 3. tracer tavg contents #------------------------- my @modules = split( ' ', $OCN_TRACER_MODULES); for my $module (@modules) { my $file = "ocn.${module}.tavg.csh"; my $my_stream = $numcols+1; if (-f "${my_path}/$file"){ $sysmod = "${my_path}/${file} $my_stream"; system($sysmod) == 0 or die "ERROR: $sysmod failed: $?\n"; } else { $sysmod = "${CODEROOT}/ocn/pop2/input_templates/${file} $my_stream"; system($sysmod) == 0 or die "ERROR: $sysmod failed: $?\n"; } # Create new tracer stream namelists - if appropriate if (-f "${CASEBUILD}/pop2conf/${module}.tavg.nml") { my $fh_in = new IO::File; $fh_in->open("<${CASEBUILD}/pop2conf/$module.tavg.nml") or die "** can't open filepath file: $\n"; my $line; while ($line = <$fh_in> ) { chomp($line); $line =~ /(.+)=(.+)/; my $key = $1; my $val = $2; $key =~ s/^\s+//; $key =~ s/\s+$//; $val =~ s/^\s+//; $val =~ s/\s+$//; my @val = split (' ',$val); push @{ $tavg_nml{$key} }, @val; my @cols = @{$tavg_nml{$key}}; $numcols = $#cols + 1; } $fh_in->close(); } $sysmod = "cat ${CASEBUILD}/pop2conf/${module}_tavg_contents >> $pop2_tavg_file"; system($sysmod) == 0 or die "ERROR: $sysmod failed: $?\n"; } add_default($nl, 'n_tavg_streams', 'val'=>"$numcols"); add_default($nl, 'ltavg_streams_index_present', 'val'=>"$ltavg_streams_index_present"); add_default($nl, 'tavg_freq_opt', 'val'=>"@{$tavg_nml{'tavg_freq_opt'}}"); add_default($nl, 'tavg_freq', 'val'=>"@{$tavg_nml{'tavg_freq'}}"); add_default($nl, 'tavg_file_freq_opt', 'val'=>"@{$tavg_nml{'tavg_file_freq_opt'}}"); add_default($nl, 'tavg_file_freq', 'val'=>"@{$tavg_nml{'tavg_file_freq'}}"); add_default($nl, 'tavg_stream_filestrings', 'val'=>"@{$tavg_nml{'tavg_stream_filestrings'}}"); add_default($nl, 'tavg_start_opt', 'val'=>"@{$tavg_nml{'tavg_start_opt'}}"); add_default($nl, 'tavg_start', 'val'=>"@{$tavg_nml{'tavg_start'}}"); add_default($nl, 'tavg_fmt_in', 'val'=>"@{$tavg_nml{'tavg_fmt_in'}}"); add_default($nl, 'tavg_fmt_out', 'val'=>"@{$tavg_nml{'tavg_fmt_out'}}"); add_default($nl, 'ltavg_has_offset_date', 'val'=>"@{$tavg_nml{'ltavg_has_offset_date'}}"); add_default($nl, 'tavg_offset_years', 'val'=>"@{$tavg_nml{'tavg_offset_years'}}"); add_default($nl, 'tavg_offset_months', 'val'=>"@{$tavg_nml{'tavg_offset_months'}}"); add_default($nl, 'tavg_offset_days', 'val'=>"@{$tavg_nml{'tavg_offset_days'}}"); add_default($nl, 'ltavg_one_time_header', 'val'=>"@{$tavg_nml{'ltavg_one_time_header'}}"); add_default($nl, 'ltavg_nino_diags_requested', 'val'=>"$ltavg_nino_diags_requested"); add_default($nl, 'tavg_contents', 'val'=>"${RUNDIR}/${OCN_GRID}_tavg_contents"); add_default($nl, 'tavg_infile', 'val'=>"${output_h}restart.end"); add_default($nl, 'tavg_outfile', 'val'=>"$output_h"); add_default($nl, 'ltavg_ignore_extra_streams', 'val'=>".false."); #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # *** Write output namelist file (pop2_in) and input dataset list (pop2.input_data_list) *** #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set namelist groups to be written out my @groups = qw(domain_nml io_nml time_manager_nml grid_nml init_ts_nml diagnostics_nml budget_diagnostics_nml bsf_diagnostic_nml restart_nml tavg_nml history_nml movie_nml solvers vertical_mix_nml vmix_const_nml vmix_rich_nml tidal_nml vmix_kpp_nml advect_nml hmix_nml hmix_del2u_nml hmix_del2t_nml hmix_del4u_nml hmix_del4t_nml hmix_gm_nml mix_submeso_nml hmix_aniso_nml state_nml baroclinic_nml ice_nml pressure_grad_nml topostress_nml forcing_ws_nml forcing_shf_nml forcing_sfwf_nml forcing_pt_interior_nml forcing_s_interior_nml forcing_ap_nml coupled_nml sw_absorption_nml transports_nml context_nml overflows_nml niw_nml passive_tracers_on_nml); if ($OCN_TRACER_MODULES =~ /iage/) { push @groups, qw(iage_nml); } if ($OCN_TRACER_MODULES =~ /cfc/) { push @groups, qw(cfc_nml); } if ($OCN_TRACER_MODULES =~ /ecosys/) { push @groups, qw(ecosys_nml ecosys_parms_nml); } if ($OCN_TRACER_MODULES =~ /moby/) { push @groups, qw(moby_nml moby_parms_nml ); } # Check for variables in the "derived" group, add them to appropriate group for my $var ($nl->get_variable_names('derived')) { my @broken = split(/&/,$var); my $val = $nl->get_variable_value('derived', $var); $nl->set_variable_value($broken[1], $broken[0], $val); } # Write out all groups to pop2_in my $outfile = "./pop2_in"; $nl->write($outfile, 'groups'=>\@groups); if ($print>=2) { print "Writing pop2 ocean component namelist to $outfile $eol"; } # Write input dataset list. check_input_files($nl, $DIN_LOC_ROOT, "../pop2.input_data_list"); #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # END OF MAIN SCRIPT #=============================================================================================== #=============================================================================================== sub add_default { # Add a value for the specified variable to the specified namelist object. The variables # already in the object have the higher precedence, so if the specified variable is already # defined in the object then don't overwrite it, just return. # # This method checks the definition file and adds the variable to the correct # namelist group. # # The value can be provided by using the optional argument key 'val' in the # calling list. Otherwise a default value is obtained from the namelist # defaults object. If no default value is found this method throws an exception # unless the 'nofail' option is set true. # # Additional optional keyword=>value pairs may be specified. If the keyword 'val' is # not present, then any other keyword=>value pairs that are specified will be used to # match attributes in the defaults file. # # Example 1: Specify the default value $val for the namelist variable $var in namelist # object $nl: # # add_default($nl, $var, 'val'=>$val) # # Example 2: Add a default for variable $var if an appropriate value is found. Otherwise # don't add the variable # # add_default($nl, $var, 'nofail'=>1) # # # ***** N.B. ***** This routine assumes the following variables are in package main:: # $definition -- the namelist definition object # $DIN_LOC_ROOT -- CCSM inputdata root directory my $nl = shift; # namelist object my $var = shift; # name of namelist variable my %opts = @_; # options my $val = undef; # Query the definition to find which group the variable belongs to. Exit if not found. my $group = $definition->get_group_name($var); unless ($group) { my $fname = $definition->get_file_name(); die "$ProgName - ERROR: variable \"$var\" not found in namelist definition file $fname.\n"; } # check whether the variable has a value in the namelist object -- if so then return $val = $nl->get_variable_value($group, $var); if (defined $val) { return; } # Look for a specified value in the options hash if (defined $opts{'val'}) { $val = $opts{'val'}; } # or else get a value from namelist defaults object. # Note that if the 'val' key isn't in the hash, then just pass anything else # in %opts to the get_value method to be used as attributes that are matched # when looking for default values. else { $val = get_default_value($var, \%opts); } # if no value is found then exit w/ error (unless 'nofail' option set) unless (defined $val) { unless ($opts{'nofail'}) { print "$ProgName - ERROR: No default value found for $var\n". "user defined attributes:\n"; foreach my $key (keys(%opts)) { if ($key ne 'nofail' and $key ne 'val') { print "key=$key val=$opts{$key}\n"; } } die; } else { return; } } # query the definition to find out if the variable is an input pathname my $is_input_pathname = $definition->is_input_pathname($var); # The default values for input pathnames are relative. If the namelist # variable is defined to be an absolute pathname, then prepend # the CCSM inputdata root directory. # TODO: unless ignore_abs is passed as argument if ($is_input_pathname eq 'abs') { unless ($opts{'noprepend'}){ $val = set_abs_filepath($val, $DIN_LOC_ROOT); } } # query the definition to find out if the variable takes a string value. # The returned string length will be >0 if $var is a string, and 0 if not. my $str_len = $definition->get_str_len($var); # If the variable is a string, then add quotes if they're missing if ($str_len > 0) { $val = quote_string($val); } # set the value in the namelist $nl->set_variable_value($group, $var, $val); } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_default_value { # Return