This page contains the complete list of DROF namelist variables available. They are grouped
by categories designed to aid browsing. Clicking on the name of a variable will display descriptive
information. If search terms are entered in the text box below, the list will be condensed to contain
only matched variables.
Namelist Variable |
Type |
Group |
The runoff data is associated with the runoff model
and is normally on a different grid than the land data.
In the data model, the land and snow modes are treated completely
independently as if there were two models.
datamode = "NULL"
NULL is always a valid option and means no data will be generated.
Turns off the data model as a provider of data to the coupler. The
ice_present flag will be set to false and the coupler will assume no
exchange of data to or from the data model.
dataMode = "COPYALL"
Copies all fields directly from the input data streams Any required
fields not found on an input stream will be set to zero.
datamode = "CPLHIST"
Reads in data from coupler history files generated by a previous run
Reads in annual and intra-annual forcing runoff data used for CORE2 forcing runs
Only valid for rof mode
Set by the following xml variables in env_run.xml
specifies values for rof mode: CPLHIST,DIATREN_ANN_RX1,DIATREN_IAF_RX1,NULL
default value: DIATREN_ANN_RX1
char*256 |
shr_strdata_nml |
spatial gridfile associated with the strdata. grid information will
be read from this file and that grid will serve as the target grid
for all input data for this strdata input.
char*256 |
shr_strdata_nml |
array (up to 30 elements) of delta time ratio limits placed on the
time interpolation associated with the array of streams. this real
value causes the model to stop if the ratio of the running maximum
delta time divided by the minimum delta time is greater than the
dtlimit for that stream. for instance, with daily data, the delta
time should be exactly one day throughout the dataset and the computed
maximum divided by minimum delta time should always be 1.0. for
monthly data, the delta time should be between 28 and 31 days and the
maximum ratio should be about 1.1. the running value of the delta
time is computed as data is read and any wraparound or cycling is also
included. this input helps trap missing data or errors in cycling.
to turn off trapping, set the value to 1.0e30 or something similar.
real(30) |
shr_strdata_nml |
array (up to 30 elements) of fill algorithms associated with the array
of streams. valid options are just copy (ie. no fill), special value,
nearest neighbor, nearest neighbor in "i" direction, or nearest
neighbor in "j" direction.
valid values: 'copy','spval','nn','nnoni','nnonj'
default: "nn".
char*256(30) |
shr_strdata_nml |
plays no role is fill algorithm at the present time.
valid values: "nomask,srcmask,dstmask,bothmask"
default: "nomask"
char*256(30) |
shr_strdata_nml |
array (up to 30 elements) of filenames associated with the array of
streams. specifies the weights file to read in instead of computing the
weights on the fly for the fill operation. if this is set, fillalgo
and fillmask are ignored.
default: unset
char*256(30) |
shr_strdata_nml |
array (up to 30 elements) of filenames associated with the array of
streams. specifies the weights file to generate after weights are
computed on the fly for the fill operation. this allows a user to
save and reuse a set of weights later.
char*256(30) |
shr_strdata_nml |
array (up to 30 elements) of fill algorithms associated with the array
of streams. valid options are copy by index, set to special value,
nearest neighbor, nearest neighbor in "i" direction, nearest neighbor
in "j" direction, or bilinear.
valid values: copy,spval,nn,nnoni,nnonj,bilinear
default: bilinear
char*256(30) |
shr_strdata_nml |
array (up to 30 elements) of masking algorithms for mapping input data
associated with the array of streams. valid options are map only from
valid src points, map only to valid destination points, ignore all
masks, map only from valid src points to valid destination points.
valid values: srcmask, dstmask, nomask,bothmask
default: dstmask
char*256(30) |
shr_strdata_nml |
array (up to 30 elements) of filenames associated with the array of
streams. specifies the weights file to read instead of computing
weights on the fly for the mapping (interpolation) operation. if this
is set, mapalgo and mapmask are ignored. default="unset".
char*256(30) |
shr_strdata_nml |
array (up to 30 elements) of filenames associated with the array of
streams. specifies the weights file to generate after weights are
computed on the fly for the mapping (interpolation) operation. this
allows a user to save and reuse a set of weights later.
char*256(30) |
shr_strdata_nml |
character array (up to 30 elements) of stream input files. this
string is actually parsed by a stream method and so the format is
specified by the stream module. this string consists of a
"stream_input_filename year_align year_first year_last". the
stream_input_filename is a stream text input file and the format and
options are described elsewhere. year_align, year_first, and
year_last provide information about the time axis of the file and how
to relate the input time axis to the model time axis.
char*256(30) |
shr_strdata_nml |
array of time axis modes associated with the array of streams for
handling data outside the specified stream time axis.
valid options are to cycle the data based on the first, last, and
align settings associated with the stream dataset, to extend the first
and last valid value indefinitely, or to limit the interpolated data
to fall only between the least and greatest valid value of the time array.
valid values: cycle,extend,limit
extend = extrapolate before and after the period by using the first or last value.
cycle = cycle between the range of data
limit = restrict to the period for which the data is valid
char*256(30) |
shr_strdata_nml |
array (up to 30 elements) of time interpolation options associated with the array of
valid values: lower,upper,nearest,linear,coszen
lower = Use lower time-value
upper = Use upper time-value
nearest = Use the nearest time-value
linear = Linearly interpolate between the two time-values
coszen = Scale according to the cosine of the solar zenith angle (for solar)
char*256(30) |
shr_strdata_nml |