a default value for the requested variable. # Return undef if no default found. # # ***** N.B. ***** This routine assumes the following variables are in package main:: # $defaults -- the namelist defaults object # $uc_defaults -- the use CASE defaults object my $var_name = lc(shift); # name of namelist variable (CASE insensitive interface) my $usr_att_ref = shift; # reference to hash containing user supplied attributes # Check in the namelist defaults return $defaults->get_value($var_name, $usr_att_ref); } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub check_input_files { # For each variable in the namelist which is an input dataset, check to see if it # exists locally. # # ***** N.B. ***** This routine assumes the following variables are in package main:: # $definition -- the namelist definition object my $nl = shift; # namelist object my $inputdata_rootdir = shift; # if false prints test, else creates inputdata file my $outfile = shift; open(OUTFILE, ">$outfile") if defined $inputdata_rootdir; # Look through all namelist groups my @groups = $nl->get_group_names(); foreach my $group (@groups) { # Look through all variables in each group my @vars = $nl->get_variable_names($group); foreach my $var (@vars) { # Is the variable an input dataset? my $input_pathname_type = $definition->is_input_pathname($var); # If it is, check to see if variable contains non-file # For example, init_iage_init_file = "same_as_TS" my $is_a_file = 1; if ($input_pathname_type) { # Get pathname of input dataset my $pathname = $nl->get_variable_value($group, $var); # Need to strip the quotes $pathname =~ s/['"]//g; # bottom_cell_file could be 'unknown_bottom_cell' if (($var eq 'bottom_cell_file') and ($pathname eq 'unknown_bottom_cell')) { $is_a_file = 0; } # tidal_energy_file could be 'unknown_tidal_mixing' if (($var eq 'tidal_energy_file') and ($pathname eq 'unknown_tidal_mixing')) { $is_a_file = 0; } # niw_energy_file could be 'unknown_niw_energy' if (($var eq 'niw_energy_file') and ($pathname eq 'unknown_niw_energy')) { $is_a_file = 0; } # init_iage_file could be 'same_as_TS' if (($var eq 'init_iage_init_file') and ($pathname eq 'same_as_TS')) { $is_a_file = 0; } # init_ecosys_init_file could be 'same_as_TS' if (($var eq 'init_ecosys_init_file') and ($pathname eq 'same_as_TS')) { $is_a_file = 0; } } # If it is, check whether it exists locally and print status if ($input_pathname_type and $is_a_file) { # Get pathname of input dataset my $pathname = $nl->get_variable_value($group, $var); # Need to strip the quotes $pathname =~ s/['"]//g; if ($input_pathname_type eq 'abs') { if ($inputdata_rootdir) { print OUTFILE "$var = $pathname\n"; } else { if (-e $pathname) { # use -e rather than -f since the absolute pathname # might be a directory print "OK -- found $var = $pathname\n"; } else { print "NOT FOUND: $var = $pathname\n"; } } } elsif ($input_pathname_type =~ m/rel:(.+)/o) { # The match provides the namelist variable that contains the # root directory for a relative filename my $rootdir_var = $1; my $rootdir = $nl->get_variable_value($group, $rootdir_var); $rootdir =~ s/['"]//g; if ($inputdata_rootdir) { $pathname = "$rootdir/$pathname"; print OUTFILE "$var = $pathname\n"; } else { if (-f "$rootdir/$pathname") { print "OK -- found $var = $rootdir/$pathname\n"; } else { print "NOT FOUND: $var = $rootdir/$pathname\n"; } } } } } } close OUTFILE if defined $inputdata_rootdir; return 0 if defined $inputdata_rootdir; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub set_abs_filepath { # check whether the input filepath is an absolute path, and if it isn't then # prepend a root directory my ($filepath, $rootdir) = @_; # strip any leading/trailing whitespace $filepath =~ s/^\s+//; $filepath =~ s/\s+$//; $rootdir =~ s/^\s+//; $rootdir =~ s/\s+$//; # strip any leading/trailing quotes $filepath =~ s/^['"]+//; $filepath =~ s/["']+$//; $rootdir =~ s/^['"]+//; $rootdir =~ s/["']+$//; my $out = $filepath; unless ( $filepath =~ /^\// ) { # unless $filepath starts with a / $out = "$rootdir/$filepath"; # prepend the root directory } return $out; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub absolute_path { # # Convert a pathname into an absolute pathname, expanding any . or .. characters. # Assumes pathnames refer to a local filesystem. # Assumes the directory separator is "/". # my $path = shift; my $cwd = getcwd(); # current working directory my $abspath; # resulting absolute pathname # Strip off any leading or trailing whitespace. (This pattern won't match if # there's embedded whitespace. $path =~ s!^\s*(\S*)\s*$!$1!; # Convert relative to absolute path. if ($path =~ m!^\.$!) { # path is "." return $cwd; } elsif ($path =~ m!^\./!) { # path starts with "./" $path =~ s!^\.!$cwd!; } elsif ($path =~ m!^\.\.$!) { # path is ".." $path = "$cwd/.."; } elsif ($path =~ m!^\.\./!) { # path starts with "../" $path = "$cwd/$path"; } elsif ($path =~ m!^[^/]!) { # path starts with non-slash character $path = "$cwd/$path"; } my ($dir, @dirs2); my @dirs = split "/", $path, -1; # The -1 prevents split from stripping trailing nulls # This enables correct processing of the input "/". # Remove any "" that are not leading. for (my $i=0; $i<=$#dirs; ++$i) { if ($i == 0 or $dirs[$i] ne "") { push @dirs2, $dirs[$i]; } } @dirs = (); # Remove any "." foreach $dir (@dirs2) { unless ($dir eq ".") { push @dirs, $dir; } } @dirs2 = (); # Remove the "subdir/.." parts. foreach $dir (@dirs) { if ( $dir !~ /\.\./ ) { push @dirs2, $dir; } else { pop @dirs2; # remove previous dir when current dir is .. } } if ($#dirs2 == 0 and $dirs2[0] eq "") { return "/"; } $abspath = join '/', @dirs2; return( $abspath ); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub valid_option { my ($val, @expect) = @_; my ($expect); $val =~ s/^\s+//; $val =~ s/\s+$//; foreach $expect (@expect) { if ($val =~ /^$expect$/i) { return $expect; } } return undef; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub validate_options { my $source = shift; # text string declaring the source of the options being validated my $opts = shift; # reference to hash that contains the options my ($opt, $old, @expect); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub quote_string { my $str = shift; $str =~ s/^\s+//; $str =~ s/\s+$//; unless ($str =~ /^['"]/) { #"' $str = "\'$str\'"; } return $str; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub expand_env_xml { my $value = shift; if ($value =~ /\$([\w_]+)(.*)$/) { my $subst = $xmlvars{$1}; $value =~ s/\$${1}/$subst/g; } return $value; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub print_nl_to_screen { my $namelist = $_[0]; # Loop through every group in the namelist for my $group ($namelist->get_group_names()) { # Loop through every variable in group for my $var ($namelist->get_variable_names($group)) { my $val = $namelist->get_variable_value($group, $var); # For derived type, $var contains variable name and group name if ($group eq "derived") { my @broken = split(/&/,$var); print " * ", $broken[0], " = ", $val, " in \&", $broken[1], "\n"; } else { print " * ", $var, " = ", $val, " in \&", $group, "\n"; } } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub valid_date { # return 1 if given date ($$month/$$day/$$year) exists in calendar $cal # otherwise subtract number of days in $$month from $$day, and increment # $$month by 1 (also incrementing $$year if going from Dec to Jan) and # then return 0. use Switch; my $day = shift; my $month = shift; my $year = shift; my $cal = shift; my $maxday = -1; switch ($$month) { case 1 { $maxday = 31; } case 2 { if (($cal eq 'NO_LEAP') || (not leap($$year))) { $maxday = 28; } else { $maxday = 29; } } case 3 { $maxday = 31; } case 4 { $maxday = 30; } case 5 { $maxday = 31; } case 6 { $maxday = 30; } case 7 { $maxday = 31; } case 8 { $maxday = 31; } case 9 { $maxday = 30; } case 10 { $maxday = 31; } case 11 { $maxday = 30; } case 12 { $maxday = 31; } } if ($maxday == -1) { die "ERROR: can not figure out what month $$month is"; } if ($$day > $maxday) { $$month++; if ($$month == 13) { $$year++; $$month = 1; } $$day = $$day - $maxday; return 0; } return 1; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub leap() { # return 1 if given year is a leap year, 0 otherwise my $year = shift; if (($year%4 == 0) && (($year%400 == 0) || ($year%100 != 0))) { return 1; } return 0; }